Submitted Surnames with "occupational" in Description

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the description contains the keyword occupational.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Skarlatos Greek
Occupational name for a dyer, or as a nickname for someone who habitually wore scarlet or who had bright red hair, cognate to the Italian surname Scarlato.
Skipper English
Occupational name for either a basket weaver Derived from Middle English skeppe witch itself is from Old Norse skeppa... [more]
Slate English
Occupational name for a slater, from Middle English slate, "slate".
Slaughter English
occupational name from Middle English slaughter "butcher" a derivative of Middle English slaught "butchery" and the suffix er or from a shortened form of the synonymous Middle English slaughterer a derivative of slaughter "butchery" and the suffix er.
Slipper English
Occupational surname for a sword-slipper, or scabbard maker.
Slot Dutch
Means "lock, clasp" in Dutch, an occupational name for a locksmith.
Slotnick Jewish (Anglicized, Modern)
A Polish, Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian surname, meaning 'goldsmith'. Also a Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) occupational name for a goldsmith. Variant/anglicization of Polish Zlotnik, Ukrainian Zlotnyk.
Smither English
Occupational surname Smith with the suffix -er.
Smock English
From Middle English smoc, smok meaning "smock", "shift", hence a metonymic occupational name for someone who made or sold such garments, or a nickname for someone who habitually wore a smock (the usual everyday working garment of a peasant).
Smolders Belgian (Modern)
A Flemish occupational name equivalent to "Miller", meaning a person who operated a wind or water mill for grinding grain.
Smout Dutch, Flemish
Means "oil, lard, melted animal fat" in Dutch, an occupational name for someone who sold fat or lard, or a nickname for someone who ate – or who could afford to eat – large amounts of food containing it.
Smulders Dutch
Occupational name derived from Dutch des mulders meaning "son of the miller". A famous bearer is Canadian-American actress Cobie Smulders (1982-).
Smyczek Polish
Occupational surname for someone who made or used strings, derived from Polish smycz, meaning "leash."
Snyder Dutch, English, German, Yiddish, Jewish
Means "tailor" in Dutch, an occupational name for a person who stitched coats and clothing.... [more]
Metonymic occupational name for a salt seller or producer, from ‘salt’.
Sokolović Bosnian
From sokol meaning "falcon", a nickname or an occupational name for a falconer.
Soulier French
Metonymic occupational name for a shoemaker, from Old French soulier ‘shoe’, ‘sandal’.... [more]
Souter English, Scottish
Occupational name for a cobbler or shoemaker, derived from Middle English soutere, from Old Norse sutare, ultimately derived from Latin sutor meaning "to sew".
Sovereign English
Occupational surname for a leader or supervisor, derived from the English word sovereign meaning "possessing supreme or ultimate power".
Spaans Dutch
Either a patronymic from the archaic given name Spaan, of uncertain etymology, or an occupational name derived from Middle Dutch spaen "wood chip, piece of wood; spoon, spatula".
Spader German
Occupational name for a spade maker or for someone who used a spade in his work, derived from Middle High or Middle Low German spade. A notable bearer is American actor James Spader (1960-).
Spangler German
Spangler is an occupational surname for "metal worker" having derived from the German word spange, meaning a clasp or buckle of the sort such a craftsman might have designed.
Speakman English
English (chiefly Lancashire) nickname or occupational name for someone who acted as a spokesman, from Middle English spekeman ‘advocate’, ‘spokesman’ (from Old English specan to speak + mann ‘man’).
Speck German
Variant of Specker as well as a locational surname from one of various places called Speck, Specke and Specken in northern Germany and Spöck in southern Germany, as well as an occupational surname derived from German Speck "bacon" denoting a butcher who sepcialized in the production of bacon, as well as a derisive nickname for a corpulent person.
Speicher German
occupational name for someone in charge of a granary. From middle high German spicher meaning "grain store".
Spelling English, Irish, Jewish
Occupational name for a scholar, speaker or a story teller, derived from Middle English spellan meaning "to tell or relate". It could also be a variant of Irish Spillane or Jewish Spellman... [more]
Spender English
Occupational name for a paymaster or someone in charge of finances, from Old English spendan "to spend" and Latin expendere "to pay out".
Spengler German
Occupational surname literally meaning “metal worker” or “tin knocker”.
Spicer English, Jewish, Polish
English: occupational name for a seller of spices, Middle English spic(i)er (a reduced form of Old French espicier, Late Latin speciarius, an agent derivative of species ‘spice’, ‘groceries’, ‘merchandise’).... [more]
Spiegel German, Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors, from Middle High German spiegel, German Spiegel "mirror" (via Old High German from Latin speculum, a derivative of specere "to look").
Spiegler German, Jewish
Occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors, from Middle High German spiegel, German Spiegel "mirror" and the agent suffix -er.
Spieler German, Jewish
Occupational Name For A Tumbler Or Jester German Spieler ‘Player’ Middle High German Spilære An Agent Derivative Of Spiln ‘To Play To Jest To Sport’.
