Unisex Submitted Surnames

Unisex   Masculine   Feminine
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Fell English
From Middle English fell ”high ground”, ultimately derived from Old Norse fjall, describing one who lived on a mountain.
Fell English, German, Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a furrier, from Middle English fell, Middle High German vel, or German Fell or Yiddish fel, all of which mean "skin, hide, pelt". Yiddish fel refers to untanned hide, in contrast to pelts "tanned hide" (see Pilcher).
Fellenbaum German
nickname for a woodman literally "fell the tree" or possibly a topographic name for someone who lived by a fallen tree derived from fellen "fall" and boum "tree".
Feller English, German, Jewish
Occupational name for a furrier, from an agent derivative of Middle English fell, Middle Low German, Middle High German vel, or German Fell or Yiddish fel "hide, pelt". See also Fell.
Feller German
Habitational name for someone from a place called Feld(e) or Feld(a) in Hesse.
Felli Italian
Possibly derived from a nickname based on fello "criminal; evil, wretched; angry; sad, gloomy".
Fellous Judeo-Spanish
Derived from Maghrebi Arabic فلوس (fallus) meaning "chick, young chicken".
Fellows English
English: patronymic from Fellow, from Middle English felagh, felaw late Old English feolaga ‘partner’, ‘shareholder’ (Old Norse félagi, from fé ‘fee’, ‘money’ + legja to lay down)... [more]
Feltham English
Habitational name from either of two places so named Feltham: one southwest of London in Middlesex and the other in Somerset... [more]
Felton English
A habitation name composed of the elements feld-, meaning "field or pasture" and -tun, meaning "settlement."
Feltscher Romansh
Derived from Romansh feltscher "scythe-maker", ultimately from Latin falcarius "scythe-maker; sickle-maker".
Felty Upper German (Anglicized)
Americanized spelling of South German Velte, from a short form of the personal name Valentin (see Valentine 1).
Fendrich German
From German Fähndrich (older form Fähndrich) meaning "ensign, flag-bearer".
Fenech Maltese
From Maltese fenek meaning "rabbit".
Feng Chinese
Derived from Chinese 风 (fēng) meaning "wind".
Fenimore English
From a medieval nickname meaning literally "fine love" (from Old French fin amour).
Fenley English
This surname may be:... [more]
Fenlon Irish
Gaelic: Derived from old Gaelic name O'Fionnalain,"Son of the Fair one". Found most commonly in Carlow and Wexford counties.
Fenner English
A surname of either Old French origin, allegedly meaning “huntsman”, or else more probably referring to those who were brought over from the Low Countries to assist in draining the “fens” or wetlands of England and Ireland – a process which lasted from the 9th to the 18th centuries.
Fennessey Irish
An ancient Irish name. Presumed to come from the name Fionnghusa, or sometimes O'Fionnghusa.... [more]
Fenning English
Topographic name for a fen dweller, from a derivative of Old English fenn (see Fenn).
Fennoy American
Fennoy is a name whose history is connected to the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. The name is derived from when the Fennoy family once lived near a marsh or swamp. Another name for wetlands is fen, in the Old English fenn, from which this name is derived.
Fenrich De Gjurgjenovac German
Fenrich is a German family name, derived from a military title 'fenrich'/'fähn(d)rich' meaning "ensign" or "standard bearer" (bannerman), from early New High German fenrich. The term was formed and came into use around 1500, replacing Middle High German form vener, an agent derivative of Alemannic substantive van (flag).... [more]
Fenster German, Jewish
Occupational name for a window maker from Middle High German venster German fenster "window".
Fenstermaker German
Means 'one who makes windows' in German.
Fenton English
Originated from several place names in England, meaning “marsh town” from Old English fenn “marsh, fen” + tun “enclosure; settlement, town”.
Fenu Italian
From Sardinian fenu "hay, marsh grass". A relation to Latin faenus "interest, profit" has been suggested, but seems unlikely.
Fenway English
Meaning, "through the fens," itself meaning, "through the marsh."
Feo Spanish
Means Ugly
Feofanov Russian
Means "son of Feofan".
Feofilov Russian
Means "son of Feofil".
