All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bayabao Filipino, Maranao
From Maranao Bayabaw, the term used to refer to traditional subdivisions of the eastern regions of Lanao.
Bayani Filipino, Tagalog
Means "hero" in Tagalog.
Baydullaev m Kazakh
Means "son of Baydulla".
Baydullaeva f Kazakh
Feminine form of Baydullaev.
Bayers German
Variant of Bayer.
Bayerstowe English
From a locational name from Bairstow in West Yorkshire, probably so-called from the Old English elements beger "berry" and stow place.
Baygents English (American)
Possibly derived from Old French bezant, a kind of silver or gold coin minted in Byzantium, ultimately derived from Latin byzantius "of Byzantium"... [more]
Bayındır Turkish
Means "prosperous, rich, developed" in Turkish.
Bayır Turkish
Means "slope, incline, hill" in Turkish.
Baykalov Russian
Derived from the name of Lake Baikal, derived from Turkish baiköl meaning "rich lake".
Bayle French
Occupational name for a Bailiff from Old French Bailli "bailiff" (from Latin baiulus)... [more]
Bayles English
Variant of Bales.
Bayley English
Variant of Bailey.
Baylis English
Derived from the Middle English 'bail(l)i', a development of the Old French 'baillis'. In Scotland the word survives as 'bailie', the title of a chief magistrate for a part of a county or barony. The word survives in England as 'bailiff', an officer who serves writs and summonses for the court.
Baylon Spanish
Spanish: variant of Bailón ( see Bailon ).
Bayrak Turkish
Means "flag" in Turkish.
Bayraktar Turkish, Crimean Tatar
Means "flag-bearer" in Turkish.
Bayram Turkish
From the given name Bayram.
Bayramlı Azerbaijani
From the given name Bayram and the Turkic adjective suffix -li.
Bayramov m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Bayram".
Bayramova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Bayramov.
Baýramow m Turkmen
Means "son of Baýram".
Baýramowa f Turkmen
Feminine form of Baýramow.
Bayzhanov Kazakh
Means “son of Bayzhan”.
Bayzhanova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Bayzhanov.
Baz Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Pashto
Derived from the given name Baz.
Bazarbaev m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Means "son of Bazarbay".
Bazarbaeva f Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Bazarbaev.
Bazargan Persian
Means "merchant, trader" in Persian.
Bazin French
Derivative of the ancient Germanic personal name Bazo a shortened form of Badizo a name based on the element bad (from badhuo) "battle".
Bazin m Russian
From Russian база (baza), meaning "base, foundation, storehouse". Denoted to a person who either lived near one or worked at one.
Bazinyan Armenian
Derived from Armenian bazin meaning "falcon".
Baz-ool Tuvan (Rare)
Means "another boy" from Tuvan база (baza) meaning "also, too, another" combined with оол (ool) "son, boy".
Bazylyuk Ukrainian
From Ukrainian базилік (bazylik), meaning "basil".
Bazzaty Ossetian
Derived from Georgian ბაზი (bazi) meaning "falcon" or from a given name derived from Tatar базу (bazu) meaning "to dare" (given in hopes that a son would become a warrior).
Bazzi Arabic
Perhaps derived from an Arabic word meaning "foster brother(s)".
Bea Spanish
Habitational name from a place of this name in Teruel.
Beaber English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Bieber or Biber, from Middle High German biber ‘beaver’, hence a nickname for someone thought to resemble the animal in some way, a topographic name for someone who lived in a place frequented by beavers or by a field named with this word, or a habitational name from any of various place names in Hesse containing this element.
Beach English
Name for someone living near a beach, stream, or beech tree.
Beachem English, African American
Variant of Beauchamp, reflecting its traditional English pronunciation.
Beacher English
Means "near the beech trees".
Beachum English (American)
Variant of Beauchamp, reflecting the traditional English pronunciation.
Beacom Irish
Northern Irish variant of Beauchamp.
Beakley English
The surname Beakley is a nickname for a person with a prominent nose. Looking back further, we find the name Beakley was originally from the Old English word beke or the Old French word bec, each of which referred to the beak of a bird.
Beall Scottish
Derived from the Gaelic word beal, which means "mouth" or "opening." It could have been a nickname for someone with a large or prominent mouth.
Beals English
English: patronymic from Beal.