Spindler English, German, Jewish
Occupational name for a spindle maker, from an agent derivative of Middle English spindle, Middle High German spindel, German Spindel, Yiddish shpindl "spindle, distaff".
Spinster American (Rare)
A presumably extinct English occupational name, derived from the occupation of spinning.
Splinter Low German, German
From Low German splinter ‘splinter’; probably a metonymic occupational name for a woodworker.
Spohr German
Occupational name for a maker of spurs, from Middle High German spor ‘spur’, or a topographic name, from Middle High German spor ‘spoor’, ‘animal tracks’.... [more]
Spoon English
Apparently a metonymic occupational name either for a maker of roofing shingles or spoons, from Old English spon "chip, splinter" (see also Spooner).
Spoor English, Dutch
From Middle Dutch and Middle English spoor "spur", an occupational name for a maker or seller of spurs.
Spoors English
From Middle English spoor "spur", an occupational name for someone who made spurs, or perhaps a nickname for someone known for wearing them.
Springer English
An occupational name for a dancer, or perhaps a hunter, from either Old English springen "to leap" or Middle English springe "snare, trap".
Staal Dutch
From Old Dutch stal meaning "steel", a metonymic occupational name for a steelworker or blacksmith.
Stadtmueller German
From Middle High German stet meaning "place", "town" + müller meaning "miller", hence an occupational name for a miller who ground the grain for a town.
Stahl German, Danish
Metonymic occupational name for a smith or armorer, from Middle High German stahel "steel, armor".
Stahler German
Occupational name for a foundry worker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German stal 'steel'.
Staley Belgian
From Old French estalee "fish trap", hence possibly a metonymic occupational name for a fisherman, or topographic name for someone who lived near where fish traps were set.
Stallone Italian
from stallone "stallion" applied either as a nickname for someone thought to resemble a stallion or as a metonymic occupational name for someone who bred horses. from an augmentative of stalla "stable stall" used as a topographic name and as a habitational name from any of the minor places called with this word.... [more]
Stang German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) from Middle High German stang, German Stange ‘pole’, ‘shaft’, hence a nickname for a tall, thin person, a metonymic occupational name for a maker of wooden shafts for spears and the like, or a metonymic occupational name for a soldier.
Stater English
Occupational name for an official in charge of a public weighing machine derived from Middle English stater(er), from Latin statera "balance, scales, steelyard; value", ultimately from Ancient Greek στατήρ (stater) "a weight, a standard; a type of coin".
Staub German (Swiss), German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) occupational nickname for a miller, from Middle High German stoup, German Staub ‘dust’. The Jewish surname may also be ornamental.
Stauber German, Jewish
An occupational name from Staub, with the addition of the German agent suffix -er.
Stehr German
From Middle High German ster ‘ram’, hence probably a nickname for a lusty person, or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a shepherd.
Steiger German
Occupational name from Middle High German stiger 'foreman', 'mine inspector'
Steinauer Medieval German
Dweller at or near a stone or rock, often a boundary mark; one who came from Stein, in Germany and Switzerland; descendant of Staino or Stein ("stone").... [more]
Steinbeck German
Denotes a person hailing from one of the many places in Germany called Steinbeck or Steinbach, from Middle High German stein "stone" and bach "stream, creek". In some cases it is a South German occupational name for a mason... [more]
Steinbrecher German
occupational name for someone who worked in a stone quarry from Middle High German stein "stone" and an agent derivative of brechen "to break".
Steinbrenner German
occupational name for a lime burner from Middle High German stein "stone" (in this case limestone) and an agent derivative of brennen "to burn".
Steingräber German
occupational name for a quarry worker from Middle High German stein "stone" and agent derivative of Middle High German graben "to dig".
Steininger German
an occupational name for a stone cutter.
Steinmetz German, Jewish
Occupational name from Middle High German steinmetze, German steinmetz "stonemason", "worker in stone".
Stellmacher German
occupational name for a cartwright from late Middle High German stelle "carriage" (originally "frame chassis") and mahhon "maker"... [more]
Stellrecht German
Occupational name for a cartwright, from Middle High German stel "framework" and reht (from Old High German wurht-) "maker". Compare English -wright.
Stellwagen German
metonymic occupational name for a carter or a cartwright from Middle High German stelle "cart" and wagen "wagon".
Stelzner German
Variant of Stelzer, probably an occupational name for a stilt-maker. Also, a habitational name for anyone from any of the places named Stelzen.
Stender German
Occupational name for a carpenter.
Steurer German
Occupational name for someone who collects taxes from Middle High German stiurære "court assistant, tax collector".
Steward English
Occupational name for an administrative official of an estate or steward, from Old English stig "house" and weard "guard".
Stich German, Jewish
metonymic occupational name for a tailor or cobbler from Middle High German stich German stich "stitch".
Stieglitz German
Meaning goldfinch, Stiglitz was borrowed into German from a Slavic language, probably Old Czech stehlec. Several possible origins: of the surname can be: ... [more]
Stiver English
Occupational name from Old French “estivur” meaning “plowman”, coming from Latin “stivarius”. This has also been used as a name for someone who played the stive, a type of bagpipe.
