Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which an editor of the name is Mike C.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aamissepp Estonian
Aamissepp is an Estonian surname meaning "cooper". From "aam" (genitive: "aami", partitive "aami" meaning a "big barrel" and "sepp", meaning "smith".)
Aamoth Norwegian (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of the Norwegian surname Aamodt.
Aasum Norwegian
Derived from Old Norse aas "hill" and um "around".
Aba Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿波 (see Awa 1 or Awa 2).
Abakulova f Russian
Feminine form of Abakulov.
Abakumova f Russian
Feminine form of Abakumov (Абакyмов)
Abboud Arabic
From a diminutive of the given name Abdul, as well as any of numerous names beginning with this element.
Abdelaal Arabic (Egyptian)
Arabic name, Egyptian form for “Abdul-Aal” (with „Al-Aali“ being one of the names of Allah, and “Abd” meaning servant)
Abdukadirov Uzbek
Means "son of Abd al-Qadir" in Uzbek.
Abdul-Jabbar Arabic, Indian
This last name is famous for a basketball player, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Abebe Amharic, Ethiopian
Means "flower" in Amharic.
Abed Arabic, Persian
From the given name Abed.
Abell English
Variant of Abel 1.
Abercrombie Scottish
Derived from a surname. It is the name of a parish in Fife, Scotland, on the northern shore of the Frith of Forth, whence the possessor took his surname; from Aber, marshy ground, a place where two or more streams meet; and cruime or crombie, a bend or crook... [more]
Abergel Judeo-Spanish
Means "one-legged" or "one-footed" in Moroccan Arabic, from Arabic رجل (rijl) meaning "leg, foot".
Abernathy Scottish
A different form of Abernethy, which originally meant "person from Abernethy", Perth and Kinross ("confluence of the (river) Nethy"). This was one of the surnames of the Scots who settled in northern Ireland during the ‘plantation’ in the 17th century, and it was brought to the U.S. as the name of a Southern plantation owner.
Abidaoud Aramaic
Ancient last name of Aramaic-Phoenician Origin (Abidaoud)... [more]
Abidaouds Aramaic-Phoenician
Ancient last name of Aramaic-Phoenician Origin (Abidaoud)... [more]
Abke American (Rare)
Abke is an Americanized version of an unknown German surname.... [more]
Abkhazi Georgian
Means "Abkhaz person" in Georgian, referring to a member of the Abkhaz ethnic group inhabiting the Black Sea coast. This was the name of a Georgian family of princely status descended from the Shervashidze ruling family of Abkhazia.
Abrahamian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Abrahamyan.
Abrahamyan Armenian
Means "son of Abraham".
Abramov Russian, Jewish
Means "son of Abram 1 or Abram 2".
Abu Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Anno 2).
Abukar Somali
Of Somali origin and means "father of the unique".
Achampomaa African
Allegedly a feminine form of Achampong used in Ghana.
Achton Danish
A Graecised form of Jordløse meaning 'without land.'
Aćimović Serbian
A patronymic surname derived from the given name Aćim.
Ackley English
Derived from Old English ac "oak (tree)" and leah "woodland, clearing".
Ackroyd English
Topographic name from northern Middle English ake "oak" and rod "clearing".
Acuff English (American)
Possibly a derived from Aculf, a variant of the Old Norse given name Agúlfr, composed of agi "awe, terror, fear" and ulfr "wolf"... [more]
Acy English (Rare)
Possibly from the given name Ace 1.
Adachi Japanese
From Japanese 安 (a) meaning "peace" or 足 (a) meaning "leg, foot" and 達 (tachi), a plural marker, or 立 (tachi) meaning "stand".
Adaksina Russian
Feminine form of Adaksin (Адаксин)
Addy English
From the personal name Addy 2, a medieval diminutive of Adam... [more]
Adil Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Adil.
