Submitted Surnames from Other Sources

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Codreanu Romanian, Moldovan
A common surname in Romania and Moldova.... [more]
Coffee Irish
Variant of Coffey.
Coffey Irish
Ireland County Cork
Cohitmingao Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano kuhit meaning "pole (used to reach or hook something)" and mingaw meaning "deserted, lonely".
Colbourn English
English: variant spelling of Colburn .
Coldman English
Probably a variant of Coleman with intrusive 'd'.
Colella Italian
Diminutive of personal name Cola, a short form of Nicola 1, an Italian equivalent of Nicholas... [more]
Coles English, Scottish, Irish, German (Anglicized), English (American)
English: from a Middle English pet form of Nicholas.... [more]
Collen English
Variant of Colin.
Collet Manx
Variant of Corlett.
Collines French
French for "hillbanks".
Collinsworth English
Variant spelling of Collingsworth, itself a variant of Collingwood.
Colmenares Spanish
It literally means "apiaries", denoting someone who either worked at some or lived near some.
Colomb French
from Old French colomb "pigeon" (from Latin columbus) applied as a metonymic occupational name for a keeper of pigeons or doves... [more]
Colombe French
Either from the given name Colombe or a habitational name from a place in France named La Colombe... [more]
Colston English
Colston means “Coal town settlement.” It is also a variant of Colton.
Combeferre Literature (?)
Combeferre is the surname of one of the strong, persuasive members of the ABC in Victor Hugo's novel Les Misérables. Meaning is unknown.
Comeaux French (Acadian), French Creole
Variant spelling of French Comeau.
Čomor Bosnian (Rare), Bosnian
Čomor is a rare surname in the world and has (mostly) Herzegovenian origins. You can find most Čomors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Only 400 people bare the surname. Čomor has two meanings; First meaning is 'buttercup' and the second one is 'a disease that comes from eating fatty (oily) foods, fever with a constant feeling of nausea and disgust'
Conahan Irish (Anglicized)
Irish reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Connachaín (see Cunningham 2).
Conceição Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Concepción.
Concepción Spanish
Means "conception'' in Spanish, in reference to the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary.
Concepcion Spanish (Filipinized)
Unaccented form of Concepción primarily used in the Philippines and America.
Conde Spanish
1 Spanish and Portuguese: “nickname from the title of rank conde ‘count’, a derivative of Latin comes, comitis ‘companion’.”... [more]
Condrau Romansh
Derived from the given name Cundrau.
Cone Irish
Reduced form of McCone.
Cong Tang Ton Nu Vietnamese
Often written with the middle two words uncapitalized when with a full name; example: Con tang ton Nu Hue Hue. The first name is Hue Hue, and the surname is Cong tang ton Nu. It is a female royal Vietnamese surname created by the Nguyen Dynasty.
Conklin English
Origin unidentified. Possibly of Dutch origin, deriving from konkelen "to plot, intrigue, deceive" or from a given name containing the element kuoni meaning "brave, bold"... [more]
Conlan Irish
Variant of Conlon.
Conlee Irish
Variant spelling of Conley
Conlin Irish
Variant of Conlon.
Conlon Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Conalláin or Ó Caoindealbháin.
Conran Irish
The surname Conran is derived from 'O Conarain', and Conran is a more anglicized version.... [more]
Contemplacion Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish contemplación meaning "contemplation." ... [more]
Coogan Irish
Anglicized form of the Gaelic name "MacCogadhain"; composed of the Gaelic prefix "mac," which means "son of," and the Gaelic personal name "Cuchogaidh", which means "Hound of War". The name is also found in Ireland as Cogan, Coggan, Coggen, Cogin, Coggon, Coogan and Goggin(s).
Cookinham Jewish (Americanized)
This has the form of an English habitational name; however, there is no record of any such place name in the British Isles, and the surname does not appear in present-day records. It is probably an Americanized form of Jewish Guggenheim .
Cooley Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Giolla Chúille ‘son of the servant of (Saint) Mochúille’, a rare Clare name.
Coon Scottish, Irish
Variant of Cunningham 1, Coonaghan and other names from the same family
Coors German
Variant of Cords.
Cooter English
A Sussex, England surname of uncertain meaning. Could be a local pronunciation of Cotter, meaning "cottage dweller" for a serf in the feudal system allowed to live in a cottage in exchange for labor on the cottage owner's estate.
Copernicus History
Nicolaus Copernicus is a mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe... [more]
Coraggio Italian
From Italian meaning "courage, bravery". Historically, the surname could have been given to someone who was known for their bravery or courage in the face of conflict, danger, or adversity, or to someone associated with the military or warfare.
Corb Romanian
From Romanian meaning "crow, raven".
Corbelli Emilian-Romagnol
May be mean 'raven-like' or 'basket maker'.
Corbett English, Scottish, Welsh
Nickname from Norman French corbet meaning 'little crow, raven'. This surname is thought to have originated in Shropshire. The surname was taken by bearers to Scotland in the 12th Century, and to Northern Ireland in the 17th Century.... [more]
Cordasco Italian
From the given name Corda or Cordio (a short form of Accord(i)o, literally "agreement") + the suffix -asco denoting kinship.