Stock Medieval English
English: A topographic name for someone who lived near the trunk or stump of a large tree, Middle English Stocke (Old English Stocc)... [more]
Stockard Irish
Variant of Stoker, an occupational name for a trumpeter derived from Gaelic stocaire, an agent derivative of stoc "trumpet, horn". The name is borne by a sept of the McFarlanes.
Stocke English
English: A topographic name for someone who lived near the trunk or stump of a large tree, Middle English Stocke (Old English Stocc)... [more]
Stoehr German
From Middle Low German store ‘sturgeon’, hence a metonymic occupational name for someone who caught or sold sturgeon, or a nickname for someone with some supposed resemblance to the fish... [more]
Stoker Dutch
Means "stoker, one who stokes a fire" or "firestarter, agitator" in Dutch, an occupational name or a nickname for a troublemaker.
Stoller German, Jewish, English
Habitational surname for someone from a place called Stolle, near Zurich (now called Stollen).... [more]
Stoop Dutch
From Middle Dutch stoop "pitcher, stone bottle, wine jug", an occupational name for an innkeeper or a nickname for a heavy drinker.
Stoops English
May descend from Stoop or Stobe.... [more]
Storm Dutch, Flemish
Occupational name for someone who rang an alarm bell warning of oncoming storms.
Streicher German
Occupational name for someone who measured grain or inspected cloth
Stricker German, Low German, Dutch
Occupational name for a rope maker or knitter (of hose, for example), from an agent derivative of Middle High German, Middle Low German stricken ‘to tie’.
Strider English
Likely an anglicized variation of the Dutch term "Strijder" or German term "Streiter," this surname represents an occupational designation for a soldier or a descriptive term for someone with a combative demeanor.... [more]
Strycker Dutch
From Dutch de Strycker, an occupational name for someone responsible for measuring out cloth or grain. See also Stryker.
Stryker Dutch
From Dutch Strijker, an occupational name for someone whose job was to fill level measures of grain by passing a flat stick over the brim of the measure, thus removing any heaped excess... [more]
Strynckx Flemish
Variant form of Dutch Streng "strong, rope, cord", a metonymic occupational name for a rope maker. Alternatively, it could be a nickname derived from streng "strict, severe, cruel".
Strzelec Polish
Occupational name for a rifleman.
Sugarbaker English
Occupational name for an owner of a sugar-house, a factory where raw sugar was made or refined, derived from Middle English sugre, suker meaning "sugar" and bakere meaning "baker".
Suh Low German
North German from Middle Low German su ‘sow’, either a metonymic occupational name for a swineherd or an offensive nickname.
Suiter American (South)
"Suiter" may also refer to a surname that originated in South Germany as an occupational name for a shoemaker. It comes from a metathesized form of the Middle High German word siuter.
Sulzer German
occupational name for someone who made prepared meats from Middle High German sulzer "butcher charcutier". from a derivative of Middle High German sulze "brine" hence a topographic name for someone who lived near a spring of salty water or a habitational name for someone from any of the places called Sulz in Germany Austria Alsace and Switzerland.
Sumpter English
Occupational name for someone who drove a packhorse, from Middle English sompter.
Sutter German, English
English and South German occupational name for a shoemaker or cobbler (rarely a tailor), from Middle English suter, souter, Middle High German suter, sutære (from Latin sutor, an agent derivative of suere ‘to sew’).
Swain Scottish, Irish, English
Northern English occupational name for a servant or attendant, from Middle English swein "young man attendant upon a knight", which was derived from Old Norse sveinn "boy, servant, attendant"... [more]
Swigert German (Americanized)
Americanized form of German Schweigert or Zweigert, an occupational name for a gardener or tender of plants, from an agent derivative of Middle High German zwigen, meaning "to graft" or "to plant".
Swing English
Probably an Americanized spelling of German Schwing or from Middle High German zwinc meaning "legal district", hence possibly a metonymic occupational name for a district administrator.
Szydło Polish
Means "awl" in Polish, used as an occupational name for a cobbler.
Tabak Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a seller of tobacco, from German Tabak, Yiddish and Ukrainian tabik (all ultimately from Spanish tabaco, a word of Caribbean origin). Tobacco was introduced to Europe in the 16th century.
Tabak Turkish
Occupational name for a tanner
Tabak Dutch
Occupational name for a butcher or hog breeder, from Middle Dutch tucbake composed of tucken "to pull, push, strike" and bake "hog, pig; meat from the back of a pig".
Tabbert German, Frisian
From Middle Low German tabbert, Middle Dutch tabbaert ‘tabard’, a sleeveless overgarment worn by men in the Middle Ages, (ultimately from French tabard, from Late Latin tabardum)... [more]
Tabernero Spanish
Tabernero is a Spanish-language occupational surname literally meaning "tavern keeper".