Affleck Galician, Scottish
Variation of Auchinleck, a town near Dundee, Scotland... Ben & Casey Affleck are famous bearers of the name. Auchinleck appears to have been one of those places where the ancient Celts and Druids held conventions, celebrated their festivals, and performed acts of worship... [more]
Afif Arabic
From the given name Afif.
Agapova Russian
Feminine form of Agapov.
Ageyeva Russian
Feminine form of Ageyev.
Ageykina Russian
Feminine form of Ageykin
Agha Turkish
Means "chief, master, lord" in Turkish. From the Turkish ağa 'chief, master, lord', from the Old Turkish aqa 'elder brother'. Traditionally it was a title for a civilian or military officer, or often part of such title, and was placed after the name of certain military functionaries in the Ottoman Empire... [more]
Agincourt Medieval English
Surname Agincourt was first found in Lincolnshire where "Walter de Aincourt, who came from Aincourt, a lordship between Mantes and Magny Normandy, where the remains of the ancient family castle still exists... [more]
Agishcheva Russian
Feminine form of Agishchev (Агищев)
Agisheva Russian, Kazakh, Uzbek
Feminine form of Agishev.
Agishina Russian
Feminine form of Agishin (Агишин)
Agler English
From one or more Middle English personal names variously written Alger, Algar, Alcher, Aucher, etc. These represent a falling together of at least three different Continental Germanic and Old English names: Adalgar "noble spear" (Old English Æ{dh}elgār), Albgar "elf spear" (Old English Ælfgār), and Aldgar "old spear" (Old English (E)aldgār)... [more]
Agualo Chamorro
Chamoru for "pertaining to farming"
Agudo Spanish
Agudo is sharp in spanish
Aguerre Basque (Gallicized)
Parisianized form of Agerre.
Aguni Japanese
From the Japanese 粟 (a or awa) "foxtail millet" and 國 or 国 (kuni) "country."
Aguon Chamorro
From Chamorro agu, meaning "to change, to vary" and the suffix on meaning "to be able". The term's modern usage refers to the starch portion of a Chamorro meal. In the olden days, the Chamorro meal consisted of fish and vegetables, but the starch portion of the meal would highly depend on what was in season.
Agusheva f Russian
Feminine form of Agushev.
Aguzarov Ossetian (Russified)
Russified form of an Ossetian surname of unknown meaning.
Aha Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿波 (see Awa 1 or Awa 2).
Ahishakiye Rwandan
AHISHAKIYE is a both male (most) and female name which means "Whenever God want" and is originally from Rwanda. It is a familiar name in the East African countries speaking Kinyarwanda and Kirundi such as Rwanda, Uganda, RDC, Burundi and Tanzania... [more]
Aho Assyrian
Assyrian surname of unknown meaning.
Ahtisaari Finnish (Rare)
A notable bearer is Martti Ahtisaari (b. 1937), the tenth president of Finland (1994-2000), a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and a United Nations diplomat and mediator noted for his international peace work... [more]
Aigner German (Austrian)
German: from an agent derivative of Middle High German aigen ‘own’ a status name originally denoting a landowner who held his land outright rather than by rent or feudal obligation. In the Middle Ages this was sufficiently rare to be worthy of remark and was normally a special privilege granted in recognition of some exceptional service... [more]
Aikuzawa Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 愛久沢 or 愛久澤 (see Akuzawa 1 or Akuzawa 2).
Aimar Medieval English, Spanish
1. From the Old English pre 7th Century personal name "Æðelmær", meaning "famous noble." ... [more]
Aino Japanese (Rare)
Means "of love" or "of the love" in japanese. A notable name bearer is a fictional character "Minako Aino" in the "Sailor Moon" anime... [more]
Aizawa Japanese
Variant reading of 阿久沢 or 阿久澤 (see Akuzawa 2).
