SouthamEnglish habitational name primarily from Southam (Warwickshire) and occasionally from Southam (Gloucestershire) from Old English suþ "south southern" and ham "village homestead" meaning "the southern farmstead".
SpiteriMaltese The surname Spiteri is derived from the Latin word "hospitalieri" meaning hospitaliers. It was initially given to babies born to mothers who worked as nurses at the Knights' hospital during the 16th century where the babies' fathers were usually knights who had been treated at said hospital.
SproutEnglish This name is derived from the name of an ancestor, meaning "the son of Sprot".... [more]
StahlingGerman (Rare) Denoted a person who worked with steel. Derived from the name "Stähling", which was derived from "Stalin."
StaleyBelgian From Old French estalee "fish trap", hence possibly a metonymic occupational name for a fisherman, or topographic name for someone who lived near where fish traps were set.
StancliffEnglish Habitational name from Scout in Northowram (Yorkshire) recorded as Staynclif in 1309 and Stancliff Skoute (the home of Edward Stankliff) in 1536. The placename derives from Old English stan 1 "stone rock" with influence from Old Norse steinn "stone rock" and Old English clif "cliff bank" later with Middle English scoute "projecting cliff overhanging rock" (Old Norse skúti).
StandenEnglish Habitational name predominantly from Standen in Pendleton (Lancashire) and Standean in Ditchling (Sussex) but also from other places similarly named including Standen in East Grinstead (Sussex) Standen in Biddenden (Kent) Standen in Benenden (Kent) Upper and Lower Standen in Hawkinge (Kent) Standen (Berkshire Wiltshire Isle of Wight) and Standon (Devon Hampshire Hertfordshire Staffordshire)... [more]
StanislawPolish, German Polish from the personal name Stanisław, composed of the Slavic elements stani ‘become’ + slav ‘glory’, ‘fame’, ‘praise’... [more]
StansfieldEnglish (British) Habitational name from a place in West Yorkshire, probably named with the genitive case of the Old English personal name Stan 1 "stone" and Old English feld "pasture, open country"... [more]
StarGerman, Jewish Means "starling (bird)" in German, probably denoting a talkative or perhaps a voracious person. Alternatively, an Anglicized form of Stern 2.
StraussGerman, Jewish From the German word strauß, meaning "ostrich." In its use as a Jewish surname, it comes from the symbol of the building or family that the bearer occupied or worked for in the Frankfurter Judengasse... [more]
SuenoJapanese This surname is used as either 末延 or 末野 with 末 (batsu, matsu, sue) meaning "close, end, posterity, powder, tip", 延 (en, no.basu, no.biru,, no.beru) meaning "prolong, stretching" and 野 (sho, ya, no, no-) meaning "civilian life, field, plains, rustic."... [more]
SuomalainenFinnish Means "Finn, person from Finland" in Finnish. A combination of Suomi "Finland" and the suffix -lainen that combined with a place name, forms the noun for the inhabitant of a place.
SymingtonScottish Habitational surname derived from the places of the same name, derived from the given name Simon 1 and northern Middle English ‘ton’ meaning settlement... [more]
SyrettEnglish Either (i) from the medieval male personal name Syred (from Old English Sigeræd, literally "victory-counsel"); or (ii) from the medieval female personal name Sigerith (from Old Norse Sigfrithr, literally "victory-lovely").
SysBelgian (Modern) No actual idea as to origin except it is Belgian from Flanders region.
SytkowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within Sytkowo, a neighborhood in Poznań (the Greater Polish capital).
SzamotulskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Greater Polish town of Szamotuły.
SzmulikPolish The Szmulik surname has much history. Its origins are Hebrew. It has taken on various spellings over the centuries, depending on where the person or family lived in Europe or America.... [more]
SzołdrskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Greater Polish village of Szołdry.
SzpakowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Podlachian village Szpakowo.
SzurkowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within either of 2 Greater Polish villages named Szurkowo.
TabatabaeiPersian From the name of Ibrahim Tabataba ibn Ismail, a descendant of Ali. He was supposedly given the name because he pronounced the Persian word قبا (qaba) (meaning "garment, cloak") as طبا (taba).