Tabor English, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Jewish
English: metonymic occupational name for a drummer, from Middle English, Old French tabo(u)r ‘drum’.... [more]
Taciroğlu Turkish
Taciroğlu is a last name adopted by a merchant family in Turkey in January 1934. It literally means "Son of Merchant". "Tacir" is an Arabic word (" التاجر ") in origin which means trader in Turkish... [more]
Tagliaferro Italian
From the Italian tagliare "to cut" and ferro "iron" occupational name for an ironworker or a nickname for a strong or ferocious fighter, one who was adept at cutting through the cuirass of the enemy with his sword (see Telfer).
Taiber German
German (also Täuber) and Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Taube ‘pigeon, dove’. The -er inflection denotes the male bird, but in most cases this is an occupational name for a pigeon breeder, from an agent noun derivative ending in -er(t).
Tallant English (British, ?), Norman, Irish
English (of Norman origin) occupational name for a tailor or nickname for a good swordsman, from taillant ‘cutting’, present participle of Old French tailler ‘to cut’ (Late Latin taliare, from talea ‘(plant) cutting’)... [more]
Tavernier French
occupational name from Old French tavernier "innkeeper" (from Late Latin tabernarius from taberna "inn")... [more]
Tedder English
From the Middle English word Thedere or Teddere which either comes from the Old English name Thēodhere or the Germanic name Theudher. Alternatively, it could be an occupational name from the Middle English Teddere, meaning “one who teds”... [more]
Teissièr Occitan
Occupational name meaning "weaver", ultimately from Latin texarius.... [more]
Tejero Spanish
Occupational Spanish surname for a tiler, its origin may be in Saragossa, Spain. A famous bearer is Antonio Tejero, a Lieutenant Colonel who was responsible for the 23-F coup attempt.
Temple English, French
Occupational name or habitational name for someone who was employed at or lived near one of the houses ("temples") maintained by the Knights Templar, a crusading order so named because they claimed to occupy in Jerusalem the site of the old temple (Middle English, Old French temple, Latin templum)... [more]
Tesauro Italian
metonymic occupational name for a treasurer or person in charge of financial administration from Old Italian tesauro "treasure treasury" (from Latin thesaurus "hoard"). It may also be from the personal name Tesauro with the same origin.
Tescher German, Danish
Occupational name for a joiner or a variant of Tasch.
Tesoro Spanish, Italian
from tesoro "treasure" (from Latin thesaurus "hoard") applied as a metonymic occupational name for a treasurer. In some cases this may be a habitational name from El Tesoro in southern Spain... [more]
Tessier French
Occupational Name For A Weaver, From Old French Tissier (From Late Latin Texarius, A Derivative Of Texere ‘To Weave’). It Is Also Found In England As A Surname Of Huguenot Origin. Compare Tacey.
Thain Scots, English
Occupational surname meaning a nobleman who served as an attendant to royals or who was awarded land by a king.
Thane Scots, English
Occupational surname meaning a nobleman who served as an attendant to royals or who was awarded land by a king. Variant of Thain.
Timber English
An occupational name for a person who chops down trees.
Timmer Dutch, Low German
Means "timber" in Dutch and Low German, an occupational name for a carpenter.
Tingle English
Derived from Middle English tingel, referring to a kind of very small nail (a word of North German origin); this was either an occupational name for a maker of pins or nails, or else a nickname for a small thin man.... [more]
Tisch Jewish, German
Metonymic occupational name for a joiner, from German "Tisch", Yiddish "tish" meaning table.
Tisseur French
Occupational surname meaning "weaver".
Tkacz Jewish
Occupational name for a weaver, Polish tkacz, a noun derivative of tkać "to weave".
Tkacz Jewish
Occupational name for a weaver, Polish tkacz, a noun derivative of tkać "to weave".
Tkacz Jewish
Occupational name for a weaver, Polish tkacz, a noun derivative of tkać "to weave".
Topp German
German: from Low German topp 'point', 'tree top', hence a topographic name; or alternatively a metonymic occupational name or nickname from the same word in the sense 'braid'.
Toro Spanish, Italian
Either a habitational name from Toro in Zamora province. Compare De Toro . Or a nickname for a lusty person or for someone who owned a bull or a metonymic occupational name for a tender of bulls or possibly for a bull fighter from toro "bull" (from Latin taurus).
Toupin French, Breton, Norman
nickname from Old French toupin "spinning-top". in rare instances in the south probably from Old Occitan toupin "small earthenware pot" used as a metonymic occupational name for a potter.
Train English
English (Devon): 1. metonymic occupational name for a trapper or hunter, from Middle English trayne, Old French traine ‘guile’, ‘snare’, ‘trap’. ... [more]
Transon French
Possibly from Old French tronçon "block of wood", perhaps an occupational name for a woodcutter.
Traynor English
Derives from old English word 'trayne' which means to trap or to snare. Also an occupational name given to horse trainers. First found in Yorkshire, England in the 1300s.
