UpchurchEnglish habitational name from a place called as "the high church" or possibly the higher of two churches from Middle English up "up high higher" and chirche "church" (Old English upp and cirice)... [more]
UppadathilMalayalam From Old Malayalam uppadam (sea), lit. "from over the Arabian sea," referring to the descendants of a group of Arab traders who settled in Kerala. Predominantly Muslim, although sizeable sections have branched away and practice Hinduism... [more]
ÜprusEstonian Üprus is an Estonian surname derived from "üpris" meaning "very" and "much".
UpsEstonian Ups is an Estonian surname derived from "upsakas" meaning "proud" and "conceited". "Ups" also also means "whoops" in Estonian.
UpshawEnglish Probably a habitational name from a lost or unidentified place named with Old English upp meaning "up(per)" and sc(e)aga meaning "copse", or a topographic name with the same meaning.
UpsherEnglish Habitational name denoting someone from the hamlet Upshire in County Essex, derived from Old English upp "up, upper" and scir "shire, district".
UpshurEnglish Most probably an altered spelling of English Upshire, a habitational name from Upshire in Essex, named with Old English upp "up" and scir "district". Alternatively, it may be a variant of Upshaw.
UramotoJapanese (Rare) 浦 (Ura) means "Seacoast,Bay" and 本 (Moto) means "Source, Origin, Root". Kentaro Uramoto is a notable bearer of this surname, he is a former Japanese football player.
UrarakaPopular Culture In the case of the character Ochako (Ochaco) Uraraka (麗日 お茶子) from 'My Hero Academia', her surname is made up of the adjective 麗らか (uraraka) meaning "bright, clear, beautiful, glorious" and 日 (ka) meaning "day."
UrasakiJapanese From Japanese 浦 (ura) meaning "bay, inlet" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, promontory, peninsula".
UrasawaJapanese Ura means "seacoast, bay" and sawa means "swamp, marsh".
UrasawaJapanese From Japanese 浦 (ura) meaning "bay, inlet" and 沢 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
UrbanskyCzech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, Jewish In Czech and Slovak usage, it is a habitational name for someone from a place called Urbanice. In Polish usage, it is a habitational name for someone from a place named with the personal name Urban.
UrbinoSicilian, Italian Possibly from the name of an Italian town. Could also be from Sicilian urbu or orbu, meaning "blind", in which case it may refer to literal blindness, or a more metaphorical "blind to one's sins", especially in the case of foundlings.
UrblaEstonian Urbla is an Estonian surname meaning "catkin area".
UrdanegiBasque From the name of a neighborhood in the town of Gordexola in Biscay, Basque Country, probably related to Basque urdandegi "pigsty, pig pen".
UriondoBasque From the name of a neighborhood in the municipality of Zeberio, Spain, derived from Basque uri "town, city" and -ondo "next to, adjacent".
UrizarBasque Habitational name derived from Basque uri "town, city" and zahar "old, aged".
UrkiagaBasque From the name of the northernmost hill and mountain pass in Navarre, derived from Basque urki "birch tree" and -aga "place of, group of".
UrkiolaBasque It indicates familial origin near the eponymous natural park.
UrlaubGerman from Middle High German urloup "permission; discharge" perhaps an occupational name for someone who granted these favors.
UrmEstonian Urm is an Estonian surname; a dialectal Estonian word for "catkin" and "frost". Also meaning "bleeding wound" and "gore".
UrritzolaBasque (Rare) From the names of either of two villages in Navarre, Spain, derived from Basque urritz "hazel tree" combined with either ola "hut, cabin" or the suffix -ola "location, place of".
UrtiagaBasque It indicates familial origin near the eponymous cave in the municipality of Deba.
UrtsuaBasque (Rare, Archaic) From the name of a mountain in the French department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, derived from Basque ur "water" and -tzu "plenty of".
UrushiharaJapanese (Rare) 漆 (Urushi) means "lacquer/lacker, varnish" and 原 (hara) means "plain, field".
UrushimakkaJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 漆 (urushi) meaning "toxicodendron vernicifluum", 真下 (makka) meaning "(literally) down; below; beneath", referring to low lands.
UrushiyamaJapanese From Japanese 漆 (urushi) meaning "lacquer" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
UrushizakiJapanese From Japanese 漆 (urushi) meaning "lacquer" and 崎/﨑 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
UrusovRussian From Slavic urush which means "warrior". This was the surname of a noble family in Russia.
UrzędowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish town of Urzędów.
UsSlovene (Rare) Us is a Slovene Surname which in itself is a shortened version of the House Name Ušič,Meaning Son of Us. The surname may be linked the the slovene word Oves, which translates to "Oats", and may have been an occupational surname referring to someone who farmed Oats and or grains.
UsachyovmRussian From усач (usach) maning "beard, moustache"
UsecheBasque Habitational name from Basque Usaetxe, composed of uso "dove, pigeon" and etxe "house, home, building".
UsɛidBerber Patronymic from the personal name Saïd; the name is of Arabic origin. Also a habitational name from various places with Sɛid in the name... [more]
UseltonEnglish Perhaps a variant of Osselton, a habitational name from a lost or unidentified place, probably in northeastern England, where this name is most common.
