Submitted Surnames Starting with K

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kingdom English
Either a variant of Kingdon or from Old English cyningdom "kingdom" derived from cyning "king" or cyne "royal" and dom "authority".
Kingdon English
Habitational name from Higher Kingdon in Alverdiscott or from Kendon in North Bovey both in Devon... [more]
Kingibe Kanuri, Nigerian
Meaning unavailable.
Kingman English
From the words "king" and "man", denoting a servant of the king.
Kingsbury English
Habitational surname derived from several places in England with the same name, for example in northwest London (formerly Middlesex), Somerset, and Warwickshire. These are mostly named in Old English as cyninges burh meaning "the king’s stronghold", but the last mentioned is cynesburh meaning "stronghold of Cyne" (cyne is a short form of any of various compound names with cyne- meaning "royal" as the first element).
Kingsepp Estonian
Kingsepp is an Estonian surname meaning "shoemaker".
Kingsford English
English habitational name from any of various places named Kingsford, for example in Essex, Devon, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire. The name ostensibly means ‘the king’s ford’, but the one in Worcestershire is named as Ceningaford ‘ford of Cena’s people’.
Kingsland m English
Kyngeslond... [more]
Kingsland m English
Kyngeslond... [more]
Kingsleigh English
It is a variant of KINGSLEY.
Kingsmore English
Derived from several places named Kingsmoor or King’s Moor, in Somerset, Sussex, and Essex, England.
Kingsolver English (American)
Altered form of English Consolver, which is unexplained. Compare Kinsolving.
Kingswell English
An English surname meaning "Lives by the King's spring"
Kingswood English
Means “King’s wood.”
Kington English
Variant of Kingston meaning "King's Town".
Kinjo Japanese
From the Japanese 金 (kin or kane) "gold," "money" and 城 (jo or shiro) "castle."
Kinjo Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 金城 (see Kinjō).
Kinjō Japanese
From Japanese 金 (kin) meaning "gold, money, metal" and 城 (jō) meaning "castle".
Kink Estonian
Kink is an Estonian surname meaning "bestowal" or "gift".
Kinkade Scottish
Habitation name, from the lands of Kincaid in Scotland.
Kīnkamäg Livonian
Probably coming from the Livonian coast.
Kinkle German
Derived from the Middle High German word "kunkel," which meant "spindle." It is thus supposed that the first bearers of this surname were spindle makers in occupation.
Kinne German, Dutch
German: From the female given name Kinne, a Silesian diminutive of Kunigunde.... [more]
Kinney Scottish
Reduced form of McKinney.
Kino Japanese
Of unknown meaning. A notable name bearer is a fictional character "Makoto Kino" in the "Sailor Moon" anime.
Kinose Japanese
Ki means "tree, wood", no could be a possessive particle or it could mean "field, wilderness", and se means "current, ripple".
Kinoshita Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood", an unwritten possessive marker 之 (no), and 下 (shita) meaning "under, below".
Kinpo Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 金宝 (see Kimpō).
Kinpō Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 金宝 (see Kimpō).
Kinpoh Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 金宝 (see Kimpō).
Kinpou Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 金宝 (see Kimpō).
Kinsella Irish
From Gaelic Uí Ceinnsealaigh meaning "descendant of Cinnsealach", a given name probably meaning "chief warrior".
Kinslow English
habitational name from Kingslow in Worfield (Shropshire). The placename means "king's tumulus" from Old English cyning "king" (genitive cyninges) and hlaw "tumulus burial mound hill".
Kinsolving English
Altered form of English Consolver
Kinugasa Japanese
From Japanese 衣 (kinu) meaning "clothing, clothes" and 笠 (kasa) meaning "bamboo hat".
Kinukawa Japanese
Kinu means "silk" and kawa means "stream, river".
Kinutani Japanese
Kinu means "silk" and tani means "valley".
Kiplin English
A locational surname that takes its name from the hamlet of Kiplin in the English county of North Yorkshire. In turn, the hamlet is said to derive its name from Old English Cyppelingas, which means "the people of Cyppel", as it consists of the Old English personal name Cyppel with the Old English word ingas meaning "people".
Kipp Estonian
Kipp is an Estonian surname derived from "kippama" meaning to "tilt", "rock" and "topple".
Kippasto Estonian
Kippasto is an Estonian surname derived from "kippama" meaning to "tilt", "rock" and "topple".
Kippenberger German, French, Scottish
Mainly means "Shepard".
Kipping German
German: habitational name from a place named with Middle High German kip ‘point’, ‘peak’ or from Kippingen in the Rhineland.
Kipps German
Topographical name for someone living on a hill, from Kippe 'edge', 'brink'.
Kipps English
From Middle English Kipp, perhaps a byname for a fat man, from an unattested Old English form Cyppe, which according to Reaney is from the Germanic root kupp 'to swell'.
