Unisex Submitted Surnames

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Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Dragases Greek, History, Serbian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Serbian surname Dragaš. This was the surname of the last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI Palaiologos, who took her mother's surname, Helena Dragaš, as his second last name
Dragavei Romanian (Rare)
"It is a wild plant that consists in big curly leaves.It is called curly dock in english."
Drage English, Norwegian
English:... [more]
Dragneel Popular Culture
Possibly based on the word dragon. This is the surname of Natsu Dragneel, a main character in Fairy Tail.
Dragomirović Serbian
Means "son of Dragomir" in Serbian.
Dragon French, English
Nickname or occupational name for someone who carried a standard in battle or else in a pageant or procession, from Middle English, Old French dragon "snake, monster" (Latin draco, genitive draconis, from Greek drakōn, ultimately from derkesthai "to flash")... [more]
Dragonetti Italian
Diminutive of drago or dragone "dragon".
Dragoo American, French (Huguenot)
Americanized form of Dragaud, a French (Huguenot) surname derived from the Germanic given name Dragwald, itself derived from the elements drag- meaning "to carry" and wald "power, rule".
Drahun Ukrainian
Ukrainianized form of Dragun.
Drahuschak Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Drahushchak.
Drakeford English
The first element of this locational surname is probably derived from the personal name Draca or Draki (see Drake), while the second element is derived from Old English ford meaning "ford"... [more]
Drakopoulos Greek
Descendant or son of the dragon.
Drakos Greek
From the Greek name Δρακων (Drakon) which means "dragon, serpent"
Dramis Italian, Spanish (Latin American)
Not just a surname in Italy; it can also be found in Argentina and Brazil.... [more]
Dransfield English
Means "Drains the fields".
Drapkin Belarusian, Jewish
Phonetic spelling in Belarus of Drabkin... [more]
Draxler German
Derived from the Middle High German "Drehseler," meaning "turner," and was most likely initially borne by a turner or lathe worker.
Dray English
From Middle English dregh, probably as a nickname from any of its several senses: "lasting", "patient", "slow", "tedious", "doughty". Alternatively, in some cases, the name may derive from Old English drýge "dry, withered", also applied as a nickname.
Drażba Polish
Polish occupational name from dražba "auction".
Dražeta Serbian
Derived from the name Dražen.
Dražić Croatian, Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Draža".
Dreamer English
The word dreamer (or surname) comes from the word dream with an added -er at the end indicating someone is dreaming. The word dream comes from the Dutch phrase droom and the German phrase Traum.
Dreik French
Derived from the Old Norse given name Draki or the Old English given name Draca both meaning "dragon".
Dreiling German
From Middle High German drīling, meaning “third (part),” possibly denoting a service or tax obligation and hence a status name or a triplet.
Dreiling German
Habitational name from Drelingen near Uelzen, Lower Saxony.
Drell Jewish (Ashkenazi)
Metonymic occupational name from East Slavic drel meaning “borer, gimlet.”
Drennan Irish (Anglicized), Scottish
From Gaelic Ó Draighneáin meaning "descendant of Draighneán", a byname meaning "blackthorn".
Drenth Dutch
From the place name Drenthe, possibly derived from Old Dutch thrie "three" and hant "lands".
Drepanis Greek
From the Greek word for scythe: drepani (δρεπάνι).
Drescher Yiddish, German
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a thresher, German Drescher, Yiddish dresher, agent derivatives of Middle High German dreschen, Yiddish dresh(e)n 'to thresh'.... [more]
Drešević Montenegrin
Habitational name for someone from Drešaj, Montenegro.
Dressel Italian
Italian form of Dressler
Drewery English
Variant of Drury.
Drewitt English, French
English (Wiltshire Berkshire and Surrey): of Norman origin from the Old French personal name Druet a diminutive of Drue Dreu (from ancient Germanic Drogo); see Drew Alternatively the name may be from a diminutive of Old French dru ‘lover’
Drewry English
Variant of Drury.
Drexel German, Jewish
It originates from the pre 7th century word 'dreseler' meaning 'to turn', a verb which in medieval times had a wide range of meanings.