Beam English
From Old English beam "beam" or "post". It could be a topographic name from someone living near a post or tree, or it could be a metonymic occupational name for a weaver.... [more]
Beaman English
A beekeeper.
Beamer German (Americanized)
Americanized spelling of German Böhmer or Bäumer.
Beamish English
Habitational name for someone from Beaumais-sur-Dire in Calvados Beaumetz in Somme or one of three places called Beaumetz in Pas-de-Calais, all in northern France. In some cases it may be derived from a place called Beamish in County Durham... [more]
Bean English
Variant of Benn.
Beans English
Variant of Bean.
Bear English
From the Middle English nickname Bere meaning "bear" (Old English bera, which is also found as a byname), or possibly from a personal name derived from a short form of the various Germanic compound names with this first element... [more]
Bearcub English (American, Rare)
Surname meaning a bear cub.
Beard English (American)
Nickname for a bearded man (Middle English, Old English beard). To be clean-shaven was the norm in non-Jewish communities in northwestern Europe from the 12th to the 16th century, the crucial period for surname formation... [more]
Bearden English
English habitational name, a variant of Barden, or from places in Devon and Cornwall called Beardon.
Beardmore English
A habitational name from a lost place (probably in the county of Staffordshire in the West Midlands of England, where the surname is particularly common).
Bearn English
An old English name meaning "Son"
Bearth Romansh
Derived from the given name Albert.
Beas Spanish (Mexican)
Spanish (common in Mexico): habitational name from any of the places in Andalusia named Beas.
Beas English
Variant of Bees.
Beas German
Possibly a variant of Bies.
Beaton English
As an English surname, it is derived from either the French town of Béthune, or from the medieval diminutive Beaton, short for Bartholomew or Beatrice... [more]
Beatriz Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Beatriz.
Beats English
Variant of Beets.
Beaty Scottish, Northern Irish
Variant form of Beattie. A famous bearer of this name was the American basketball player Zelmo Beaty (1939-2013).
Beau French
Nickname for a handsome man (perhaps also ironically for an ugly one) from Old French beu bel "beautiful, handsome" (from Late Latin bellus)... [more]
Beaubien French (Quebec), English
From French beau meaning "beautiful" and bien meaning "well, good". The name referred to someone with physical beauty.
Beauchamp English, French
From the name of various places in France, for example in Manche and Somme, which was derived from Old French beu, bel meaning "fair, lovely" and champ, champs "field, plain".
Beaudelaire French (Quebec)
Franco-American & French-Canadian variant of the French surname Baudelaire. Also seen in Louisiana French-Creole.
Beaufay French (Rare)
In most cases, this surname is a locational surname that most likely took its name from the village of Beaufay, which is nowadays located in the Sarthe department of France. The village was called Bello Faeto, Bellofaido and Belfaidus during the Early Middle Ages, ultimately deriving its name from Latin bellus fagus (or bellum fagetum) meaning "beautiful beech tree(s)" or "beautiful beech woodland"... [more]
Beauford English
Variation of Buford. It is derived from the French word "beau", meaning "beautiful", and "ford", an Old English word meaning "river crossing".
Beaufoy French (Anglicized, Rare), English (Rare)
Anglicized form of Beaufay. Known bearers of this surname include the English astronomer and physicist Mark Beaufoy (1764-1827) and the British screenwriter Simon Beaufoy (b... [more]
Beaune French
Refers to Beaune, France.... [more]
Beauregard French
Habitational name from any of various places in France named Beauregard for their fine view or fine aspect, for example in Ain, Dordogne, Drôme, Lot, and Puy-de-Dôme, from beau "fair, lovely" and regard "aspect, outlook".
Beauregarde French
Variant of Beauregard used by one of the main characters in Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" as well as its film and broadway adaptations.
Beauséjour French (Rare)
Literally means "beautiful sojourn", derived from French beau "beautiful, nice, fine" and French séjour "sojourn, short stay". As such, this surname is most likely a locational surname, in that it originally referred to a scenic place to sojourn in... [more]
Beausire French
French cognate of Bowser.
Beausoleil French (Quebec)
Surname of French origin. A topographic name from beau ‘lovely fair’ + soleil ‘sun’ probably denoting a place that was exposed to the sun or a habitational name from any of various minor places called so.... [more]
Beauvais French
From French place names derived from "beautiful sight".
Beauvoir English
From the surname of Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986), a French feminist and philosopher.
Beaven Welsh
Variant of Bevan.