Aizen Popular Culture
This Japanese surname is used as 藍染 with 藍 (ran, ai) meaning "indigo" and 染 (sen, shi.mi, shi.miru, -shi.meru, -ji.miru, so.maru, so.meru,, -zome) meaning "colour, dye, paint, print, stain." Normally, this would be romanticised as Aizome.... [more]
Akagawa Japanese
From Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Akamori Japanese (Rare)
From 赤 (aka) meaning "red" combined with 森 (mori) meaning "forest."... [more]
Akatsutsumi Popular Culture
Combination of 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 堤 (tsutsumi) meaning "bank, embankment, dike," used on the character Momoko Akatsutsumi (赤堤 ももこ) in the anime 'Powerpuff Girls Z', the anime adaptation of the Cartoon Network series 'The Powerpuff Girls' (the character in question being equivalent to Blossom in the original cartoon).... [more]
Akbulut Turkish
Means "white cloud" in Turkish.
Akdağ Turkish
Habitational name for someone who lived near any of the various mountains named Akdağ in Turkey, from Turkish ak meaning "white" and dağ meaning "mountain".
Akey English
Possibly an Americanized form of German Eiche "oak".
Akhatov Tatar, Uzbek, Kazakh
Means "son of Akhat".
Akhmedova Russian
Feminine form of Akhmedov (Ахмедов)
Akibara Japanese
This surname combines 昭 (shou, aki) meaning "shining, bright", 秋 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn" or 穐 with the same sounds and meaning with 原 (gen, hara) meaning "field, meadow, original, plain, prairie, primitive, tundra, wilderness."
Akimoto Japanese
From Japanese 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" and 元 or 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Akinfeev Russian
Means "son of Akinfiy".
Akino Japanese
From Japanese 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness" or 乃 (no) meaning "from".
Akita Japanese
This surname can be used as 秋田, 明田, 穐田, 飽田 or 阿北 with 秋/穐 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn," 明 (mei, myou, min, a.kari, aka.rui, aka.rumu, aki.raka, a.keru,, a.ku(ru), a.kasu) meaning "clear," 飽 (hou, a.kiru, a.kasu, a.ku, aki) meaning "boredom," 阿 (a, o,, kuma) meaning "corner, nook," 田 (den, ta) meaning "rice field" and 北 (hou, kita) meaning "north."... [more]
Akizora Japanese
can be made with the kanji 旻(akizora) meaning "autumn sky" or the word 秋空 (akizora) meaning "autumn sky".
Aksakova Russian
Feminine form of Aksakov (Аксаков), a common surname in Russia
Aksanova Russian
Feminine form of Aksanov (Аксанов)
Aksentseva Russian
Feminine form of Aksentsev (Аксенцев)
Aksentsova Russian
Feminine form of Aksentsov (Аксенцов)
Aksentyeva Russian
Feminine form of Aksentyev (Аксентьев)
Aksyanova Russian
Feminine form of Aksyanov (Аксянов)
Aksyutina Russian
Feminine form of Aksyutin (Аксютин)
Akulova Russian
Feminine form of Akulov (Акулов)
Akusawa Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 愛久沢 or 愛久澤 (see Akuzawa 1) or 阿久沢, 阿久澤, 愛久沢, 愛久澤, 悪沢, or 悪澤 (see Akuzawa 2).
Akyıldız Turkish
Means "white star" in Turkish.
Alabaster English
From the name of a whitish kind of gypsum used for vases, ornaments and busts, ultimately deriving from Greek alabastros, itself perhaps from Egyptian 'a-labaste "vessel of the goddess Bast"... [more]
Alajas Filipino
Meaning "Jewelry" English
Alam Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Persian
Means "world, universe" (عالم) or "flag, sign, mark" (علم) in Arabic. This spelling represents two separate words in Arabic.
Alan Crom Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous village.
Alanís Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous Andalusian municipality.
Albakri Arabic, Malaysian
Alternate transcription of Albakri also used in Malaysia.
Albalat Catalan
Means "white winged" from medieval Catalan alb ("white") and alat ("winged"), originally from Latin albalatus ("of white wings") and used by the Visigoths before the Umayyad conquest of Hispania to name the cotton thistle because of its whitish spiny-winged stems.