Feoktistov Russian
Means "son of Feoktist".
Fera Italian
Probably related to modern Italian fiero "fierce, savage, raging; bold, daring; proud", by way of Latin ferus "wild, fierce; untamed" or fera "wild beast".
Ferapontov Russian
Means "son of Ferapont".
Ferdaus Bengali
From the given name Ferdaus.
Ferdinandi Italian
Derived from the given name Ferdinando.
Ferdinando Italian
From the given name Ferdinando
Ferding Scandinavian
Meaning unknown.
Ferdous Bengali
From the given name Ferdous.
Fereidooni Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian فریدونی (see Fereydouni).
Fereidouni Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian فریدونی (see Fereydouni).
Ferella Italian
Possibly an elaborate form of Fera.
Ferenc Hungarian
From the given name Ferenc.
Ferencz Hungarian
Derived from the given name Ferenc.
Fereydooni Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian فریدونی (see Fereydouni).
Fereydouni Persian
From the given name Fereydoun.
Fergani Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the name of the village of Ifergan in Morocco, derived from Tamazight afrag meaning "enclosed place, cloister".
Fergus English, Scottish, Irish
From the given name Fergus.
Ferhat Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Farhat.
Ferhati Albanian, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from the given name Ferhat.
Ferhatović Bosnian
Means "son of Ferhat".
Ferkó Hungarian
From the given name Ferkó.
Ferla Italian
Denoting someone from a town of the same name, from Latin ferula "stick, cane".
Ferm Swedish
Derived from Swedish färm "quick, prompt".
Fermanian Armenian
Meaning unknown.
Fermín Spanish
From the given name Fermín.
Fernald English
Altered form of French Fernel.
Fernandes Indian (Christian)
Adopted from the Portuguese surname Fernandes meaning "son of Fernando"
Fernel French
Derived from French ferronel, a diminutive of (obsolete) ferron "maker or seller of iron".
Fernow German
Habitational name from a place called Fernau or Fernow.
Feronz Arabic
Variant of Feroz.
Feroz Urdu
From the given name Feroz.
Feroze Urdu
Derived from the given name Feroz.
Ferramosca Italian
From Latin word ferrum meaning "iron" and Italian word mosca meaning "housefly". A notable bearer of this name was Italian professional violinist Francesco Ferramosca (1893-1932).
Ferrand French, English
This French surname can be derived from a given name (thus making it a patronymic surname) as well as from a nickname (thus making it a descriptive surname). In the case of a patronymic surname, the surname is derived from the medieval French masculine given name Ferrand, which was a variant form of the name Fernand, itself a contraction of Ferdinand.... [more]
Ferrandin French (Rare)
This French surname can be derived from a given name (thus making it a patronymic surname) as well as from the name of a profession (thus making it an occupational surname). In the case of a patronymic surname, the surname is derived from the masculine given name Ferrandin, which was a diminutive of the medieval French given name Ferrand... [more]
Ferrandino Italian
Derived from the masculine given name Ferrandino, which is a diminutive of the medieval Italian given name Ferrando. For more information about this, please see the entry for the patronymic surname of Ferrando.... [more]
Ferrando Italian, Spanish
This surname can be derived from a given name (thus making it a patronymic surname) as well as from a nickname (thus making it a descriptive surname). In the case of a patronymic surname, the surname is derived from the medieval masculine given name Ferrando, which was in use in both Italy and Spain during the Middle Ages... [more]
Ferrante Italian
This surname can be derived from a given name (thus making it a patronymic surname) as well as from a nickname (thus making it a descriptive surname). In the case of a patronymic surname, the surname is derived from the medieval masculine given name Ferrante... [more]
Ferranti Italian
Derived from the Latin word ferrum, which means "iron". Originally an occupational name for a blacksmith or a worker in iron.
Ferrantino Italian
Derived from the masculine given name Ferrantino, which is a diminutive of the medieval Italian given name Ferrante. For more information about this, please see the entry for the patronymic surname of Ferrante.
Ferrar English
The Ferrars are the Lincolnshire branch of the noble De Ferrers family. The latter having been linked to Tamworth Castle, manors in Baddesley Clinton, Tutbury Castle and the now ruined Groby Castle as well as many other estates around the UK.... [more]
Ferraris Italian (Latinized, Modern)
Variation of the italian surname "Ferrari". Means Smith but in plural.