Beccari Italian
Variant of Beccaria, "butcher".
Beccaria Italian
From beccaro "butcher", ultimately from becco "goat".
Becci Italian
Possibly derived from a dialectic form of vecchio "old", or from Celtic becci "beaks", perhaps indicating someone with a large nose.
Becerra Spanish, Galician
Nickname probably for a high-spirited person from becerra "young cow, heifer". It may also have been a metonymic occupational name for a cowherd.
Bechdel German
Variant of German Bechtel. ... [more]
Becher German
Shortened form of Becherer as well as a surname given to for someone who distilled or worked with pitch, in which case it is derived from Middle High German bech / pech "pitch".
Bechet English
A famous bearer of this surname was Sidney Bechet (1897–1959), an American jazz saxophonist, clarinetist, and composer.
Bechmann German (Rare)
Surname denoting someone who worked with pitch, from Middle High German bech / pech "pitch" and man, a suffix which can mean "man" or simply be used as a name suffix.
Bechtle German
The surname Bechtle was first found in Hessen, where the family contributed greatly to the development of an emerging nation. The earliest bearers of this name to be mentioned in ancient chronicles were Bechtold of Fulda in 1387, Bechtold Suleffel of Frankfurt in 1442, and Tibertius Bechtolf of Frankfurt in 1568... [more]
Beckemeyer German
Beckemeyer is a surname of German origin. The name likely traces back to a place named Beckum, located in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The "-eyer" suffix could potentially mean "from" or "of" in this context, so " Beckemeyer " could translate to "from Beckum".
Becker English
Occupational name for a maker or user of mattocks or pickaxes, from an agent derivative of Old English becca "mattock".
Beckett English
Habitational name derived from the Old English given name Bicca or from beo "bee" combined with cot "cottage, shelter, small house".
Beckford English
Means "Becca’s ford" in Old English.
Beckingham English
From the name of two villages in England, one in Lincolnshire and one in Nottinghamshire.
Beckius Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "small stream, brook" and the common surname suffix -ius.
Beckles English
From a place in Suffolk named "Beccles". From Old English bæce meaning "stream" and les meaning "meadow".
Beckley English
This surname was taken from an English habitational name from any of the various places, in Kent, Oxfordshire, and Sussex, named Beckley whose name was derived from the Old English byname Becca and the Old English lēah "woodland clearing".... [more]
Beckson English (British)
The name comes from having lived in an enclosed place, means dweller at the old enclosure or dwelling. The surname Aldeman was first found in Essex, Suffolk and Yorkshire at Aldham. In all cases, the place name meant "the old homestead," or "homestead of a man called Ealda," from the Old English personal name + "ham."
Beckwith English (African)
Habitational name from a place in West Yorkshire named Beckwith, from Old English bece "beech" + Old Norse viðr "wood" (replacing the cognate Old English wudu).
Becquerel French
A notable bearer was French scientist Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) who discovered radioactivity. A becquerel (Bq), the SI unit for radioactivity, is named after him.
Becraft English (American)
English, variant of Beecroft. topographic name for someone who lived at a place where bees were kept, from Middle English bee ‘bee’ + croft ‘paddock’, ‘smallholding’.
Beddall English (British, ?)
According to the Forebears website: ... [more]
Beddoe Welsh
Variant of Beddow.
Beddoes Welsh
“This name derives from Old Welsh name and patronymic surname “Morgetuid / Margetiud”, composed of two elements: “mere” (great, splendid) plus “iudd” (lord). As a personal name the origins are lost in the mists of time but it is certainly pre Roman, however the modern use of the name is commonly taken from Merdydd ap Bleddyn, prince of Powys who died in 1132... [more]
Beddow Welsh
From the personal name Bedo, a pet form of Meredydd (see Meredith).
Bedell English
This place name derives from the Old English words byde, meaning "tub," and "well," meaning a "spring," or "stream." As such, Bedell is classed as a habitational name.
Bedenko Ukrainian
From Ukrainian ведення (bedennya), meaning "management". Denoted to person who managed something.
Bedford English
From the English county Bedfordshire and its principal city or from a small community in Lancashire with the same name. The name comes from the Old English personal name Beda, a form of the name Bede and the location element -ford meaning "a crossing at a waterway." Therefore the name indicates a water crossing once associated with a bearer of the medieval name.