Treadwell English
Occupational name for a fuller, a person who cleaned and shrunk newly woven cloth by treading it. It is derived from Middle English tred(en) "to tread" and well "well".
Treichel German (Swiss)
Swiss German: from a word meaning ‘cow bell’, presumably a nickname for a cowherd or farmer, or a metonymic occupational name for someone who made cow bells.
Trezeguet French
Meaning uncertain, possibly an occupational name derived from Old French treize, treze meaning "thirteen" and guet (itself from Old French gué) meaning "look-out, watch, vigil"... [more]
Trombino Italian
From a trombino a diminutive of tromba "trumpet" applied as an occupational name for a trumpeter or for someone who made trumpets.
Tromp Dutch
Occupational name for a musician derived from trompet "trumpet, horn", or possibly Middle Dutch tromme "drum".
Trotter English, Scottish, German
Northern English and Scottish: occupational name for a messenger, from an agent derivative of Middle English trot(en) 'to walk fast' (Old French troter, of Germanic origin). ... [more]
Trout English
Occupational name for a fisherman, or a nickname for someone supposedly resembling the fish.
Troxel German
Roots of the German surname Troxel can be found in the region of Hesse, where the name originated. Troxel may be an occupational name, derived from the Middle High German word "truhsaesee," meaning "leader." In this case, Troxel would be a variation of the German surname Truchsess.
Troy Dutch
From a short form of the personal names Geertrui and Geertruida, Dutch forms of Gertrude... [more]
Trump English
Metonymic occupational name for a trumpeter, from Middle English trumpe "trumpet".
Tsimikas Greek
Occupational name for a chemist.
Tunnard English
Means "town herd", from Old English tun "town, enclosure, yard" and heord "a herd", an occupational name for someone who guarded the town’s cattle.
Turturro Italian, Sicilian
Metonymic occupational name for a groom (a person employed to take care of horses), derived from Sicilian turturo, (ultimately from Italian tortoro) meaning "straw, hay, plait used for strapping horses"... [more]
Tütüncü Turkish
Occupational name for a grower or seller of tobacco, from Turkish tütün meaning "tobacco".
Twine English
Metonymic occupational name for a maker of string or thread, and derived from Old English twin meaning "thread, string".
Twiner English
Occupational name for a maker of thread or twine; an agent derivative of Old English twinen meaning "to twine".
Tyutyunnik Russian
Occupational name for a tobacco tycoon, derived from Slavic word tyutyun literally meaning "tobacco".
Ucar Croatian
1 Croatian, Serbian, and eastern Slovenian: ironic nickname for an autocratic person, from car ‘tsar’.... [more]
Uhl German
Uhl begins in the German province of Bavaria. Uhl is a nickname surname, a class of German names derived from eke-names, or added names, that described people by a personal characteristic or other attribute... [more]
Uhr German, Jewish
Derived from the given name Ulrich. In Jewish, it is a metonymic occupational name for a watch or clock maker, derived from German uhr meaning "watch, clock".
Umlauf German
German: occupational name for a policeman in a town or city, from Middle High German umbe laufen ‘to make the rounds’.
Us Slovene (Rare)
Us is a Slovene Surname which in itself is a shortened version of the House Name Ušič,Meaning Son of Us. The surname may be linked the the slovene word Oves, which translates to "Oats", and may have been an occupational surname referring to someone who farmed Oats and or grains.
Usher English
Occupational name from Middle English usher, meaning "usher, doorkeeper".
Vaccarino Italian
From a diminutive of the occupational name Vaccaro meaning "cowherd".
Vacher French, English
occupational name from Old French vachier "cowherd".
Vágó Hungarian
Occupational name for a wood- or stonecutter, or butcher, from vágni ‘to cut’.
Valk Dutch
Means "falcon" in Dutch, a metonymic occupational name for a falconer, or possibly derived from the given name Falk. Compare Falco.
Vallet French, English
French topographic name from a diminutive of Old French val "valley" (see Val ) or a habitational name from (Le) Vallet the name of several places mainly in the northern part of France and French and English occupational name for a manservant from Old French and Middle English vallet "manservant groom".
Van De Leest Dutch, Flemish
Derived from Dutch leest meaning "last, boottree", a tool used by shoemakers to shape boots. This can be either an occupational name for cobblers, or a habitational name from the settlement of Leest, itself possibly named for a field in the shape of a boot.
Van der Ploeg Dutch
Means "of the plough" in Dutch, an occupational name for a farmer or a bookbinder (a ploeg also being a tool used in binding books), or a habitational name for someone who lived by a sign depicting a plough.
Van der Weide Dutch
Means "from the pasture" in Dutch, either a topographic name for someone who lived by a meadow, or a metonymic occupational name for a butcher.
Van der Werf Dutch
Means "from the wharf" or "from the shipyard" in Dutch, derived from werf meaning "quay, wharf, shipyard", or from the older form werve "dyke, quay, bank". Can be a topographic name for someone who lived near such a place, or an occupational name for someone who worked at a shipyard, such as a carpenter.