TaczaPolish Deppreciation of TARCZA which means shield in Polish.
TaczanowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within either of 2 Greater Polish villages in Gmina Pleszew: Taczanów Pierwszy or Taczanów Drugi.
TadayashikiJapanese (Rare) Combination of Kanji Characters 多 meaning "many" and 田 meaning "rice field", and 屋 and 敷, 屋敷 meaning "great house".
TailwalIndian Tailwal is a Garhwali Brahmin surname used in the state of Uttarakhand. Tailwal are Kanyakubja Brahmin. They came from western-Central part of India and settled in Taila village of Garhwal in 1600.
TaitanoChamorro Meaning "one without land" from Chamorro tai, prefix meaning "to be without", and tano meaning "land".
TaitingfongChamorro Means "without counting" from Chamorro tai meaning "without, not having" and tufong meaning "count".
TakadaJapanese From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
TakahideJapanese (Rare) Taka means "eagle" such as in surname "Takasu" but more commonly means "tall,high" instead. Hide means "fine,excellence". This must be one of the very few Japanese surnames that has "Hide" in it. It is mostly just a first name element... [more]
TakamaruJapanese This surname is used as 高丸 with 高 (kou, taka.i, taka, -daka, taka.maru, taka.meru) meaning "expensive, high, tall" and 丸 (gan, maru, maru.i, maru.meru) meaning "curl up, explain away, full, make round, month, perfection, pills, roll up, round, seduce."... [more]
TamonJapanese (Rare) This surname is used as 多門, 多聞 or 田門 with 多 (ta, oo.i,, meaning "frequent, many, much", 田 (den, ta) meaning "rice field/paddy", 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate" and 聞 (bun, mon, ki.ku, ki.koeru) meaning "ask, hear, listen."... [more]
TamrakarNewar, Indian Means "copper maker; craftsman" in Sanskrit. This is used by the Tamrakar caste of Nepal and India, and mainly of Newar ethnicity in Nepal.
TarafdarBengali From a title which denoted a holder of a taraf (a type of administrative division formerly used in South Asia), itself derived from Arabic طرف (taraf) meaning "area, section, side" and the Persian suffix دار (dar) indicating ownership.
TarnowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish city of Tarnów.
TatlonghariTagalog From Tagalog Tatlong Hari referring to the three kings (also known as the Magi or wise men) who were said to have visited the newborn Jesus.
TelferScottish, English, Italian From a personal name based on a byname for a strong man or ferocious warrior, from Old French taille or tailler "to cut" + fer "iron" Latin: ferrum "iron" (see Tagliaferro).
TherouxFrench (Quebec) Southern French (Théroux): of uncertain origin; perhaps a topographic name for someone living by "the wells", from a plural variant of Occitan théron "well".
ThienpondtBelgian Possible translation is “ten pounds” in Flemish possibly Dutch. ... [more]
ThistleEnglish Derived from Middle English thistel "thistle", this was either a nickname or a topographic name for someone who lived near a place overgrown with thistles.
ThorsbyEnglish habitational name from North and South Thoresby (Lincolnshire) Thoresby in Carperby (North Yorkshire) or Thoresby in Perlethorpe cum Budby (Nottinghamshire). The Lincolnshire and Yorkshire placenames derive from the Old Norse personal name Thorir (genitive Thoris) + Old Norse býr "farmstead village"... [more]
ThrestonMedieval English (Rare) The surname of Threston is English in origin, and, means "to twist"** and, can be traced as far back as the 11th century where the name is found in the "Domesday Book." The name Threston is a variation of the name of the town of Threxton, Norfolk, UK, and, there are several variations of the name Threxton including:... [more]
ThursbyEnglish habitational name from a place in Cumbria so named from the Old Norse personal name Thorir a derivative of Thor and Old Norse býr "farmstead settlement"... [more]
TiäkenbuorchLow German Westphalian, it indicates familial origin within the eponymous town.
TiddEnglish This Old English Surname was derived from a hill named after its resemblance to a teat or tead (mammary gland) of which Tidd is a variant. That name became a name for the locale and further by extension for its people.