UtleyEnglish Derived from the Old English elements ote, or "oats" and leah, meaning "a clearing."
UtneNorwegian In Norwegian, probably has some pre-Germanic elements (i.e. before approx. 200 CE). Other place-names in the area also has an element of pre-Germanic and unknown origins. It has been suggested that it derives from "Út-tún", meaning the hamlet or farmstead that is "out"
UtsugiJapanese Utsugi can be written in 15 ways, them being: 宇ツ木, 宇次, 宇津城, 宇津木, 宇都城, 宇都木, 卯都木, 卯木, 空木, 槍, 打木, 梼木, 楊盧木, 擣木, 棯. The 宇津木 and 打木 are also place names while 空木 is also a female given name... [more]
UtsunomiyaJapanese This surname is used as either 宇都宮 or 宇津宮 with 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis", 津 (shin, tsu) meaning "ferry, harbour, haven, port" and 宮 (kyuu, ku, kuu, guu, miya) meaning "constellations, palace, princess, Shinto shrine."... [more]
UtsunomiyaJapanese From Japanese 宇 (u) meaning "house, eaves, universe", 都 (tsu) meaning "city", and 宮 (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace".
ÜttEstonian Ütt is an Estonian surname (loosely) meaning "vocative"; a "word of address'' or "exclamatory address".
UudeküllEstonian Uudeküll is an Estonian surname meaning "new enough".
UudeleppEstonian Uudelepp is an Estonian surname meaning "new alder".
UudmäeEstonian Uudmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "virgin/unspoiled hill/mountain".
UueEstonian Uue is an Estonian surname meaning "anew".
UuehendrikEstonian Uuehendrik is an Estonian surname meaning "new Hendrik (a masculine given name)". Probably derived from the offspring of a Hendrik junior.
UuemaaEstonian Uuemaa is an Estonian surname meaning "new land".
UuemõisEstonian Uuemõis is an Estonian surname meaning "new manor".
UueniEstonian Uueni is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "uuenema" meaning "reform" and "renew".
UuesaluEstonian Uuesalu is an Estonian surname meaning "new grove".
UuetaluEstonian Uuetalu is an Estonian surname meaning "new farm".
UuetoaEstonian Uuetoa is an Estonain surname, meaning "new home" or "new room".
UukEstonian Uuk is an Estonian surname meaning "bay" and "dormer".
UukkiviEstonian Uukkivi is an Estonian surname meaning "dormer/bay stone".
UuliEstonian Uuli is an Estonian surname derived from "uulits", meaning "street".
UuritsEstonian Uurits is an Estonian surname meaning "engraver" and "burin".
UusEstonian Uus is an Estonian surname meaning "new".
UusiFinnish Uusi is a Finnish surname meaning "new".
UuskiviEstonian Uuskivi is an Estonian surname meaning "new stone".
UuslaEstonian Uusla is an Estonian surname meaning "new field/area".
UusmaaEstonian Uusmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "new land".
UusmägiEstonian Uusmägi is an Estonian surname meaning "new mountain/hill".
UusmeesEstonian Uusmees is an Estonian surname meaning "new man".
UusorgEstonian Uusorg is an Estonian surname meaning "new valley".
UuspereEstonian Uuspere is an Estonian surname meaning "new family".
UuspõldEstonian Uuspõld is an Estonian surname meaning "new field".
UussaarEstonian Uussaar is an Estonian surname meaning "new island".
UustaluEstonian Uustalu is an Estonian surname meaning "new farmstead".
UusväliEstonian Uusväli is an Estonian surname meaning "new field".
UwemIbibio, Efik, Anang Meaning "Life". It originates from the Efik, Ibibio and Anang tribes of Cross River state, Nigeria which has now been divided with the Ibibios and Anang people in the newly formed Akwa Ibom state. Other variations of the name are: Uwemedimo meaning "life is wealth" and Nkereuwem meaning "my name is life"
UysAfrikaans Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include an Afrikaans variant of Huijs which seems to have developed into Uijs and finally into Uys.
UysalTurkish Means "docile, easygoing, peaceful" in Turkish.
UytdehaageDutch Means "from The Hague", a city in the province of South Holland in the Netherlands. It could also mean "from the hedge". Both etymologies are derived from Dutch uit meaning "out, of, from" and Middle Dutch hage meaning "hedge, bush"... [more]
UzTurkish Means "beautiful, good, skillful" in Turkish.
UzakiJapanese, Popular Culture From Japanese, 宇 (u) meaning "world, universe, space" combined with 崎 (zaki) meaning "cape, peninsula". A fictional bearer of this surname is Hana Uzaki (宇崎 花) from Uzaki~chan Wants to Hang Out! (宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい!).
UzarskiPolish Either means "nobility" or "servant of nobility"
UzhakhovIngush (Russified) Russified form of an Ingush surname derived the name of an Ingush teip (clan). The clan's name is possibly derived from a given name, in turn possibly from an Ingush word meaning "bold, strong".
UzumakiJapanese (Rare) This name combines 渦 (ka, uzu) meaning "eddy, vortex, whirlpool" or 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big around, plump, thick" with 巻 (kan, ken, maki, ma.ki, ma.ku) meaning "book, coil, part, roll up, scroll, tie, volume, wind up."... [more]