Van Merrienboer Dutch
Occupational name for a mare farmer, derived from Middle Dutch merrie meaning "mare (female horse)" and boer meaning "peasant, farmer".
Van Tol Dutch
Means "of (the) toll" or "from Tol" in Dutch, derived from tol "toll (fee); toll booth, toll house", a habitational name for someone who lived near or in a toll house or a place named for one, or a metonymic occupational name for a toll collector... [more]
Vaquero Spanish
occupational name from vaquero "cowboy".
Veerman Dutch
Means "ferryman, skipper" in Dutch, from veer "ferry". Alternatively, it could be an occupational name for a feather merchant or fletcher, derived from veer "feather, plume", a contracted form of the archaic veder.
Veitch Scottish
Derived from the Latin word vacca which means "cow". This was either an occupational name for a cowherd or a nickname for a gentle person.
Verdier French, Norman, English
Occupational name for a forester. Derived from Old French verdier (from Late Latin viridarius, a derivative of viridis "green"). Also an occupational name for someone working in a garden or orchard, or a topographic name for someone living near one... [more]
Verdugo Spanish
Occupational name meaning "executioner".
Verrier French
An occupational French surname indicating a glassmaker or glassblower, from French verre "glass", derived from Middle French voirre "glass".
Vinagre Spanish, Portuguese
An occupational surname for someone who sells vinegar.
Viner English
Occupational name for a vine-grower.
Vink Dutch
Means "finch, chaffinch" in Dutch, a metonymic occupational name for someone who caught finches and other small birds. It could also be a nickname for someone cheerful, or who was known for whistling.
Viray Filipino, Tagalog, Pampangan, Pangasinan
Occupational name derived from Tagalog, Pampangan and Pangasinan biray referring to a type of small, flat-bottomed rowing boat.
Vis Dutch
Means "fish" in Dutch, a metonymic occupational name for a fisherman or fishmonger.
Vlachodimos Greek
Occupational name for a person who builds walls.
Vogelmann German
occupational name for a birdcatcher from Middle High German Middle Low German fogal "bird" and mann "man".
Voges German
North German: possibly a patronymic from Vogt.... [more]
Vogler German
Occupational name for a birdcatcher.
Vonk Dutch
Means "spark" in Dutch, a metonymic occupational name for a smith, or possibly a nickname for a lively or fiery person.
Voogd Dutch
Means "guardian" in Dutch, an occupational name for a bailiff, farm manager, or someone appointed to look after the interests of other people. Ultimately from Latin advocatus "witness, advocate; one called upon to help"... [more]
Voogdes Old Dutch
Occupational name and feminine title from Old Dutch meaning Lord Protector or Governor. Derived from Latin advocatus. Dutch masculine variant Voogd, German variant Vogt, Polish variant Wójt, Swedish variant Fogde... [more]
Voschikov Russian
Russian occupational translation of Carter
Vought German
The surname Vought originates in the Latin form "vocatus" or "advocatus," and referred to someone who appeared in court on another's behalf. As a surname, Vought is an occupational hereditary surname for a "bailiff" or "overseer of a nobleman's estate".
Vuitton French
Derived from the Old High German word "witu" and the Old English pre 7th century "widu" or "wudu", meaning a wood, and therefore occupational for one living by such a place.
Vuurman Dutch
Means "fire man" in Dutch, an occupational name for someone who burned patches of forest land, or who worked in a fire brigade.
Wachs German, Jewish
Occupational name for someone who dealt with beeswax from Middle High German wahs German wachs "wax".
Wachsmann German, Jewish
Occupational name for a gatherer or seller of beeswax from Middle Low German was "wax" and man "man".
Wachter German, Dutch
Means "guard, sentinel", an occupational name for a watchman.
Wachtmann German
Occupational name for a watchman.
Wagenaar Dutch
Occupational name for a cartwright, cognate to German Wagner.
Wagenknecht German
occupational name from Middle High German wagenknëht "hauler's assistant" from wagan "wagon" and kneht "servant".
Wagenmann German
Occupational name from Middle High German wagenman ‘hauler’, ‘wagoner’.
Wager German
An occupational name for an official in charge of the city scales.
Wainwright English
Occupational name for a maker or repairer of wagons.
Waite English
Occupational name for a watchman, Anglo-Norman French waite (cf. Wachter).
Waldmann German
topographic name for someone who lived in a forest or alternatively an occupational name for a forest warden from Middle High German waltman literally "forest man" derived from the elements wald "forest" and man "man"
Wannemacher German, Dutch
Occupational name for a maker or seller of baskets, particularly winnowing baskets or fans, derived from Middle High German wanne literally meaning "winnowing basket" and macher meaning "maker"... [more]
Warden English
Occupational name for a watchman or guard, from Old French wardein meaning "protector, guard". It was also used as a habbitational name for someone from any of the various locations in England named Warden... [more]
Wardrop Scottish
Metonymic occupational name for someone who was in charge of the garments worn by a feudal lord and his household, from Norman French warde(r) meaning "to keep or guard" + robe meaning "garment".