TilneyEnglish Used in farming familys back in the 18th century but its still living true! but this very rare and uniqe name is only used in three family in australia.
TimoneyIrish (Gallicized) The name Timoney is an Irish name. It originated in the west of Ireland. In Irish it is O'Tiománaí. Tiománaí means driver in Irish.
TodaJapanese Japanese: there are multiple meanings with this surname depending on the kanji used. ... [more]
TofiñoSpanish Surname of Vicente Tofiño (de San Miguel y Wanderiales), an 18th century Spanish navigator, cartographer, and cosmographer. The meaning of the name Tofiño is unknown.
TogaJapanese From Japanese 東 (tō) "East", "eastern" and 賀 (ga) "congratulation". Other kanji combinations can form this surname as well.
TolandIrish The meaning of the name is unclear, but it seems to derive from the pre 13th century Gaelic O'Tuathalain suggesting that it was probably religious and may translate as "The male descendant of the follower of the lord".
TolstoyRussian Means "fat" from Russian толстый (tolstyy) meaning "thick, stout, fat". This was the name of a Russian family of nobility; a notable member was Count Lev "Leo" Tolstoy (1828-1910), a Russian writer.
ToltonEnglish, Irish habitational name possibly from either of two places called Tollerton in Nottinghamshire and North Yorkshire. The first is named from the Old Norse personal name Þórleifr and Old English tun "settlement, enclosure"; the second is from Old English tolnere "tax gatherers" and tun.
TołwińskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Podlachian village of Tołwin.
TookLiterature In J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings", the surname of Peregrin "Pippin" Took, a cousin of Meriadoc Brandybuck and second cousin of Frodo Baggins... [more]
ToolanIrish The meaning of the name is unclear, but it seems to derive from the pre 13th century Gaelic O'Tuathalain suggesting that it was probably religious and may translate as "The male descendant of the follower of the lord".
ToolinIrish The meaning of the name is unclear, but it seems to derive from the pre 13th century Gaelic O'Tuathalain suggesting that it was probably religious and may translate as "The male descendant of the follower of the lord".
ToveyEnglish From the Old Norse male personal name Tófi, a shortened form of various compound names beginning with Thorf- or Thorv- (e.g. Þórvaldr), based on the name of the thunder god Þórr... [more]
TrainEnglish English (Devon): 1. metonymic occupational name for a trapper or hunter, from Middle English trayne, Old French traine ‘guile’, ‘snare’, ‘trap’. ... [more]
TrusloveEnglish A variant of Truelove. Truelove is common in the North of England whereas Truslove is its southern variant, being found in Warwickshire and Leicestershire. It is unclear if individuals bearing either surname are linked by a common ancestor, or if people bearing the surname Truslove are descended from Trueloves who migrated from further North of England.... [more]
TrzonowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Trzonów.
TsosieNavajo From the Navajo suffix -tsʼósí meaning "slender, slim", originally a short form of a longer name such as kiitsʼósí "slender boy", hashkétsʼósí "slender warrior", cháalatsʼósí "slim Charlie", dághaatsʼósí "the one with a slender mustache", dinétsʼósí "slender man", or hastiintsʼósí "slender man".
TsudzumiJapanese (Rare) This surname is used as either 鼓 or 都積 with 鼓 (ko, tsudzumi) meaning "beat, drum, muster, rouse", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis" and 積 (seki,, tsu.mori, tsu.moru, -dzu.mi) meaning "acreage, amass, contents, load, pile, up, stack, volume."... [more]
TsudzuriJapanese (Rare) This surname is be used as 綴 (getsu, tei, techi, tetsu, sumi.yaka, tsudzuri,, to.jiru) meaning "bind (books), compose, spell, write."... [more]
TsunetsukiPopular Culture In the case of the character Matoi Tsunetsuki (常月 まとい) from 'Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei', the surname is made up of 常 (jou, tsune, toko) meaning "constant" and 月 (getsu, gatsu, tsuki) meaning "moon, month."... [more]
TsurubamiJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 鶴喰 (Tsurubami) meaning "Tsurubami", an area in the city of Rokunohe in the district of Kamikita in the prefecture of Aomori in Japan.... [more]
TungateEnglish habitational name from Tungate a minor place near North Walsham named from Old English tun "farmstead estate" and Old Norse gata or Old English gæt "way path road street gate".