Ferraz Portuguese
From a nickname derived from Latin ferrum meaning "iron".
Ferreire Celtic
It means smith. In the Gaelic languaje is gofaint or ngfaint.
Ferreiri Celtic (Latinized, Archaic)
Ferreiri or Ferreiro is a Galician surname in the north of Spain. It's a last name belonging to ancient Celtic tribes.
Ferreirous Galician (Latinized, Archaic)
Its meaning is smith. It comes from Galicia (Spain) and north of Portugal.
Ferrell Irish
Irish variant of Farrell.
Ferrera Spanish
Spanish cognate of Ferreira.
Ferrers Ancient Roman
It derives from Latin, "ferrum", which means "iron". As a surname, it derives from two French villages named "Ferrieres" where iron was mined.
Ferreyre Galician
Meaning the goldsmith or the ironsmith.
Ferrier Scottish
Scottish: occupational name for a smith, one who shoed horses, Middle English and Old French ferrier, from medieval Latin ferrarius, from ferrus ‘horseshoe’, from Latin ferrum ‘iron’. Compare Farrar.
Ferrigno Italian
Derived from the Italian adjective ferrigno meaning "made of or resembling iron" (a derivative of Latin ferrum meaning "iron"), applied as a nickname to someone who was very strong or thought to resemble the metal in some other way... [more]
Ferron French
Variant of Feron.
Ferruccio Italian
From the given name Ferruccio
Feste Literature
Feste was the fool in Twelfth Night, written by William Shakespeare.
Fesyuk Ukrainian
Maybe a variant of Fedosyuk.
Fett German
Nickname for a fat man, from Middle Low German vett meaning "fat".
Fett English
Nickname from Old French fait, Middle English fet meaning "suitable", "comely".
Fett Norwegian (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse fit "land, shore". This was the name of several farmsteads in Norway.
Fett Popular Culture
Last Name of Bounty hunters Jango and Boba Fett from STAR WARS.
Fettiplace English (British)
Means “make room” from Anglo-French fete place, probably a name for an usher.
Fetz Romansh
Derived from a short form of the given name Bonifatius.
Feuchtwanger German
Denoted a person from the town of Feuchtwangen in Germany. The name of the town is probably from German feucht "wet, humid, dank" and possibly wangen "cheek".
Feuer Jewish
Ornamental name from modern German Feuer "fire".
Feuer German
Metonymic occupational name for a stoker in a smithy or public baths, or nickname for someone with red hair or a fiery temper, from Middle High German viur "fire".
Feuerbacher German
Habitational name for someone from any of the places called Feuerbach.
Feuerhahn German
Feuerhahn comes from the Old High German words (fivr) meaning "fire" & (hano) meaning "cock".
Feuerschütte German (Modern)
comes from the combination of the words "Feuer" and "Schütte", which form the word "flamethrower". Surname of a Brazilian Celebrity with German Origin "Lucas Feuerschütte"
Feuerstein German
This name comes from the German feuer meaning fire, and stein meaning stone. This was a name commonly given to a blacksmith.
Feuille French
This is actually a standard word in French, correctly pronounce like "furry" without the r's. It means "leaf", or "sheet" (i.e. feuille de papier).
Feulner German
Franconian dialect form of Feilner (see Feiler), or derived from Feuln, a town near the district of Kulmbach, Bavaria, Germany. A notable bearer is the American academic Edwin Feulner (1941-).
Feunteun Breton
Breton cognate of Fontaine.
Feverel English
From a Middle English form of February, probably used as a nickname either for someone born in that month or for someone with a suitably frosty demeanor. In fiction, this surname was borne by the central character of George Meredith's novel 'The Ordeal of Richard Feverel' (1859).
Feverfew Literature
Used in Jill Murphy's books, The Worst Witch, as well as the television adaptations for the surname of Fenella Feverfew. It is a combination of "fever" and "few".
Février French
Meaning, "February."
Fey German, English, French, Danish
English: variant of Fay. ... [more]
Feynman Russian, Yiddish
Russian and Yiddish form of Feinman. This name was borne by the American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman (1918-1988).