Warmbier German
Metonymic occupational name for a brewer, derived from Middle Low German warm meaning "warm" and ber meaning "beer".
Wäscher German
Occupational surname for a washer, from Middle High German waschen, weschen "to wash".
Washi Japanese
Occupational name for a paper worker. From 和 (wa) meaning "sum" and 紙 (shi) meaning "paper".
Wassermann German
German cognate of Waterman 2. occupational name for a water-carrier or a topographic name from Middle High German wazzar "water" and man "man"... [more]
Waxman English, German (Americanized), Jewish (Americanized)
Occupational name for a seller or gatherer of beeswax from wax "wax" plus Middle English man "man". According to the Oxford English Dictionary wax-man is an obsolete term for an officer of a trade guild who collected contributions from members for wax candles to be used in processions... [more]
Weare English (British)
Derived from the Old English wer, meaning a "weir, dam, fishing-trap". This was used as an occupational surname for fishermen. Originated in Devon, England.... [more]
Weidemann Medieval German, German (Austrian), Norwegian
Weidemann is a German family name and comes from the Middle High German terms for hunter or woad farmer.... [more]
Wein German, Yiddish, Hungarian
Means "grape, vine, wine" in German and Yiddish (װײַנ). According to Nelly Weiss, Wein-style family names originated from signboards (house sign, house shield) in Jewish communities. Wein may also be related the German verb weinen meaning "to cry"... [more]
Weinbrenner German
Occupational name for a distiller of brandy, literally 'wine burner'.
Weinmann German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) occupational name for a viticulturalist or wine merchant, Middle High German winman, German Weinmann.
Weinstock German, Jewish
English variant of the German surname Wenstock, an occupational name for a producer or seller of wine, from German Weinstock "grapevine" (also compare Wein).... [more]
Weintraub German, Jewish
from Middle High German wintrub "grape" derived from wein "wine" and traub "grape" hence either a metonymic occupational name for a vintner or a topographic or habitational name referring to a house distinguished by a sign depicting a bunch of grapes.
Weishuhn German
Derived from Middle High German wiz meaning "white" and huon meaning "hen, fowl", hence a metonymic occupational name for a poultry farmer or dealer, or perhaps in some instances a nickname.
Weißmüller German
from Middle High German wiz "white" and mulin "miller" an occupational name for a miller who produced white flour which was produced as early as the 14th century.
Wenger German, German (Swiss)
The surname Wenger is derived from the Middle High German word "wenger," "meaning "wagoner" or "cartwright."" It was an occupational name given to someone who worked as a wagon maker or driver. Another possible origin is that is derived from the German word, wenge, "meaning field of meadow"
Wetzstein German
Either a metonymic occupational name for a knife grinder from Middle High German wetzstein "whetstone", A habitational name from a lost place called Wetzstein near Emmendingen, or a topographic name from a field name for example Wezstein near Esslingen... [more]
Whately English
Old English location or occupational surname meaning "from the wheat meadow".
Wheelwright English
Occupational name for someone who made or fitted wheels and wheeled vehicles, from Old English hwēol and wyrhta. Also compare Wheeler.
Whistler English
An English occupational surname, meaning "one who whistles."
Whitman English
From Middle English whit ‘white’ + man ‘man’, either a nickname with the same sense as White, or else an occupational name for a servant of a bearer of the nickname White.... [more]
Whittlesey English
A habitational surname for someone from Whittlesey, an ancient market town in the Fenland district of Cambridgeshire in England. The town's name is derived from an unattested Old English personal name Wittel (or Witil), an occupational name given to a moneyer, and the Old English eg, meaning "island", also used to describe a piece of firm land in a fen... [more]
Wiggs English (British)
The surname Wiggs was first found in Leicestershire where they held a family seat from very ancient times, at Lennerlyde. This interesting name has two possible origins. The first being a metonymic occupational name for a maker of wedge-shaped bread, from the Medieval English "Wigge" meaning "wedge-shaped"... [more]
Wildschut Dutch
Occupational name meaning "gamekeeper, game warden" in Dutch. A famous bearer is the Dutch former soccer player Piet Wildschut (1957-).
Wiles English
Occupational name for a trapper or hunter, from Middle English wile "trap, snare". It could also be a nickname for a devious person.
Wilgar Irish
An ancient surname of Olde English and Scottish origins. It is usually occupational for a textile fuller, deriving from the pre 7th century word wealcere, meaning to walk or tread.
Willman English
Occupational name for someone who was the servant of a man called Will.
Willows English (British)
This is an English residential or perhaps occupational surname. It may originate from one of the various places in England called 'The Willows', or even a place such as Newton le Willows in Lancashire, or it may describe a supplier of willow.
Wimmer German
Occupational last name, meaning "wine maker," using a derivation of the element Wein (meaning "wine") and likely another derivation from -macher (meaning "maker"). It's possible as well that it is derived from Weimann.