Albanese Italian
Southern Italian : ethnic name from albanese ‘(an) Albanian’, applied to someone from Albania or from one of the Albanian settlements in Abruzzo, Apulia, Campania, and Sicily.
Albéniz Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Albeiz.
Alberti Italian
From the given name Alberto.
Albinet French
Derived from the medieval French masculine given name Albinet, which was a diminutive (as the -et suffix indicates) of the given name Albin.... [more]
Albinsen Danish, Norwegian
Means "Son of Albin".
Alborty Ossetian
Derived from Loir, the name of a village in present-day North Ossetia-Alania.
Alcaide Spanish, Portuguese
Ancient occupational or status name from alcaide from Arabic al-qāʾid "the leader, the commander" (see Kaid)... [more]
Alcaraz Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous Manchego municipality.
Alcázar Spanish
Habitational name from any of various places for example in the provinces of Ciudad Real Cuenca and Granada named with the word alcázar "citadel" or "palace" (from Arabic al "the" and qaṣr "fortress" a borrowing of Latin castrum; see Castro).
Alcobendas Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous Manchego municipality.
Al Delaimi Arabic (Rare)
Variant transcription of al-Dulaimi.
Alderson English (Modern)
Patronymic from the Middle English forename Alder, derived from two Old English names, Ealdhere ‘ancient army’ and Æðelhere ‘noble army’... [more]
Aldis English
Derived from the Old English given name Aldus.
Aldunate Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Alduate.
Alejandro Spanish
From the personal name Alejandro, Spanish form of Alexander.
Alekhina Russian
Feminine form of Alekhin (Алехин)
Aleksanyan Armenian
Means "son of Aleksan".
Alexandrov Russian
Variant transcription of Aleksandrov.
Aleyeva Russian
Feminine form of Aleyev (Алеев)
Alfani Italian
Variant of Alfano.
Alfes Jewish
Official website of the the City of Alfés (in the Province Lleida, Catalonia, Spain) says:... [more]
Alfstad Norwegian (Rare)
Possibly a combination of the given name Alf 1 and stad "city, town".
Alhambra Spanish
Refers to the Alhambra, a palace complex located in Granada, Spain. The name itself is derived from Arabic الْحَمْرَاء‎‎ (Al-Ḥamrā) meaning "the red one" or, ultimately, from Arabic أَحْمَر (ʾaḥmar) "red".
Alimpiev Russian
Means "son of Alimpiy".
Alistratova Russian
Feminine form of Alistratov (Алистратов)
Allam Arabic
originally an arabic name but has been used by english speakers. the name means "recognized" or "famous". in other languages it means "one who represents us" and in some languages translates as "flag"
Alley English, French (Anglicized)
From a Middle English personal name, Alli, Alleye, as forms such as Johannes filius Alli (Norfolk, 1205) make clear... [more]
Alliluyeva Russian
Feminine form of Alliluyev (Аллилуев)
Allister Scottish
The name Allister is derived from the given name Alexander, which in turn was originally derived from the Greek name, which means defender of men. In the late 11th century, Queen Margaret introduced the name, which she had heard in the Hungarian Court where she was raised, into Scotland by naming one of her sons Alexander... [more]
Almada Portuguese
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous city.
Almanza Spanish
Originally indicated a person from Almanza, a city in northern Spain. The city's name itself is derived from Arabic المنزل (al-manzil) meaning "the house".
Almarza Spanish
This indicates familial origin within either of 2 localities: the Castilian municipality of Almarza, Comarca of El Valle or the Riojan municipality of Almarza de Cameros.
Almazán Spanish
Habitational name demoting someone originally from the municipality of Almazán in Castile and León, Spain. The name itself is derived from Arabic المكان المحصن (al-makān al-ḥiṣn) meaning "the fortified place" or "the stronghold".
Almoguera Spanish
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous Manchego municipality.
Almond English
From the Middle English personal name Almund, from Old English Æthelmund, "noble protection" and variant of Allman, assimilated by folk etymology to the vocabulary word denoting the tree.