Ffelan English
Anglisized version of the Gaelic Ó Faoláin meaning "descendent of Faolán", a given name meaning "wolf".
Fforde English (British)
Notably the last name of English novelist Jasper Fforde. The spelling suggests it is Welsh. Possibly a form of Ford? The source is unknown to me.
Ffrench English
English and Scottish:... [more]
Ffrost Medieval Welsh
Devired from the old Welsh word "Ymffrostgar", meaning a brag or boastful person. Originally spelt as "Ffrost", later changed to "Frost".
Fiadura Belarusian
Derived from an augmentative form of the Belarusian given name Fiodar.
Fialka Czech
Means ''violet'' (the flower) in Czech.
Fiander English (British)
The Fiander surname may have it's origins in Normandy, France (possibly from the old-French "Vyandre"), but is an English (British) surname from the Dorset county region. The Fiander name can also be found in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, Canada the origins of which can be traced back to the mid-1700's in the village of Milton Abbas, Dorsetshire.
Fibonacci Italian
A notable bearer is the mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci (1170-1240), the creator of the Fibonacci sequence.
Fichera Italian
From Sicilian fichera "fig tree", a nickname for someone who grew or sold figs, or perhaps lived near them.
Fichter German
Topographic name for someone who lived near pine trees (originally bei den Fichten, Feichten, or Feuchten), from Old High German fiohta. The vowel of the first syllable underwent a variety of changes in different dialects.
Fichter German (Austrian)
Habitational name deriving from places named with this word in Württemberg, Bavaria, Saxony, or Austria.
Fichtner German
The Fichtner family name first began to be used in the German state of Bavaria. After the 12th century, hereditary surnames were adopted according to fairly general rules, and names that were derived from locations became particularly common
Fick German
Derived from the given name Friedrich.
Fico Italian
from fico "fig" (from Latin ficus) applied as a metonymic occupational name for someone who grew or sold figs a topographic name for someone who lived in an area where figs grew or a habitational name from a place called with this word such as the district so named in Valderice Trapani province Sicily.
Fidan Turkish
Means "sapling" in Turkish.
Fielder English
Southern English from Middle English felder ‘dweller by the open country’.
Fieldhouse English
Topographic name for someone who lived in a house in open pasture land. Reaney draws attention to the form de Felhouse (Staffordshire 1332), and suggests that this may have become Fellows.
Fielding English
Topographic name from an Old English felding ‘dweller in open country’.
Fieldman English
Meaning "ploughman".
Fiene German, Low German
A nickname for an elegant person, from Middle Low German fin, meaning ‘fine’. Can also be a locational name from several fields and places named Fiene.
Fiennes English
Derived from Fiennes, a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Hauts-de-France region of France. The wealthy and influential Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes family, prominent in British society, originated in northern France... [more]
Fient Romansh
Derived from the given name Vivengius, itself a variant of Viventius.
Fier German
German word for "four"
Fieraru Romanian
Means "smith."
Fieri Italian
A notable bearer is American restaurateur and television host Guy Fieri (1968-).
Fiermonte Italian
Meaning uncertain. It possibly consists of the medieval Italian given name Fiero and the Italian word monte meaning "mountain", which would give this surname the meaning of "Fiero's mountain".
Fifer German, American, Slovene
Americanized and Slovenian spelling of German Pfeiffer.
Fifield English
Local. Has the same signification as Manorfield. Lands held in fee or fief, for which the individual pays service or owes rent.
Figarella Corsican
It indicates familial origin near the eponymous river.
Figaroa Papiamento
Papiamento form of Figueroa.
Figgins English
Derived from a medieval diminutive of Fulk (such as Fygge or Fulchon).
Figgis English
From a medieval nickname for a trustworthy person (from the Anglo-Norman form of Old French fichais "loyal").
Fightmaster German (Americanized)
Americanized form of Fechtmeister. Emmett Rogers Fightmaster (1992-), known professionally as E. R. Fightmaster, is an American non-binary actor, producer and writer.