Wimp English
The surname has at least two origins. The first is occupational and describes a maker of 'wimplels', an Old English veil later much associated with nuns. Second, it may also be locational from the village of Whimple in Devonshire, or Wimpole in Cambridge.
Windus English
Variant of Wingers. The name is a metonymic occupational name for a textile worker or weaver, derived from the Middle English wyndhows ("winding house").
Winegardner English (American)
Anglicized form of the German occupational surname Weingartner. A known bearer of this surname is the American writer Mark Winegardner (b. 1961).
Winne Flemish
Occupational name for an agricultural worker, from Middle Dutch winne "farmer, peasant, tenant".
Winney English
Derived from an unattested Old English given name, *Wyngeofu, composed of the elements wyn "joy" and geofu "battle".... [more]
Wójt Medieval Polish
Occupational name and title from Medieval Polish meaning Lord Protector or Governor. Derived from Latin advocatus. German variant Vogt, Swedish variant Fogde... [more]
Wollmann German
Occupational name for a wool worker or wool trader Middle High German Middle Low German wollman derived from German wolle "wool" and man "man".
Wollschläger German
Occupational name for someone who prepared wool for spinning by washing and combing or carding it, from Middle High German wolle(n)slaher, -sleger, Middle Low German wullensleger (literally ‘wool beater’).
Woodcraft English (British)
Occupational name for a woodworker.
Woodman English
Occupational name for a woodcutter or a forester (compare Woodward), or topographic name for someone who lived in the woods. Possibly from the Old English personal name Wudumann.
Workman English
Ostensibly an occupational name for a laborer, derived from Middle English work and man. According to a gloss, the term was used in the Middle Ages to denote an ambidextrous person, and the surname may also be a nickname in this sense.
Wurtz German
A metonymic occupational name for a greengrocer or grower or seller of herbs, from Middle High German würz, meaning ‘herb’.
Zacky German
Americanized form of German Zacher . German: occupational name for a farmer, from dialect zackern 'to plow', from Middle High German ze acker gān 'to go to the field'.
Zapata Spanish
Occupational surname for a shoemaker, from Spanish zapato meaning "shoe". It can also be considered a habitational name for someone originally from any of the various locations in Spain called Zapata.
Zechman Jewish
Occupational name from Yiddish tsekh meaning "guild" or "craft corporation" and man "man".
Zehner German
(chiefly Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, and Württemberg): occupational name for an official responsible for collecting, on behalf of the lord of the manor, tithes of agricultural produce owed as rent.... [more]
Zehren German (Swiss)
From a prepositional phrase from Middle High German ze hērren, an occupational name for someone was in service of a lord.
Zeimet German, Luxembourgish
Western German and Luxembourgeois: probably a variant spelling of Zeimert, a variant of Zeumer, an occupational name for a harness maker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German zoum ‘bridle’.
Zeller German, Dutch, Jewish
Originally denoted someone from Celle, Germany or someone living near a hermit's cell from German zelle "cell". It is also occupational for someone employed at a zelle, for example a small workshop.
Zelnick Jewish
Occupational name for a tax collecter, comes from Yiddish tselnik which means haberdashery.
Zięba Polish
From ‘finch’; a nickname for someone thought to resemble the bird or maybe because a person lived in an area with many finches. Perhaps a metonymic occupational name for a birdcatcher or dealer.
Ziegenhagen German
Derived from Middle High German zige "goat" and hag "enclosure, hedge, pasture". Could be an occupational name for someone who kept goats, or be derived from any of several places with the name.
Zimbalist Jewish
Occupational name for a cymbalist or a dulcimer player, particularly the cimbalom, derived from Yiddish tsimbl meaning "dulcimer, cimbalom, cymbal". The American actor Efrem Zimbalist Jr. (1918-2014) was a famous bearer of this surname.
Zinnman German
Occupational name for a pewter smith.
Zoller German, Jewish
Occupational name for a customs officer, Middle High German zoller.
Zoubek Czech
According to my translator, it means "tooth", so my guess is that it's an occupational surname for someone who's a dentist; the word for dentist is 'zubař.'
Zuber German, German (Swiss)
German: Metonymic occupational name for a cooper or tubmaker, from Middle High German zuber ‘(two-handled) tub’, or a habitational name from a house distinguished by the sign of a tub. ... [more]
Zucker Jewish
Occupational name for a confectioner or a nickname for someone with a sweet tooth, from German zucker or Yiddish צוקער (tsuker) both meaning "sugar". It is also used as an ornamental name.
Zuckerman German, Yiddish
As a German surname, it is an occupational name for a merchant who sold sugar or nickname for a sweet tooth.... [more]
Zufall Medieval German
A German name from the Middle High German "zuoval," meaning "benefit," "coincidence" or "windfall." It was a nickname for a lucky person, most likely a person to whom a plot of land had been given. It could also be an occupational name for a tax collector.
Zwaan Dutch
Means "swan" in Dutch. Could be a nickname for a person who resembled a swan in some way, an occupational name for a swan keeper, or a patronymic derived from a given name containing the element swan... [more]