Bedi Indian
Based on the name of a clan in the Khatri community. The name is derived from Sanskrit vedī ‘one who knows the Vedas’. Guru Nanak (1469–1539), the founder of the Sikh religion, was from the Bedi clan... [more]
Bedi Indian, Punjabi, Hindi
Derived from Sanskrit वेदिन् (vedin) meaning "knowing, learned", used as a name for someone who was familiar with the Vedas.
Bedigian Armenian
Variant of Bedikian. Used by Armenians living outside of Armenia.
Bedikian Armenian
Based on the diminutive form Bedik of the Western Armenian name Bedros.
Bedir Turkish
Means "full moon" in Turkish.
Bednář Czech
Bednář means "hooper, cooper" in Czech.
Bednárik mu Slovak, Hungarian (?)
Masculine in Slovak and unisex in Hungarian.
Bednarik Slovak (Expatriate), Hungarian (Expatriate, ?)
Simplified form of Bednárik, used in countries where á is not used.
Bednarz Polish
Occupational name for a cooper in Polish.
Bednyy m Russian
Means "poor".
Bedogni Italian
Probably from the archaic term bedogna, a kind of polenta (a dish of boiled cornmeal), or a rosary.
Bedoni Italian
Probably of French origin, from betun "mud" or bedon "paunch, pot belly".
Bedoya Spanish
Castilianized form of Bedoia. Name for someone from Bedoña, in the Spanish province Gipuzkoa. Bedoña likely comes from Basque bedi "pasture grazing" and -oña, suffix for a place name.
Bedrossian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Պետրոսյան (see Petrosyan)
Bedsaul German
Americanized form of the German surname Petzold, which comes from a Slavic pet form of the name Peter.
Bedürftig German
Means "poor, needy" in German.
Bedwani Arabic (Egyptian)
Possibly derived from bedouin, the term for a wandering tribe of arabs.
Bedwani Arabic (Egyptian, Rare)
Possibly derived from the English word bedouin, that comes from the Arabic badawī, which means "desert dweller". ... [more]
Bedwell English
Derived from the town of Bidwell, Hertfordshire, England, from Old English words "Byde", which meant tub, and "Well", meaning fountain or spring. The surname is classified as a habitational name. The name Bedwell is most common in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire, England, and the state of Indiana in the USA.
Bedworth English
An English habitational surname from a place so named near Nuneaton, in Warwickshire, derived most likely from the Old English personal name Baeda (see Bede), suffixed with worþ, 'enclosure', denoting an enclosed area of land belonging to Baeda.
Bee English
From Middle English be meaning "bee", Old English beo, hence a nickname for an energetic or active person or a metonymic occupational name for a beekeeper.
Beeden English (British)
Probably means "from Beeden", a village near Newbury in Berkshire. Ultimately coming from either Old English byden, meaning "shallow valley", or from the pre 7th century personal name Bucge with the suffix dun, meaning "hill of Bucge".
Beekman Dutch, German (Americanized)
Means "creek man" in Dutch, a topographic name for a person who lived by a creek, or an Americanized form of the German cognate Beekmann.
Beeks Dutch
From Dutch beek meaning "brook, stream".
Beeler English
Anglicized spelling of German BIEHLER.
Beeli Romansh, German (Swiss)
Adoption of French Belfort.
Beeman English (British)
The name Beeman first arose amongst the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. It is derived from their having lived near a mountain. This name was brought to England by the Normans, and is a corruption of the Norman French name Beaumont, which means beautiful mountain.
Beenders Dutch
Possibly an occupational name for a bookbinder or barrel maker, from Middle Dutch binden "to bind, to tie". Alternatively, could be related to been "bone".
Beer English
Habitational name from any of the forty or so places in southwestern England called Beer(e) or Bear(e). Most of these derive their names from the West Saxon dative case, beara, of Old English bearu "grove, wood"... [more]
Beer German, Dutch
From Middle Low German bare, Middle Dutch bere "bear". Given as a nickname to someone who was thought to resemble a bear, a metonymic occupational name for someone who kept a performing bear, or a habitational name for someone who lived near a sign depicting a bear... [more]
Beerale Somali
The surname "Beerale" in Somali means "farmer" or "agriculturist." It refers to someone involved in farming or agricultural activities.
Beerbrewer English
Means Brewer of Beer.
Beernabad Somali
Beer" means farm, and "Nabad" means peace.