Kıraç Turkish
Means "barren, wasted, infertile" in Turkish.
Kirakosyan Armenian
Means "son of Kirakos".
Kıral Turkish
Means "supreme leader" in Turkish
Kıran Turkish
Means "pestilence, murrain" or "breaker, crusher" in Turkish.
Kiran Indian, Telugu, Hindi
From the given name Kiran.
Kiraz Turkish
Means "cherry" in Turkish.
Kircher German
from Middle High German kirchner "minister, sexton patron" hence an occupational name for a priest or a church assistant.
Kirchhoff German
An old Norse origin surname. Combination of Norse word Kirkr and Hoff means 'garden'.
Kirchmann German
From Middle High German kirihha "church" and man "man" hence an occupational name for someone working in the service of the church or possibly a topographic name for someone living near a church... [more]
Kirchofer German
German topographic name for someone living near a churchyard, or habitational name for the proprietor or tenant of a farm named as "Church Farm", from Middle High German kirche "church" + hof "farmstead", "manor farm".
Kirdpan Thai
From Thai เกิด (koet) meaning "to become" and พันธุ์ (phan) meaning "breed; species; lineage".
Kirichenko Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Kyrychenko.
Kirida Japanese
Kiri means "paulownia" and da means "field, rice paddy".
Kirieda Japanese
"Paulownia tree branch".
Kirigaya Japanese
From 桐 (kiri), referring to the tree known commonly as the empress or foxglove tree, combined with 谷 (ya) meaning "valley," sometimes with the infixation of the historical possessive particle が (ga) (written as ヶ) that is most often used in place names and surnames... [more]
Kirigiri Popular Culture
This surname is used as 霧切 with 霧 (bu, bou, mu, kiri) meaning "fog, mist" and 切 (sai, setsu, ki.ri, -ki.ri,,,,, ki.reru, -ki.reru, -gi.ri, meaning "be sharp, cut(off)."... [more]
Kirihara Japanese
From Japanese 桐 (kiri) meaning "paulownia" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Kirillov Russian
Means "son of Kirill"
Kirilov Russian
Means "son of Kirill".
Kirilova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Kirilov.
Kirima Japanese (Rare)
Kiri (桐 or 霧) means "paulownia/foxglove tree" or "mist" respectively, ma (間), means "space".
Kirimura Japanese
Kiri means "paulownia" and mura means "hamlet, village".
Kirino Japanese
Kiri means "paulownia" and no means "field, wilderness, plain".
Kirishima Japanese (Rare)
From 桐 (kiri), referring to the tree known commonly as the empress or foxglove tree, 霧 (kiri) meaning "fog, mist" or 切 (kiri) meaning "end, finish; bounds, limits" combined with 島/嶋 (shima) meaning "island."
Kiritani Japanese
Kiri means "paulownia" and tani means "valley".
Kiriya Japanese
A variant of Kiritani.
Kiriyama Japanese
Kiri (桐) means "Paulownia/foxglove tree", yama (山) means "mountain". Notable bearers of this surname are Kouji Kiriyama (桐山光侍), a Japanese manga author, Kazuo Kiriyama (桐山和雄) from Battle Royale, and Rei Kiriyama (桐山零), the main character of 3-gatsu no lion.
Kirja Estonian
Kirja is an Estonian surname meaning "epistolary" (relating to the writing of letters).
Kirkby English
Variant of Kirby.
Kirkland English, Scottish
Derived from the Scottish 'kirk', meaning church, and land. This name denoted one who lived near or tended to the land belonging to or surrounding a church. A famous /fictional/ bearer is Arthur Kirkland, a main character in the highly popular anime/webmanga Axis Powers Hetalia... [more]
Kirkman English
A name originally found in both Scotland and England. From Kirk- meaning "church" and -man for someone who lived near or worked at a church.
Kirkpatrick English, Scottish, Northern Irish
Habitational name from various places so called from the dedication of their church to St. Patrick. See Kirk.
Kirksey English
English: probably a habitational name from a lost or unidentified place. This surname is also common in the American South.
Kırmızı Turkish
Means "red" in Turkish.
Kirouac French (Quebec)
From an unidentified place name in Brittany, France, derived from Breton kaer, caer, ker meaning "fortified settlement" and an unknown given name.
Kirovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Kirovski.
Kirovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Kiro".
Kirrin Literature
Used by Enid Blyton in the Famous Five book series (first published 1942) for the main character George Kirrin. It is also used as a place name for the fictional village where she lives and the nearby island.
Kirsch German
Means 'cherry' in German, short form of Kirschstein or other surnames starting with Kirsch.
Kirschbaum German, Jewish
topographic name from kirschbaum "cherry tree" derived from the elements kirsch "cherry" and boum "tree"... [more]
Kirschenbaum German
From German means "cherry tree".