Alogrina Russian
Feminine form of Alogrin (Алогрин)
Alomar Catalan
From the given name Alomar, used especially in the Balearic Islands, itself derived from the Old German name Aldemar. This is borne by the Puerto Rican baseball player Roberto Alomar (1968-).
Alomerović Bosnian (Modern)
Derived from the Arabic surname Al-Omari.
Alpini Italian
From Italian alpino meaning "alpine, of the Alps", referring to the mountain range that passes through northern Italy.
Alpízar Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous locality in the Andalusian province of Huelva.
Alquiza Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Alkiza.
Al-Shami Arabic
Means "the Levantine" or "the Syrian", derived from Arabic شَامِيّ (šāmiyy) meaning "Levantine, Syrian, Damascene".
Altan Turkish
From the given name Altan 1.
Altham English
Altham is a surname of English origin, based on the placename Altham, Lancashire.
Álvaro Spanish
Either derived from the given name Alvaro or a variant of Alvarez.
Alyea French (Huguenot)
From D'Ailly. It can be traced back to France in 1400's. The family with this last name came over to the United States, mainly on the East Coast in the 16th century as huguenot refugees.
Alyenina Russian
Feminine form of Alyenin (Аленин)
Amachi Japanese
This surname is used as 天知, 天地, 天池, 天内, 雨知 or 雨地 with 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky", 雨 (u, ama-, ame, -same) meaning "rain", 知 (chi, shi.raseru, meaning "know, wisdom", 地 (ji, chi) meaning "earth, ground", 池 (chi, ike) meaning "cistern, pond, pool, reservoir" and 内 (dai, nai, uchi, chi) meaning "among, between, home, house, inside, within."... [more]
Amagai Japanese
This is a variation of Japanese surname Amaya. Ama means "Heaven(ly)" and Gai means "Valley".
Amai Japanese
This surname is used as 天井 or 甘井 with 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky", 甘 (kan, ama.i, ama.eru, ama.yakasu, uma.i) meaning "be content, coax, pamper, sugary, sweet" and 井 (shou, sei, i) meaning "community, town, well, well crib."
Amaliyeva Russian
Feminine form of Amaliyev (Амалиев)
Amami Japanese
amami is a surname which can mean heavenly beauty, heavenly truth, or heavenly ocean. the first meaning is made up of the kanji 天 (ama) meaning heaven and 美 (mi) meaning beauty. the second meaning consists of 天 (ama) and 実 (mi) meaning truth... [more]
Amat Catalan
From the Latin given name Amatus, meaning "beloved".
Amatsubo Japanese (Rare)
Means "rainy atrium, rainy courtyards". From Japanese 雨 meaning "rain", and "坪" meaning "(inner)garden, atrium, courtyard". A famous bearer is Mitsumasa Amatsubo.
Ambu Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Anno 2).
Ameen Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Amin.
Ameglio Italian
Derived from the given name Amelio.
Amer Arabic, Urdu
Variant of 'Aamir.
Ames English
Derived from the Old French and Middle English personal name Amys, Amice, which is either directly from Latin amicus ‘friend’, used as a personal name, or via a Late Latin derivative of this, Amicius.
Amezcua Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Amezkua.
Amini Persian, Arabic
From the given name Amin.
Amir Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Amir 1 or 'Aamir.
Am Magh Fada Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous former burgh.
Amu Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Anno 2).
An Chinese, Korean
From Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "peace, quiet".
Anami Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿波 (see Awa 1 or Awa 2).
Anandteerth Kannada
Madhvacharya (1199-1278 or 1238–1317), sometimes anglicised as Madhva Acharya, and also known as Purna Prajna and Ānanda Tīrtha, was a Hindu philosopher and the chief proponent of the Dvaita (dualism) school of Vedanta.
Anastassakis Greek
Crete born John Anthony Aniston, (birth name Yiannis Anitios Anastassakis) is an American actor and the father of actress Jennifer Aniston.