Figueira Portuguese, Galician
Means "fig tree" in Portuguese and Galician, ultimately from Latin ficaria. It was used a topographic name for someone who lived or worked near fig trees or for someone from any of various places called Figueira (derived from the same word).
Figueiredo Portuguese
Name for someone from any of various places named Figueiredo, from Portuguese figueiredo meaning "fig tree orchard".
Figueredo Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese variant of Figueiredo as well as the Spanish form.
Figuerola Catalan
It indicates familial origin within either of 4 places: Figuerola farmhouse in the nucleus of Fontanet in the municipality of Torà in the comarca of Segarra, Figuerola neighborhood in the municipality of Les Piles, the municipality of Figuerola del Camp, or Figuerola d’Orcau neighborhood in the municipality of Isona i Conca Dellà.
Figuier French (Rare)
From French figuier meaning "fig tree" (ultimately from Latin ficus; a cognate of Figueroa), possibly indicating a person who lived near a fig tree or one who owned a plantation of fig trees.
Figuracion Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from Spanish figuración meaning "figuration."
Fija Ryukyuan
This Ryūkyū Name has a Combination of Kanji Characters "比" meaning "Ratio", and "嘉".
Fija Okinawan
Okinawan form of Higa.
Fijałkowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Masovian village of Fijałkowo.
Filagic Serbian, Croatian
Probably derived from the Turkish word aga. Agas were the Sultan's regents.
Filatov Russian
Means "son of Filat".
Filbert German, English (Rare), French (Rare)
Derived from the name Filbert, a variant of Philibert.
Filemban Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic فلمبان (see Felemban).
Filetto Italian
Means fillet fish in Italian
Filiberto Italian
From the given name Filiberto.
Filimon Romanian, Russian, Greek
From the given name Filimon.
Filimonov Russian
Means "son of Filimon".
Filios Greek
From the given name Filios.
Filipčić Croatian
Derived from the forename Filip.
Filipczak Polish
Polish cognate of Pylypchuk.
Filipe Portuguese
From the given name Filipe.
Filipi Kurdish, Albanian
From the given name Filipî.
Filipkowski Polish
Either a patronymic from the given name Filip, or a habitational name denoting a person from various places called Filipki (also derived from the given name) in Poland.
Filipovich Ukrainian
Patronymic from the personal name Filip.
Filipowicz Polish
A patronymic from the given name Filip.
Filippelli Italian
Means "Son of Filippo." Italian form of Phillips.
Filippenko Ukrainian
Variant of Pylypenko derived from an older form of the given name Pylyp.
Filippo Italian
From the given name Filippo.
Filippou Greek
Means "son of Filippos".
Filiz Turkish
Means "sprout, bud, shoot" in Turkish.
Filkins English
Means either (i) "person from Filkins", Oxfordshire ("settlement of Filica's people"); or "son of Filkin", a medieval personal name meaning literally "little Phil", from Philip.
Fillery English
From a medieval nickname derived from Anglo-Norman fitz le rei "son of the king" (see also Fitzroy), probably applied mainly (and ironically) to an illegitimate person or to someone who put on quasi-royal airs.
Fillion French, French (Quebec)
Probably a diminutive of fils or fille, respectively "son" and "daughter". May have alluded to the bearer being the youngest amongst siblings.
Fillmore English
Of uncertain origin: it could be derived from the Norman given name Filimor, composed of the Germanic elements filu ("very") and mari or meri ("famous"), or it might be a combination of the Saxon elements fille ("abundance") and mere, a word denoting a lake or otherwise humid land.
Filo Slovak, Greek
Filo is a Slovak pet form of the personal name Filip.... [more]
Filosa Italian
Southern Italian: Probably an occupational nickname for a fisherman, from Sicilian filuòsa ‘fishing net’. Also from the subphylum: Filosa. These are known as euglyphids, filose (which means stringy or thread-like), amoebae with shells of siliceous scales or plates, which are commonly found in soils, nutrient-rich waters, and on aquatic plants.
Fils French
From fils "son", used to identify the younger of two bearers of the same personal name in a family.
Fils-Aimé Haitian Creole
Means "beloved son" from French fils meaning "son" and aimé "love".
Finan Irish
Means "descendant of Fionnán", anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Fionnáin.