Corday French
Either from the French word corde meaning "cord/rope/string", or from the Latin word cor meaning "heart." This was the surname of Charlotte Corday, the assassin who killed Jacobin leader Jean-Paul Marat during the French revolution.
Corder French (Anglicized, Archaic), English (American)
Linked to both English, French and Spanish origin. Cordier, Cordero, Corder- one who makes cord. Can refer to both the act of making cords (rope), cores of fire wood, or actual location names.... [more]
Cordina Maltese
Derived from Italian corda meaning "rope".
Coronacion Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from Spanish coronación, meaning "coronation", referring to the idea that the Virgin Mother of God was physically crowned as Queen of Heaven after her Assumption.
Corpus Spanish
Ultimately from Latin corpus meaning "body, corpse, matter". It is possibly from the feast of Corpus Christi.
Corpuz Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Corpus primarily used in the Philippines.
Corris Manx
Depalatalized form of Corish.
Corry English, Irish
Derived from the Gaelic word “coire”, meaning “cauldron”
Corvin Hungarian (Americanized)
Shortened and Americanized form of Corvinus.
Corvinus Hungarian
dirived from Corvin, maning raven.
Cosca Italian
Topographic name from the Calabrian dialect word c(u)oscu "oak", also "wood".
Cosco Italian
Masculinized form of Cosca.
Čosić Croatian
Variant spelling of Ćosić.
Cossack Irish
Variant of Cusack
Costic English (American)
Americanized form of Polish, Ukrainian and Rusyn Kostyk, Slovak and Czech Kostik and in some cases possibly also of Serbian Kostić or Croatian and Serbian Koštić.
Costiniu Romanian
Meaning unknown.
Cottrant French
Meaning unknown.
Coulombe French
Variant of Colombe and Colomb.
Council English, German
1 English: nickname for a wise or thoughtful man, from Anglo-Norman French counseil ‘consultation’, ‘deliberation’, also ‘counsel’, ‘advice’ (Latin consilium, from consulere ‘to consult’)... [more]
Courfeyrac Literature
Courfeyrac is the surname that Victor Hugo used for Marius' closest friend in the friend of the ABC. Meaning is unknown.
Couter English
The couter (also spelled "cowter") is the defense for the elbow in a piece of plate armour. Initially just a curved piece of metal, as plate armor progressed the couter became an articulated joint.... [more]
Covey Irish, English
Irish: reduced form of MacCovey, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Cobhthaigh (see Coffey).... [more]
Coward English
several origins... [more]
Cowen Scottish, English (British)
Scottish and northern English: variant spelling of Cowan.
Coyle Irish
Irish reduced variant of McCool.
Crabbe English, Literature, Popular Culture
The character 'Vincent Crabbe' has this surname in the Harry Potter series.
Crăciun Romanian
Crăciun is the Romanian word for Christmas.
Crain Manx
Variant of Craine.
Crastan Romansh
Derived from the given name Christian.
Cratchit Literature
Bob Cratchit is a fictional character in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" novella. Bob Cratchit works for Ebenezer Scrooge as an underpaid clerk.
Cravotta Sicilian
From a Sicilian immigrant to America, Cravotta was changed to Cravatta upon arrival at Ellis Island. The name means "bowtie."
Creangă Romanian, Moldovan
A Surname commonly used in Romania and Moldova.... [more]
Crease English
Variant of Creese.
Creath English
Reduced form of the Scottish McCreath.
Creepingbear Indigenous American, Arapaho (?)
From the English words creeping and bear.
Cremins Irish
An Anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic Ó Cruimín
Crespin American (Hispanic)
A Last name originating from Colonial New Mexico. It is derived from the last name Crespi
Cress German, Jewish, Belarusian
A variant of the German surname Kress. From the Middle High German "kresse" meaning "gudgeon" (a type of fish) or the Old High German "krassig", meaning "greedy". Can also be from an altered form of the names Erasmus or Christian, or the Latin spelling of the Cyrillic "КРЕСС".
Cresta Italian, Romansh
Derived from Italian and Romansh cresta "crest" (ultimately from Latin crista). This name was perhaps applied as a topographic name for someone who lived by the crest of a mountain or as a nickname with reference to the comb of a rooster.
Cribbs English (Rare)
Unknown origin. Likely either from the Old English given name Crispin, which derives from a Latin nickname meaning "curly-haired", or from the place Cribbis near Lauder, England.
Crider German
Americanized spelling of German Kreider.
Cristales Central American, Filipino, Spanish (Mexican, Rare), South American (Rare)
Plural form of Spanish cristal meaning "crystal."... [more]
Croan Irish
Variant of Croghan.
Crockett Scottish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Riocaird "son of Richard".
Croom English (American)
Americanized spelling of Krumm.
Crooms English
Variant of Croom.
Crossfield English (British)
English Surname. Originated in Anglo-Saxon Families who lived at the Cross fields.
Crow English
From Middle English crow, Old English crawa, applied as a nickname for someone with dark hair or a dark complexion or for someone thought to resemble the bird in some other way.