Andishmand Old Persian
ANDISHMAND (pronounced: AEN-DEESH-MAND, in the West D is silent), Origin Middle-Persian, means one who thinks (i.e. an intellectual). Given to people of Persian and non-Persian descent of diverse Persian or Central Asian ethnic and religious backgrounds (including Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians) based on a person's profession that requires thinking (technocrat, writer, poet, intellectual).
Andreacchio Italian
Derived from the given name Andrea 1.
Andreason English, Swedish (Rare)
Anglicized form of Andreassen and Andreasson as well as a (rare) Swedish variant of Andreasson.
Andros English (American)
American shortened form of Greek Andronikos.
Andrulewicz Lithuanian (Modern, Rare), Polish (Modern, Rare), Jewish (Modern, Rare), Latvian
Originally Andrulevičus or Andrulevičius, it means "ben-Adam" or "ben-ish" ("ben" being "son" in Hebrew; Adam meaning "man")... [more]
Andújar Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous Andalusian municipality.
Angoco Chamorro
“to Trust in” “to rely on” “to have confidence in” “to have faith in” “to place reliance in” “to confide in”
Angott Italian (Anglicized)
The origin of this surname is unknown but is most likely an anglicized version of the Italian surname 'Angotti'.... [more]
Anguino American, Spanish (Mexican)
Mexican-American last name
Annan Scottish
'The earliest reference of Annan used as a surname is found in the 13th century Ragman Rolls during which Scots pledged homage to nobles. It is likely that the inhabitants of Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, Annandale, River Annan, Annanhead Hill, and Annan Castle adopted Annan as their surname.' (wikipedia)
Anno Japanese
Means "of hermitage" in Japanese. A famous bearer is famous Japanese illustrator and children's educational book author Mitsumasa Anno (1926-present).
Annō Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Anno 2).
Ano Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Anno 2).
Ànsruthair Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous town.
Antrim Irish
Meaning "lone ridge". This is the name of an Irish county and was among some of Billy the Kid’s other known names (ie: Henry "Kid" Antrim).
Anwar Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Anwar.
Aozaki Japanese (Rare)
Ao means "blue,somewhat green" & zaki means "blossom". So, Nobutaka "Blue Blossom",is an artist who was born in Japan,but now lives in New York as an artist who has been featured in magazines.
Appel German, Dutch, Jewish, Yiddish
From Low German Appel, Middle Dutch appel, or Yiddish epl "apple", an occupational name for a grower or seller of the fruit. As a Jewish surname, it is generally ornamental rather than occupational.
Arafuka Japanese
From Japanese 荒 (ara) meaning "uncultivated, desolate" and 深 (fuka) meaning "deep; profound". It may have been derived from Ara 2.
Arakawa Japanese
From 荒 (ara) meaning "rough, wild, violent" or 新 (ara) meaning "new" combined with 川/河 (kawa) meaning "river, stream."
Arakelyan Armenian
Means "son of Arakel".
Arashi Japanese
This surname is used as 嵐 (ran, arashi) meaning "storm, tempest."... [more]
Arcaya Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Arkaia.
Archibong Efik, Ibibio
of Efik Origin, originally pronounced asibong but changed by the british to Archibong, meaning Kings Father, Kings Friend, (amasi Obong)
Ardehi Persian, Kurdish, Old Persian
House Ardehis of Zagors or Ardahvans (Persian: اردهیان) were one of the Persian Sassanid royal families, who occupied the Mounts of Zagros before the Islamic conquest of Persia in 650 CE. Ardahvans in Shahnameh and Persian mythology are mentioned to be the first settlers of Zagros mountains, and the constructors of Forts Of Zagros.
Ardies Irish
Irish Isle Of Ards
Argawanon Visayan
Literally "resident of Argao"
Arige Telugu
This name is famous surname in telugu states of South India.