Beers English
Name for someone who lives in a grove of woods.
Beers Dutch
Could be a habitational name from either of two Dutch villages called Beers, or derived from a short form of the personal name Bernhard.
Beery Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Béara. This name was borne by brothers Noah (1882-1946) and Wallace Beery (1885-1949), and Noah's son Noah Beery Jr... [more]
Beery English (American)
Americanized form of Swiss German Bieri.
Beever English
Yorkshire variant of Beaver.
Beffa Italian
Nickname for a practical joker, from Italian beffa "trick, prank".
Beffu Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Beppu.
Befu Japanese
Variant reading of Beppu.
Bega Spanish
Variant of Vega.
Begay Navajo
Derived from the Navajo word biyeʼ meaning "his son". This was frequently adopted as a surname among the Navajo when Native Americans were required by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to formally adopt surnames for the purpose of official records.
Begaye Navajo
Variant of Begay.
Begić Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Possibly related to Turkish element beg meaning "chieftain, leader".
Begin Belarusian, Jewish
Nickname for a runner, derived from Belarusian бегун (begun) meaning "one who walks quickly". A noteworthy bearer was Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin (1913-1992), who is best remembered for signing a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979, for which he and Anwar Sadat were both awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Bégon French
Probably from French béguin "(male) Beguin", referring to a member of a particular religious order active in the 13th century, and derived from the surname of Lambert le Bègue, the mid-12th-century priest responsible for starting it... [more]
Bègue French
Means "stutterer, stammerer" in French, used as a nickname for someone with a stutter.
Béguin French
Nickname from beguin, a member of a medieval Christian male religious community (ultimately named after a priest called Lambert le Bègue) that followed a monastic rule without making perpetual vows and was quickly considered heretic; by extension the term came to mean "sanctimonious person".
Begüm Turkish, Turkmen, Azerbaijani, Uyghur
Turkish, Turkmen, Azerbaijani, and Uyghur variant of Begum.
Beh German
Possibly a variant of Boehm.
Beh Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Ma.
Behbudlu Azerbaijani
From the given name Behbud and the Turkic adjective suffix -li.
Behbudov m Azerbaijani
From the given name Behbud.
Behbudova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Behbudov.
Behera Indian, Odia
Means "owner, master, leader" in Odia.
Beheshti Persian
From Persian بهشت (behesht) meaning "paradise, heaven".
Behl Indian, Punjabi, Hindi
Alternate transcription of Punjabi Gurmukhi ਬਹਿਲ or Hindi बहल (see Bahl).
Behn German
From the German male personal name Behn, a shortened form of Bernhard. A famous bearer was the English novelist and dramatist Aphra Behn (1640-1689).
Behnam Persian
From the given name Behnam.
Behnen German
Derived from the given name Bernhard.
Behr German, Dutch
Variant of Baer. Compare Beer.
Behrangi Persian
From the given name Behrang.
Behrendt German
Dutch and North German surname which is a variant of Behrend.
Behringer German
Habitational name for someone from either of two places called Behringen, near Soltau and in Thuringia, or from Böhringen in Württemberg.
Behroozi Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian بهروزی (see Behrouzi).
Behrouzi Persian
From the given name Behrouz.
Behzadi Persian
From the given name Behzad.
Behzadian Persian
From the given name Behzad.
Behzadpour Persian
Means "son of Behzad" in Persian.
Bei Chinese
From Chinese 贝 (bèi) referring to the ancient fief of Bei, which was part of the state of Jin during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Hebei province.
Beier German
Variant of Bayer.
Beifong Popular Culture
Surname of Toph from the American TV show "Avatar: The Last Airbender". Could be derived from the Chinese word "北方 (Běifāng)" meaning "north".
Beihl English, German
Variant of Biehl, a short form of BIEHLER.
Beijering Dutch
Variant of Beyer using the -ing suffix.
Beil German
Means "axe, hatchet" in German, an occupational name for someone who made or used axes, such as a carpenter.
Beilen Dutch
Habitational name from a village in Drenthe, Netherlands, possibly related to Old Germanic *bagil- "swamp, marsh".
Beilin Jewish (Ashkenazi)
Derived from the feminine given name Beile or Bayla; the given names themselves are Yiddish forms of English Bella... [more]
Beilke German
From ancient Germanic bīl "sword" or bīhel "axe".
Beilschmidt German
means "Axe Smith" in german