AdamthwaiteEnglish Habitational name for a person from a place in Ravenstonedale, derived from Middle English personal name Adam and Old Norse þveit "clearing, pasture"... [more]
AddingtonEnglish Habitational name from any of various places named in Old English as Eaddingtun 'settlement associated with Eadda' or Æddingtun 'settlement associated with Æddi'.
AdelsteinGerman, Jewish Variant of Edelstein. Paul Adelstein (1969-) is an American actor known for his role as Paul Kellerman in the 2005-2017 television series Prison Break.
AderEstonian Ader is an Estonian surname meaning "plow".
AdersGerman (Silesian) Variation of Eders, a topographic name for someone who lived on a patch of bare, uncultivated land, from Middle High German (o)ed(e) 'wasteland'. It may also be a habitational name from any of the numerous places named with this element.
AdleibaAbkhaz Most likely from the given name Adlei, itself derived from Arabic عَادِل (ʿādil) meaning "fair, just", combined with Abkhaz аҧа (āpā) meaning "son"... [more]
AdneyEnglish Habitational name from Adeney in Shropshire, named in Old English as Eadwynna ey "island of a woman called Eadwynn". English: from a Middle English pet form of Adam... [more]
AdornadoFilipino Derived from the given name Adorno meaning "adorned". However, its root actually came from Spanish meaning “decoration, embellishment, ornament”... [more]
AdrienneMedieval English The surname dervies from the Latin male given name "(H)adrianus", originally an ethnic name for someone from the seaport of Adria - which gave its name to the Adriatic Sea - who settled in Rome and became known as "the man from Adria" (in Latin, "Adrianus")... [more]
AffleckGalician, Scottish Variation of Auchinleck, a town near Dundee, Scotland... Ben & Casey Affleck are famous bearers of the name. Auchinleck appears to have been one of those places where the ancient Celts and Druids held conventions, celebrated their festivals, and performed acts of worship... [more]
AflorAragonese This indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality.
AfonsoPortuguese Old (6th century derived) Iberian surname, associated with the first dynasty and King of Portugal, Afonso Henriques. The surname was used by all the subsequent illegitimate children of that dynastic line.
AfsharPersian From the name of the Afshar people, a Turkic tribe residing in Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan. The name itself may mean "obedient" or perhaps "extraction, squeeze, press".
AgasheIndian According to Wikipedia, Agashe is a surname used by Chitpavan Brahmins of the Kaushik gotra in the Marathi populated Deccan in India and by the Chitpavan Brahmin diaspora across the globe.
AgassiArmenian, Persian, Italian The surname Agassi most likely evolved from a nickname for someone resembling a mappie, perhaps jokingly referred to as chattering or nagging person. ... [more]
AgatsumaJapanese (Rare) From 上 (aga) meaning "upper, top, above" or 我 (aga) meaning "ego, I, oneself, our, selfish" and 妻 (tsuma) meaning "wife, spouse".
AgawaJapanese 阿 (A) means "nook, flatter, corner" and 川 (kawa) meaning "stream, river".... [more]
AghaTurkish Means "chief, master, lord" in Turkish. From the Turkish ağa 'chief, master, lord', from the Old Turkish aqa 'elder brother'. Traditionally it was a title for a civilian or military officer, or often part of such title, and was placed after the name of certain military functionaries in the Ottoman Empire... [more]