TürkmenTurkish, Turkmen Refers to a Turkmen person (someone from the present-day nation of Turkmenistan). The ethnonym itself is believed to be derived from Türk combined with the Sogdian suffix -man (thus meaning "almost Turk") or from Türk combined with Arabic إِيمَان (ʾīmān) meaning "faith, belief, religion".
TurrentineAmerican Origin unidentified (Dictionary of American Family Names: '1881 census has 0, Not in RW, EML'), perhaps from the Italian surname Tarantino.
UkiyoJapanese (Rare) From 浮世 (ukiyo) meaning "fleeting life, floating world," referring to the urban lifestyle, especially the pleasure-seeking aspects, of Edo period (1603-1868) Japan.... [more]
UlenspegelLow German, Literature This is the name of Dyl Ulenspegel is a trickster figure originating in Middle Low German folklore, possibly meaning "owl mirror".
UllahArabic, Urdu, Bengali Means "of Allah, of God" from Arabic اللّٰه (Allah) referring to the monotheistic god in Islam. It is commonly used as a component in given names.
UmeharaJapanese From Japanese 梅 (ume) meaning "plum" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
UmiastowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Masovian village of Umiastów.
UmonJapanese (Rare) This surname combines 右 (u, yuu, migi) meaning "right" or 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof" with 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate."... [more]
UnnikrishnanMalayalam Means "Lord Krishna" or "young Krishna", a combination of the title and given name ഉണ്ണി (uṇṇi) meaning "infant boy, young boy" and the name of Krishna, Hindu deity.
UptainEnglish Derived from Upton, but meaning "always prepared"
UrarakaPopular Culture In the case of the character Ochako (Ochaco) Uraraka (麗日 お茶子) from 'My Hero Academia', her surname is made up of the adjective 麗らか (uraraka) meaning "bright, clear, beautiful, glorious" and 日 (ka) meaning "day."
UtagawaJapanese Uta means "song" and Gawa comes from Kawa, meaning "river".
UtsugiJapanese Utsugi can be written in 15 ways, them being: 宇ツ木, 宇次, 宇津城, 宇津木, 宇都城, 宇都木, 卯都木, 卯木, 空木, 槍, 打木, 梼木, 楊盧木, 擣木, 棯. The 宇津木 and 打木 are also place names while 空木 is also a female given name... [more]
UtsunomiyaJapanese This surname is used as either 宇都宮 or 宇津宮 with 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis", 津 (shin, tsu) meaning "ferry, harbour, haven, port" and 宮 (kyuu, ku, kuu, guu, miya) meaning "constellations, palace, princess, Shinto shrine."... [more]
UwemIbibio, Efik, Anang Meaning "Life". It originates from the Efik, Ibibio and Anang tribes of Cross River state, Nigeria which has now been divided with the Ibibios and Anang people in the newly formed Akwa Ibom state. Other variations of the name are: Uwemedimo meaning "life is wealth" and Nkereuwem meaning "my name is life"
UysalTurkish Means "docile, easygoing, peaceful" in Turkish.
UzumakiJapanese (Rare) This name combines 渦 (ka, uzu) meaning "eddy, vortex, whirlpool" or 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" with 巻 (kan, ken, maki,, ma.ku) meaning "book, coil, part, roll up, scroll, tie, volume, wind up."... [more]
ValgañónSpanish This indicates familial within the eponymous Riojan municipality.
ValiSpanish, Italian (Swiss), Arabic This Spanish and Italian surname of VALI was a locational name for someone OR A family who lived in a valley. In valle quiescit ( In the valley of our home, we find peace.)... [more]
van BeethovenFlemish Means "from the beet fields", a variant of Beethoven. A famous bearer of this name was German Clasical composer Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827).
Van Der LeijDutch Derived from Dutch lei meaning "slate" (effectively meaning "from the slate"), indicating that the original bearer of this name may have come from a place where slate was produced.