Kirschenmann German
from Middle High German kirsche "cherry" and man "man" an occupational name for a grower or seller of cherries or a topographic name.
Kirschner German (Silesian)
From the German word "kirchenære." The other occupation is that of a furrier and, in this case, the name is derived from the word "kuerschner."
Kirschstein German
German surname meaning "cherry stone".
Kirshenbaum German
Means "cherry tree".
Kirsimaa Estonian
Kirsimaa is an Estonian surname meaning "cherry land".
Kirsimäe Estonian
Kirsimäe is an Estonian surname meaning "cherry hill".
Kirsipuu Estonian
Common Estonian surname, taken from the word kirsipuu, meaning "cherrytree".
Kirss Estonian
Kirss is an Estonian surname meaning "cherry".
Kirstein German
Derivative of the Latin personal name Christianus, also an Americanized spelling of Kirschstein.
Kirsten English
English and modernized version of Kirstein
Kirt Estonian
Kirt is an Estonian surname derived from "kirtsus" meaning "wrinkled" and "furrowed".
Kirton English
Family name for someone who resides near a church.
Kirves Estonian
Kirves is an Estonian surname meaning "axe".
Kirwan Irish
From Gaelic Ó Ciardhubháin meaning "descendant of Ciardhubhán", a given name composed of the elements ciar "dark" and dubh "black" combined with a diminutive suffix.
Kirwin Irish
Variant of Kirwan
Kiryukhin m Russian
Possibly derived from a diminutive of Kira 1.
Kiryushkin m Russian
Derived from a diminutive of the Russian name Kir.
Kiš Serbian, Croatian
Possibly derived from Turkish kış, meaning "winter", or Hungarian kis, meaning "small".
Kısa Turkish
Means "short, brief" in Turkish.
Kisaragi Japanese (Rare)
Old way to say February.
Kisaragi Japanese (Rare)
如月 (Kisaragi) can be translated as "February" and "second month of the lunar calendar" (obsolete term) and the kanji means (如月 = likeness; like; such as; as if; better; best; equal | month; moon)... [more]
Kise Kise
Kise is very Kise
Kiser German
Variant of Kaiser.
Kish English
A name for a person who worked as a maker of leather armor for the knight's legs.
Kishi Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "bank, shore".
Kishida Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kishii Japanese
Koshi means "shore, bank, beach" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit".
Kishikawa Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Kishino Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Kishio Japanese
Kishi means "bank, shore, beach" and o means "tail".
Kishioka Japanese
formed with 岸 (Kishi, Gan) meaning "Beach" and 岡 (Oka, Kō) meaning "Mount; hill; knoll”. So the mean it could be interpreted as “Hill of the Beach” or “Beach Hill”
Kishiyama Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Kishka Ukrainian
Means "Cat" in Ukrainian.
Kishlansky Russian (?)
Mark Kishlansky was a historian.
Kishor Indian, Hindi
From the given name Kishor.
Kishore Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu
From the given name Kishor.
Kiskadden Scottish
From the place name Garscadden, which is in modern day Glasgow, Scotland.
Kisku Santali, Indian
Known as the surname of Rathin Kisku.
Kislitsyn Russian
Derived from Russian кислица (kislitsa) meaning "mope, a dull, spiritless person".
Kisly Russian, Belarusian
Derived from Russian кислый (kisly) meaning "acid, acidic, sour".
Kissack Manx
Manx and Derry Irish form of "McIsaac"
Kissami Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "descendants of Qasim" in Arabic. This was the name of a Moroccan family descended from the Idrisid dynasty.
Kissel German
From a pet form of the Germanic personal name Gisulf.
Kissinger German The Kissinger surname derives from the Old High German word "kisil," meaning "pebble," or "gravel." The name may have been a topographic name for someone who lived in an area of pebbles or gravel; or it may have evolved from any of several places named with this word.
Kitabayashi Japanese
From the Japanese 北 (kita) "North" and 林 (bayashi or hayashi) "forest," "woods."
Kitabayashi Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 林 (hayashi) meaning "forest".
Kitagaki Japanese
From 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 垣 (gaki) meaning "hedge, fence".
Kitahara Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Kitahashi Japanese
Kita means "north" and hashi means "bridge".
Kitajima Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kitakado Japanese
Kita means "north" and kado means "gate".
Kitakawa Japanese
Kita means "north" and kawa means "river, stream".
Kitami Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice" or 北 (kita) meaning "north", combined with 多 (ta) meaning "many" and/or 見 (mi) meaning "see".
Kitamura Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Kitani Japanese
From the Japanese 木 (ki or moku) "tree," "wood" and 谷 (tani or ya) "valley."
Kitano Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Kitanokouji Japanese (Rare)
Kitanokouji (北小路) comes from kita (北) means "North", Kouji (小路) means "Alley". This is one of the kuge surnames and this surname is very rare. No notable people or fictional characters bear this surname.
