All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bonadonna Italian
From buona "good" and donna "woman, lady".
Bonaduce Italian
From the Latin phrase bona duce fortuna, "with good luck as your guide".
Bonaiuto Italian
Derived from the Medieval names Bonaita or Bonaiutus or also from the Medieval Italian bon meaning "good" and aita meaning "help"... [more]
Bonal French
This is a surname formed from the Latin root "bonus" (= good) and the Germanic "wald" (waldan = govern). Bonwald meaning good governor.
Bonalumi Italian
Means "good light".
Bonamici Italian
Means "good friend", originating as a nickname or from a given name of the same meaning.
Bonamy French
Meaning "good friend".
Bonanno Italian
From the medieval personal name Bonanno, an omen name meaning "good year". Mainly found throughout southern Italy.
Bonanunzio Italian
Combination of bon which means 'good' + the given name Nunzio.
Bonaparte Italian (Rare), French (Rare), Judeo-Italian (Rare), American (Rare), Caribbean (Rare)
Variant and French form of Buonaparte. This is also a Jewish surname. A notable bearer was Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1820), who ruled as Emperor of France from 1804 through 1814 and again briefly in 1815, who was of Italian (Tuscan) ancestry... [more]
Bonar Scottish, Northern Irish
From a medieval nickname for a courteous or good-looking person (from Middle English boner "gentle, courteous, handsome"). A notable bearer of the surname was Canadian-born British Conservative politician Andrew Bonar Law (1858-1923), prime minister 1922-23.
Bonar Irish
A "translation" of Irish Gaelic Ó Cnáimhsighe "descendant of Cnáimhseach", a nickname meaning literally "midwife" and ostensibly a derivative of Gaelic cnámh "bone".
Bonasera Sicilian
Derived from the expression bona sera "good evening". This name was applied as a nickname either for someone who made frequent use of this salutation or as a personal name bestowed on a child as an expression of gratitude in the sense "it was a good evening when you were born".
Bonasira Sicilian
variant spelling of Bonasera
Bonatti Italian
Comes from the pesonal name 'Bona' which is derived from Latin 'bonus', which means 'great'.
Bonaventure French
French cognate of Bonaventura
Bonba Basque, Spanish
From Basque bonba meaning "bomb", (Latin bombus), hence probably a nickname for someone with an explosive temperament, or a metonymic occupational name for an artilleryman.
Bondarev m Russian
Russian form of Bondarenko.
Bonde Swedish, Old Swedish, Danish
From Old Norse bóndi "farmer". Used as both a last name and a (rare) given name in Sweden (see Bonde for the given name and Bondesson as an example of a patronymic derived from this name)... [more]
Bonde English
Variant of Bond.
Bonde Norwegian (Rare)
From a farm named Bonde, named with Old Norse bóndi "farmer" and vin "meadow".
Bondesson Swedish
Means "son of Bonde", or possibly "son of a farmer".
Bondi Italian
Derived from the given name Abbondio.
Bondia Catalan
Bondia is a Catalan surname. It means 'good day' or 'good morning'.
Bondoc Pampangan, Tagalog
From Kapampangan bunduk or Tagalog bundok both meaning "mountain".
Bondoc Romanian
Means "stocky" in Romanian.
Bonds English
Variant of Bond.
Bondy English
Variant of Bond.
Bondy Italian (Americanized)
Americanized form of Bondi.
Bonecutter English
Likely from someone who's job was to work with deceased people.
Bonera Italian
Bresciano surname (i.e., concentrated in Brescia, Lombardy, Italy), derived from the medieval Italian given name Bonora or Buonora which in turn meant "(it was a) good hour (when you were born)" from Latin bonus "good" and hora "time, hour".
Bones English
Derives from bon, "good" in Old French.
Bonfanti Italian
From the given name Bonfante, meaning "good child".
Bonfiglio Italian
From the given name Bonfiglio an omen or well-wishing name meaning "good son" from bono "good" and‎ figlio "child, son"... [more]
Bong Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Huang.
Bongard German, French
In german a rhenish place name "Obstgarten" (orchard).... [more]
Bongiorno Italian
Italian from the medieval personal name Bongiorno (composed of bono ‘good’ + giorno ‘day’), bestowed on a child as an expression of the parents’ satisfaction at the birth (‘it was a good day when you were born’).
Bongiovanni Italian
Comes from the personal name Giovanni composed of the elements bon ‘good’ + Giovanni, Italian equivalent of John
Bongiovi Italian
Comes from the given name Giovi, combination of bon 'good' + Giovi.
Bonhoc Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano bunhok meaning "bird louse" (a type of small biting insect).
Boniadi Persian (Rare)
Probably indicated a person from the Iranian village of Boniad, possibly derived from Persian بنیاد (bonyad) meaning "foundation, base". A notable bearer is Iranian-English actress Nazanin Boniadi (1980-).