Dreyfus French, German, Jewish
French-influenced variant of Dreyfuss, popular amongst people of Alsatian Jewish descent.
Dreyfuss German, Jewish
Means "three feet" in German. This surname originates from the German city of Trier. The Latin name for the city was "Treveris," whose pronunciation eventually developed into Dreyfuss. The spelling variants tend to correspond to the country the family was living in at the time the spelling was standardized: the use of one "s" tends to be more common among people of French origin, while the use of two tends to be found among those of German descent
Dridi Arabic (Maghrebi)
Meaning unknown (chiefly Tunisian and Algerian).
Drielsma Dutch, Jewish
Derived from the Frisian town IJlst. IJlst in Frisian is Drylts > Dryls > Driels combined with the Frisian surname suffix -(s)ma, which is most likely derived from Old Frisian monna meaning "men". Drielsma has Frisian Jewish origins.... [more]
Driggers American
Corruption of the Spanish surname Rodriguez. Originated in 17th century Virginia as a former slave by that surname was integrated into free society.
Dring English
Means "young man" (from Old Norse drengr).
Driver English
Occupational name for a driver of horses or oxen attached to a cart or plow, or of loose cattle, from a Middle English agent derivative of Old English drīfan ‘to drive’.
Drobnjak Serbian, Montenegrin, Croatian
Drobnjaci are a historical tribe and region in Montenegro.
Drollinger German
Ethnic or habitational name for someone from Tyrol.
Dromgoole Irish
An Anglicized from the Irish Gaelic place name Droim Gabhail in County Louth, Ireland meaning "ridge of the forking stream." Dromgoolestown in County Louth is believed to be named after this surname... [more]
Dropkin Jewish, Belarusian
Jewish (from Belarus): nickname from Belorussian drobka ‘crumb’+ the eastern Slavic patronymic suffix -in.... [more]
Drost Dutch, German, Danish
Means "reeve, steward; sheriff, bailiff" in German and Dutch, a title for the administrative head of a court or district.
Drouillard French
Probably a derogatory nickname, from a derivative of the regional term drouiller "to defecate", which also has various figurative senses.
Drouin French (Quebec), French
From the Old French given name Drouin, of Frankish origins.
Drown English
Derived from drone meaning "honey bee"
Drowne English
Variant of Drown
Drozdowski Polish
Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Drozdowo or Drozdów, for example.
Drucker German, Jewish, Dutch
Occupational name for an operator of a printing press, derived from German drucken "to print".
Druckmann German, Jewish
Variant of Drucker. A famous of the name is Israeli-American writer Neil Druckmann (1978-).
Druery English
Variant of Drury.
Druimeanach Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Drummond.
Drum Scottish
Habitational name from a place and castle in Aberdeenshire named from Gaelic druim "ridge".
Drummer English
Locational name from a place called Drummer, near Chadderton in Lancashire. The meaning is possibly from the pre 7th century Olde English 'drum' meaning "a ridge".
Drummonds Scottish
Variant of Scottish Drummond.
Drumpf German (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Trump.
Drury English, French, Irish
Originally a Norman French nickname, derived from druerie "love, friendship" (itself a derivative of dru "lover, favourite, friend" - originally an adjective, apparently from a Gaulish word meaning "strong, vigourous, lively", but influenced by the sense of the Old High German element trut, drut "dear, beloved").... [more]
Drux German
Variant of Trux, which itself is a contracted form of Truxes and derived from the German word Truchsess, ultimately from Middle High German truhsaeze and Old High German truhtsazzo (from truht "band; cohort; regiment" and saza "seat; chair").... [more]
Druz Ukrainian
From Ukrainian друг (druh), meaning "friend". Influenced by plural друзі (druzi) "friends".
Druzhko Ukrainian, Russian
Means "friend", from Ukrainian and Russian друг (druh, drug) in a diminutive form.
Dryden English
Possibly from an English place name meaning "dry valley" from the Old English elements drȳġe "dry" and denu "valley". A notable bearer was the English poet, literary critic, translator and playwright John Dryden (1631-1700).