Arisen English (Modern)
From a Dutch surname that means "son of Aris 2". In The Netherlands, this name is never used as a first name, since Dutch law strictly prohibits the use of surnames as first names... [more]
Arkhipov m Russian
Means "son of Arkhip".
Arlegui Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Arlegi.
Arneson English (American), Swedish (Rare)
Anglicized form of the Scandinavian names Arnesen and Arnesson, as well as a (rare) Swedish variant of Arnesson.
Arnesson Swedish
Means "son of Arne 1".
Arousi Jewish, Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, Arabic
Yemenite Jewish and Arabic name possibly deriving from Arabic words aroosi, "bridal, relating to a wedding", rousi, "groom". El Aroussi, a variant, is found densely in Morocco and Francophone populations (France, Canada).
Arregui Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Arregi.
Arróniz Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Arroitz.
Arslan Turkish
Variant of Aslan.
Artavia Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Artabia.
Arzur Breton
Derived from the Breton given name of Arzhur.
Asabu Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 麻布 (see Azabu 1 or Azabu 2).
Asad Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Asad.
Asakawa Japanese
From Japanese 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow" and 川 or 河 (kawa) meaning "river".
Asakura Japanese
From Japanese 朝 (asa) meaning "morning", 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow", or 麻 (asa) meaning "hemp" and 倉 (kura) meaning "warehouse, storehouse".
Asamizu Japanese
made with kanji 朝(asa) meaning "morning" or 浅(asa) meaning "shallow" with 水(mizu) neaning "water".
Aselton American
Asel being a variant of Asil meaning ""noble"" and ton meaning ""town"".
Ashikaga Japanese
Ashikaga is a surname that originated with samurai families. Kaga means "Flower Bud,Reed" and Ashi means "Place",but it is most commonly, ( if not always ) written with characters meaning ,"foot" and "advantage".
Asimov Russian
A notable bearer was author Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) whose name was derived from Russian озимый хлеб (ozímyj khleb) "winter grain" combined with the patronymic suffix -ov. His family name was originally spelled Азимов (Azimov), but it got anglicized to Asimov with an S instead of Z when the family immigrated to the United States... [more]
Aslanian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Aslanyan.
Aslanyan Armenian
Derived from Turkic arslan meaning "lion".
Atadana Ghana
It means "I AM STILL STRONG". Originated from the northern part of Ghana precisely the Kasena tribe
Atake Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿武 (see Anno 2).
Atari Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 中 (see Naka).
Ataru Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 中 (see Naka).
Atienza Spanish, Filipino
Habitational name from the municipality of Atienza in Guadalajara province, Spain.
Au Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Ou.
Aubakirova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Aubakirov.
Auden English
This surname is derived from the Germanic given name Aldwin, of which the Old English equivalent is Ealdwine... [more]
Aufdemberge American (Rare)
The surname Aufdemberge originated in America, but in German it means "on the mountains".... [more]
Auric French
Meaning unknown. Georges Auric (15 February 1899 – 23 July 1983) was a French composer, considered one of Les Six, a group of artists informally associated with Jean Cocteau and Erik Satie.
Avellaneda Spanish
It literally means "hazelnut grove", denoting someone who either lived near one or worked in one.
Aven Norwegian
From the name of a farm, itself derived from Norwegian ave "mud, pool, dam; ebb, eddy in a river".
Avksentyev Russian
Variant of Aksyonov (Аксёнов)
Avksentyeva Russian
Feminine form of Avksentyev (Авксентьев)
Awsumb Norwegian
Norwegian habitation surname. Åsum/Aasum/Aasumb is a common place name in Scandinavia, generally referring to an ancient farm or homestead. Derived from Old Norse aas ‘hill’ + um ‘around’. Norwegian emigrants from the Åsum farm in the traditional district of Vinger (Hedmark, Norway) adopted the Anglicized spelling ‘Awsumb’ after arriving in North America in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Ayanov Kazakh
Means "son of Ayan 2".
Azadi Persian
From the given name Azad.
Azarina Russian
Feminine form of Azarin (Азарин)