Bonica Italian
Possibly derived from a feminine personal name derived from Latin bonus "good".
Bonifacio Portuguese, Spanish
From the given name Bonifacio.
Bonifaz German
From the given name Bonifaz.
Bonilla Spanish
From the area of Spain of the same name
Bonin French
Variant spelling of Bonnin.
Bonito Italian, Spanish
From the given name Bonito.
Bonjovi Italian
Variant of Bongiovi, a famous bearer of this name is Jon Bon Jovi.
Bonkink Dutch (Rare), Belgian (Rare)
From Bonke, a diminutive of the given name Bon, itself a short form of names such as Bonifaas, Bouden, or Bonard.
Bonkobara Japanese
From 盆 (bon) meaning "tray, bowl, basin, lantern festival", combined with 子 (ko, shi) meaning "child, sign of the rat", and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Bonnar Irish
Translation of the Gaelic "O'Cnaimhsighe", descendant of Cnaimhseach, a byname meaning "Midwife
Bonnefoy French
The name is derived from the French words bonne, meaning good, and foi meaning faith.
Bonnell Scottish
From Bonhill, a town in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.
Bonnemaison French
Literally means "good house", derived from French bonne "good" and French maison "house". As such, this surname is most likely a locational surname, in that it originally either referred to someone who lived in a good house (probably more like a mansion) or to someone who was born in (or lived in) the place Bonnemaison, which is nowadays located in the Calvados department of France... [more]
Bonnerjee Bengali
Different spelling of Banerjee.
Bonnevier Swedish
Likely brought to Sweden by Walloon immigrants in the 16th century.
Bonneville English (British)
From a place name.
Bonnin French
Derived from a diminutive of Bon, it is also found in the island of Mallorca and Turin, Italy.
Bono Italian
Variant of De Bono.
Bonomini Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Bonomo.
Bonsall English (British)
This is a locational name which originally derived from the village of Bonsall, near Matlock in Derbyshire. The name is Norse-Viking, pre 10th Century and translates as 'Beorns-Halh' - with 'Beorn' being a personal name meaning 'Hero' and 'Halh' a piece of cultivated land - a farm.
Bonsor French
Bonsor is from French origin mean good day Bon soir
Bontempo Italian
Italian cognate of "Bontemps"
Bontemps French
Derived from Old French bon temps meaning "good time". One popular bearer of the name is the American poet and novelist Arna Wendell Bontemps (1902-1973).
Bontrager German
Coming from the Old German, Bonträger or Bornträger, meaning 'water carrier'.
Bonus French, German, Dutch
Latinization of vernacular names meaning "good", for example French Lebon or Dutch De Goede.
Bonuš Czech
From a pet form of the personal name Bonifác, Czech form of Bonifacio.
Bonville French
Variant of Bonneville
Boo Korean
From Sino-Korean 富 (Bu) meaning "Fortune".
Booda Dutch (Rare)
Possibly derived from a French surname or place name.
Boodhoo Mauritian Creole, Trinidadian Creole
Derived from Sanskrit बुध् (budh) meaning "awakened, intelligent, wise".
Boodram Trinidadian Creole, Mauritian Creole
Derived from the given name Budhram.
Book English (British, Anglicized)
Likely an anglicized form of Buch or Buck.
Booke American
American variant of the German name Buche meaning "beech" in reference to the beech tree. Notable bearer is the actor Sorrell Booke (1930-1994).
Bookman German (East Prussian)
Bookman, as a surname, derives from East Purssian origin. It is the American version of “Buchmann” with “Buch” meaning book in German, and “Mann” meaning man, creating the Americanized German surname Bookman.
Bookwalter English (American)
German: variant of Buchwalder, a habitational name for someone from any of various places called Buchwald or Buchwalde in Saxony and Pomerania, meaning 'beech forest'. The surname Buchwalter is very rare in Germany.... [more]
Bool English
This surname derives from the Old English pre 7th Century bula, or the Medieval English bulle, bolle, meaning "bull", and was given as a nickname to one with great physical strength.
Boom Dutch
From Old Dutch bom "tree", a nickname for someone tall or robust, or a toponymic surname for someone who lived by a notable tree. It could also be an occupational name for someone who operated a boom barrier
Boomgaarden East Frisian, Dutch
From Dutch boomgaard "orchard", literally "tree garden", an occupational name for an orchard worker or a topographic name for someone who lived in or by an orchard.
Boomhouwer Dutch
Occupational name meaning "woodcutter", from boom "tree" and houwen "to hew, chop". Compare German Baumhauer.
Boon Dutch
Shortened version of the name Boudjin, which is itself shortened from the given name Boudewijn.
Boon Dutch
From boon "bean". Refers to a person who grows beans, or a nickname for someone tall and thin (i.e. stringbean).
Boone Dutch
Variant of Boen.
Boonma Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai บุญมา (see Bunma).