Drye English
Variant of Dryer.
Dryer English
From an agent derivative of Old English dr̄gean "to dry"; possibly an occupational name for a drier of cloth. In the Middle Ages, after cloth had been dyed and fulled, it was stretched out in tenterfields to dry.
D'Sa Indian (Christian)
Form of De Sá more common among Christians from India.
Đščić Serbo-Croatian
Lol totally a made up name
D'Silva Indian (Christian)
Variant of Silva more common among Christians from India.
D'Souza Indian (Christian)
Form of De Souza used by Christians in India.
Vietnamese form of Yu 2, from Sino-Vietnamese 余 (dư).
Du Aimé French
The Duaime surname comes from an Old French word "hamel," which meant "homestead." It was likely first used as a name to describe someone who lived at a farm on the outskirts of a main town, or for someone that lived in a small village.
Dual Romansh
Derived from the preposition de "of" and Romansh ual "brook, creek".
Dualeh Somali
Meaning unknown.
Duan Chinese
From Chinese 段 (duàn) referring to the ancient fief of Duan Gan (段干).
Dubach German (Swiss)
A surname describing a person from the town of Tübach in St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Dube Ndebele, Zulu
It means Zebra. It is usually a surname instead of a person's name used by Zimbabwean Ndebele people and South African Zulu people.... [more]
Dubé French (Quebec)
Probably a variation of Dubec.
Dubec Slovak
Very old word for oak
Dubec French
Geographical du bec "from the stream". Bec (from Germanic baki) is a regional term in Normandy for a stream.
Dubhagáinn Irish
Derived from the given name Dubhagáin.
Dublin English
Habitational name for someone from a places named Dublin.
Dubljević Montenegrin
Derived from dublje (дубље), meaning "deeper".
Duboi French
Variant of Dubois.
Duboković Croatian
Derived from dubok, meaning "deep."
Dubosque French
DuBosque means 'of the forest' in french and was a surname given typically to someone from a rural treed area.
Dubov Russian
Meaning "oak tree".
Dubreuil French
Topographic name derived from Old French breuil meaning "marshy woodland" (also derived from Late Latin brogilum, of Gaulish origin). In French the term later came to mean "enclosed woodland" and then "cleared woodland", and both these senses may also be reflected in the surname.
Dubuisson French
A topographic name for someone who lived in an area of scrub land or by a prominent clump of bushes, derived from Old French buisson meaning "small tree, bush, scrub".
Duc French
French cognate of Duke.
Duca Romansh
Derived from Romansh duca "duke, prince".
Duca Romanian
Derived from the old Romanian title duca "vaivode duke".
Duca Italian
from the title of rank duca "duke" (from Latin dux genitive ducis "leader") an occupational name for someone who lived or worked in the household of a duke or a nickname for someone who gave himself airs and graces like a duke... [more]
Ducas French
Altered from of French Ducasse.
Ducas French
Habitational name, with fused preposition and definite article du meaning “from the,” for someone from any of various minor places called with cas, an Old Occitan variant of Old French chas meaning “house.”
Ducasse French
French: topographic name for someone who lived by an oak tree, from Old French casse ‘oak (tree)’ (Late Latin cassanos, a word of Celtic origin), with the fused preposition and article du ‘from the’... [more]
Duch Slovak, Czech
Means "ghost" in Slovak.
Duchek Czech
Duchek is short form of name Duchoslav.
Duchemin French
Either a topographic name with fused preposition and definite article du "from the" for someone who lived beside a path from chemin "path way" (from Late Latin caminus a word of Gaulish origin); or a habitational name for someone from Le Chemin the name of several places in various parts of France.
Duchêne French
Means "from the oak (tree)" in French, used to denote a person who lived near an oak tree or an oak forest.
Duchovny Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish
Russian and Ukrainian cognate of Duchowny. It is borne by the American actor David Duchovny (1960-).
Duchowny Polish, Jewish
Means "clergyman" in Polish.