Kitao Japanese
From 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 尾 (o) meaning "tail".
Kitaoka Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
Kitasawa Japanese
Kita means "north" and shima means "island".
Kitase Japanese
Kita means "north" and and se means "ripple".
Kitashima Japanese
Kita means "north" and shima means "island".
Kitashirakawa Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north", 白 (shira) meaning "white" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Kitaura Japanese
Kita means "north" and ura means "bay, seacoast".
Kitayama Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Kitazawa Japanese
Kita (北) means "North", zawa/sawa (沢 or 澤) means "swamp". Sawa changes to zawa because of rendaku.
Kitazawa Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Kitchener English
Variant spelling of Kitchen. A notable bearer was the Anglo-Irish senior British Army officer and colonial administrator Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener (1850-1916).
Kitchenham English
Occupational surname for a person who was in charge of the kitchen in a royal or noble house, or a monastery. From the Anglo Saxon cycene (German: Küche Dutch: kjøkken Latin: cocina Italian: cucina)
Kitcher English (British)
This name derives from the Old English word "Cyta", and describes 'the cat' or perhaps more specifically a wild cat. This name may also refer to someone who worked in a Kitchen.
Kitching English
The surname is thought to have originally been an occupational name for a cook, deriving from the Old English word cycen.
Kite English
From the name of the bird of prey, derived from Middle English Kete and Old English Cyta.
Kitley English
Derived from a place name in Devonshire, England, and was first recorded in the form of Kitelhey in 1305.... [more]
Kits Estonian
Kits is an Estonian surname meaning "goat".
Kitsas Estonian
Kitsas is an Estonian surname meaning "strait".
Kitson Scottish, English
Patronymic form of Kit.
Kitsusu Kongo
The surname of a notable Congolese musician whose real first name was Philemon.
Kitt English, German
English: From the Middle English personal name Kit, a pet form of Christopher... [more]
Kittell German (Anglicized), English
English: variant of Kettle. ... [more]
Kittirattanawiwat Thai (Rare)
From Thai กิตติ (kitti) meaning "fame; renown", รัตน (rattana) meaning "gem; jewel", and วิวัฒน์ (wiwat) of unknown meaning.
Kitto Cornish
Cornish forms of Kit, for Christopher, according to 'Patronymica Cornu-Brittanica' by Richard Stephen Charnock (1870).
Kittredge English
Derived from the given name Keterych.
Kittridge English
Variant form of Kittredge.
Kitumaini Central African, Swahili
Means "little hope" in Swahili, a diminutive of tumaini meaning simply "hope". It is mostly found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Kitz German
Meaning "kid".
Kitzmiller English (American)
Americanized form of German Kitzmüller, literally ‘kid miller’ ( see Kitz + Muller ), a nickname for a miller who kept goats; alternatively, the first element may be from a personal name formed with the Germanic element Gid-, cognate with Old English gidd ‘song’.
Kitzmüller German
Meaning "kid miller".
Kiuchi Japanese
Ki means "tree" and uchi means "inside".
Kiuchi Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 内 (uchi) meaning "inside".
Kiur Estonian
Kiur is an Estonian surname meaning "pipit" (Anthus).
Kiuru Finnish, Karelian
"lark (bird)"
Kivi Estonian
From the word kivi, meaning "stone".
Kivik Estonian
Kivik is an Estonian surname relating to "stone".
Kivikas Estonian
Kivikas is an Estonian surname derived from "kivikamakas" meaning "rock".
Kivilaan Estonian
Kivilaan is an Estonian surname meaning "stone wintergreen".
Kiviloo Estonian
Kiviloo is an Estonian surname meaning "stone swathe".
Kivimägi Estonian
Kivimägi is an Estonian name meaning "stone mountain/hill".
Kivimäki Finnish
"Combined of Finnish words kivi (stone) and mäki (hill)"
Kivimurd Estonian
Kivimurd is an Estonian surname meaning "stone break/fracture".
Kivinukk Estonian
Kivinukk is an Estonian surname meaning "stone doll".
Kivipalu Estonian
Kivipalu is an Estonian surname meaning "stone sandy heath/heath woodland".
Kivirähk Estonian
Kivirähk is an Estonian surname meaning "stone scree".
Kivirist Estonian
Kivirist is an Estonian surname meaning "stone cross".
Kivirüüt Estonian
Kivirüüt is an Estonian surname meaning "stone plover".
Kivisaar Estonian
Kivisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "stone island".
Kiviselg Estonian
Kiviselg is an Estonian surname meaning the "back (of) stone" (literally, "stone back").
Kivisild Estonian
Kivisild is an Estonian surname meaning "stone bridge".
Kivisilla Estonian
Kivisilla is an Estonian surname meaning "stone bridges".