Dück Low German, German
North German nickname for a coward, from Low German duken ‘to duck or dive’. ... [more]
Duck English, Irish
English from Middle English doke "duck", hence a nickname for someone with some fancied resemblance to a duck, or an occupational name for someone who kept or hunted ducks. Alternatively, a variant form of Duke... [more]
Duck Dutch
Dutch variant of Duyck. In a German-speaking environment, this is also a variant of van Dyck and Dyck.
Duckadam Banat Swabian
Best known as the surname of a certain Helmuth.
Duckstein English (British)
From Audrey Duckstein, who was a fourth-grade girl in SRES>
Ducksworth English
Variant spelling of Duckworth.
Duckworth English
Habitational name from Duckworth Fold, in the borough of Bury, Lancashire, which is named from Old English fuce "duck" and wor{dh} "enclosure".
Duclos French
du 'from the' from Old French clos 'enclosure' (see Clos ) or a habitational name for someone from Le Clos the name of several places in various parts of France so it means "from the enclosure"
Duda Portuguese
Perhaps a transferred use of the given name, Duda
Dudaev Chechen, Ossetian (Russified)
Variant transcription of Dudayev.
Dudarov Ossetian (Russified)
Russified Ossetian name of unknown meaning, possibly of Turkic origin.
Dudayev Chechen, Ossetian (Russified)
Russified form of a Chechen and Ossetian family name of disputed meaning; the name may be derived from Ossetian дудахъхъ (dudaqq) meaning "bustard", from Ingush тат (tat) meaning "Mountain Jew", or from Circassian дадэ (dade) meaning "grandfather" or "king, head, chief"... [more]
Dudayeva Chechen, Ossetian (Russified)
Feminine transcription of Chechen Дудаев, ДудагӀеран and Ossetian Дудайты (see Dudayev).
Duddridge English
It is locational from a "lost" medieval village probably called Doderige, since that is the spelling in the first name recording (see below). It is estimated that some three thousand villages and hamlets have disappeared from the maps of Britain over the past thousand years... [more]
Dude English
Derived from Old English word doughty which meant "manly".
Dudenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Duda.
Dudin Russian
Derived from Russian дудка (dudka), which denotes a wind-blown instrument similar to a flute or pipe. It was probably used to denote a musician or shepherd who played the flute or pipe, as well as someone who made pipes... [more]
Dudkin Russian
Derived from Russian дудка (dudka) meaning "fife, pipe", referring to a folk instrument played by shepherds. Thus, it was used to denote someone who made pipes or a shepherd who played pipes.
Dudzai Shona
Dudzai means "Speak it out, confess it".
Dudziak Polish
Nickname for a person who played the bagpipes or perhaps sold them, derived from Polish duda meaning "bagpipe".
Dudziński Polish
Habitational name from Dudyńce or from the surname Duda suffixed with -iński based on habitational surnames.
Dueñas Spanish
From the name of a municipality in Palencia province, Spain, derived from Spanish dueña meaning "madame, mistress".
Duering German (Anglicized, Rare)
Means "from Thüringen".
Duerre German
Topographic name for a person who lived on a dry, barren land, derived from Old German durri and German dürre meaning "barren, infertile". It could also be a variant of Dürr.
Duesler Upper German
Andrew & brother Jacob were the Progenitors of Duesler, Duessler, Dueßler from 1752 Germany to America. ... [more]
Duesterwald German
Variant spelling of Düsterwald.
Dufau French
The name DUFAU come from two French words DU which means « of the » and FAU which is old French for a beech tree. Surnames in France were given later so the person with this name meant he/she had a beech tree in his property... [more]
Dufault French
Alternate spelling of Dufau, meaning "of the beech tree."
Duff Romansh
Derived from the given name Duff, itself a diminutive of Rudolf.
Duffield English
The meaning is dove field or open country. It's origin is the Yorkshire area named after a few places there.... [more]
Dufresne French
Topographic name for someone who lived near a prominent ash tree from Old French fraisne fresne "ash" from Latin fraxinus "ash".
Duft Old High German
Means “pleasant smell”, from the From Old Norse dupt derived from the Proto-Germanic duftaz, meaning smell, Old High German tuft meaning “fog”.
Dufva Swedish
From Swedish duva "dove, pigeon".
Dugal Indian
Based on the name of a Khatri clan. In India the name is more commonly spelled Duggal.
Duggan Scottish, Irish, English
Scottish and Irish variant spelling of Dugan. ... [more]
Dugmore Medieval English
This habitational name is chiefly found in the West Midlands region of England. The origin is certainly Old English pre 7th Century and may be Ancient British i.e. pre Roman 55 A.D. The origins are lost but are believed to develop from "Dubh" meaning "black" and "mor" a morass or swamp... [more]
Dugonja Bosnian
This surname is used at: Sarajevo, Mostar, Dubrovnik, Novi Pazar.
Dugopolski Polish (Anglicized)
To originate from Długopole, Poland.
Duguid Scottish
Probably "do good", from a Scottish nickname for a well-intentioned person or (ironically) a do-gooder.
Duhamel French
Topographic name for someone who lived in a hamlet, from Old French hamel, a diminutive of ham "homestead", with fused preposition and definite article du.
Duhaylungsod Filipino, Cebuano
Means "having two hometowns" from Cebuano duha meaning "two" and lungsod meaning "town."
Duhon French
Altered form of French Duon, possibly a habitational name from Duon-Grande a place in Lozère. The surname Duon is very rare in France.
Duhon French
Gascon variant of Dufon or Dufond, which is a topographic name from fond meaning “bottom,” with fused preposition and definite article du meaning “from the.” The surname Duhon is very rare in France.
Duhoň Slovak, Czech
Nickname derived from Slovak dúha or Czech duha which both mean “rainbow.” In old Czech duha also means “bruise.”
Duisenov Kazakh
Alternate transcription of Duysenov.
Dujardin French
Means "from the garden" in French.
Dukakis Greek
Dukakis means "son of the duke or little duke".
Dukakis Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Δουκάκης (see Doukakis). This name is borne by the American lawyer and politician Michael Dukakis (1933-), who served as Governor of Massachusetts twice... [more]
Dukelow English
This surname is of Old French origin. It was initially introduced into England by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066, and subsequently by French Huguenot refugees fleeing religious persecutions in their own country... [more]
Dukeshire English
Probably a combination of Duke and Shire.
Dul Khmer
Derived from Sanskrit डुल (dula) meaning "shake, tremble".
Du Lac Arthurian Cycle
In the series Merlin, this was the surname of Sir Lancelot: Lancelot du Lac. du Lac possibly means "of the lake."
Dulay Filipino, Tagalog
Occupational name for a picker of fruit or a gatherer of bird nests, from Tagalog dulay meaning "climbing a tree".
Dulcamara Italian
given to my great great grandfather who was left on the doorstep of a church in Chiavari Italy. The priest took inspiration from names of plants in the garden. This one came from the plant in English would mean 'bitter sweet nightshade'
Duldulao Ilocano
From Ilocano duldulaw referring to a variety of early-maturing rice with a red kernel, used as an occupational name for a grower of this type of rice.
Dulev Macedonian (Rare, Archaic)
The meaning and origin is still not known it is an Old Macedonian surname ... [more]
Dülger Turkish
Means "carpenter" in Turkish, ultimately from Persian درگر (dorgar).
Dulin French
The surname Dulin is most common in France and is an occupational name meaning "from flax". Pronounced "du LIN" in English; however, in French it is pronounced "du LON". Anglicized in some cases as Duling, Dowling, or Dulong (a more common French surname brought to England, Ireland and Scotland from French Normans and later Huguenots).
Dullard English
From old English dull meaning "dumb, stupid".
Dullea Irish
Variant of Dunleavy. A well-known bearer is American actor Keir Dullea (1936-).
Dulquer Arabic
Warrior, Expressive, Diplomatic
Dulquer Arabic
The name is derived from the Arabic word "Dhul-Qarnayn". Actor Dulquer Salmaan says it means Warrior. but another meaning is "Expressive, Diplomatic"
Dumagit Visayan
Literally "to swoop" or "to snatch" in Cebuano. Related to Dumaguete, capital of the province of Negros Oriental.