Boonmee Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai บุญมี (see Bunmi).
Boonraksa Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai บุญรักษา (see Bunraksa).
Boonruang Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai บุญเรือง (see Bunrueang).
Boonrueng Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai บุญเรือง (see Bunrueang).
Boonsook Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai บุญสุข (see Bunsuk).
Boonsri Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai บุญศรี (see Bunsi).
Boonstra West Frisian, Dutch
Denoted someone who cam from the town of Oldeboorn, named for the nearby De Boarn river, related to Middle Dutch borne "well, spring, source".
Boonsuk Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai บุญสุข (see Bunsuk).
Boonyaratglin Thai
From Thai บุญ (bun) meaning "delight; happiness", รัต (rat) of unknown meaning, and กลิน (klin) of unknown meaning.
Boorman English
This surname is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and may be either a topographical name for someone who lived in a particularly noteworthy or conspicuous cottage, from the Old English bur "bower, cottage, inner room" with mann "man", or a locational name from any of the various places called Bower(s) in Somerset and Essex, which appear variously as Bur, Bure and Bura in the Domesday Book of 1086.
Boostani Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian بوستانی (see Bostani).
Boot English
Metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of boots, ultimately from Old French bote "boot, high-sided leather shoe".
Boot German, Dutch
Metonymic occupational name for a boat builder, sailor, or a ship’s carpenter, from Dutch boot "boat, ship".
Boot Dutch, German
Patronymic form of Bode, derived from either Old High German boto "messenger, envoy" or the related bot "command, order".
Boothby English
From the name of a parish in Lincolnshire, England.
Boothe English
Variant of Booth
Boothroyd English
Possibly from the Old English booth meaning "hut, shack" and royd meaning "clearing (in the woods)".
Boots English
Variant of Boot.
Boots Dutch, German
Patronymic form of Boot.
Booty English
Means butt. Usually big and round.There are also two of them.
Bootz German, Dutch
Could be a patronymic form of Booz or Bodo, or a variant of Boots.
Bora Indian, Assamese
From a military title used during the Ahom Kingdom that indicated an official who commanded 20 soldiers.
Bora Turkish
From the given name Bora 1.
Borák Czech
Habitational name for someone from one of many places named with bor meaning "pine forest"; alternatively from a short form of the personal names Dalibor or Bořivoj, containing the element -bor meaning "battle".
Boran Turkish
From the given name Boran
Boranbaev m Kazakh
Means "son of Boranbay".
Boranbaeva f Kazakh
Feminine form of Boranbaev.
Borbak-ool Tuvan
Derived from Tuvan борбак (borbak) meaning "round, rounded, spherical" combined with оол (ool) "son, boy".
Borberg Danish
Borberg is derived from the location Borbjerg in Western Jutland in Denmark.
Borcha Aragonese
Proper, non-Castilianized form of Borja; it indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality.
Borchert German, English
Variant of Borchardt (see Burkhard).
Bordaberry French, Spanish (Latin American), Basque
From Basque Bordaberri or Bordaberria, both widespread place names meaning "new hut/sheepfold/farm".
Bordeaux French
City in France.
Borders English
Americanization of surname Bader. Forefathers who were Hessian soldiers during the American revolution.
Bordner German
A variant spelling of Bartner, a job name for a battle axe maker.
Bordziłowski Polish
From Old Germanic Bardil, meaning "beard" or "axe." It was possibly a nickname for a bearded person who had an axe.
Borecki English
Habitational name for someone from a place called Borek or Borki, from bór "pine forest".
Boreman Dutch
Dutch: variant of Borneman. ... [more]
Borén Swedish
Combination of an unknown first element and the common surname suffix -én (originally from Latin -enius "descendant of"). Also possible habitational name derived from places named with Bor-, such as Borås, Borensberg, and Borlänge... [more]
Boren German
Of unclear origin, most likely a variant of the German surname Born.
Borg Maltese
From Maltese borġ meaning "castle, citadel, tower".
Borgedalen Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Norwegian borg "fortification, castle" and dal "valley".
Borges Portuguese, Spanish
Possibly from Old French burgeis meaning "town-dweller" (see Burgess). Alternately, it may have denoted someone originally from the city of Bourges in France.
Borgnine Italian (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Borgnino. A notable bearer was the American actor Ernest Borgnine (1917-2012).
Borgo Italian
Borgo is an Italian surname, which means 'village' or 'borough'.
Borhani Persian
From the given name Borhan.
Borichevskaya Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Боричевский (see Borichevsky).
Boringhieri Romansh
Italianized form of Büergna.
Boris Russian (Rare)
From the given name Boris.
Borisyuk Russian
Russian transcription of Ukrainian Борисюк (see Borysyuk), meaning of "son of Boris".
Börjesson Swedish
Means "son of Börje".
Borjigin Mongolian
This is the name of a Mongol sub-clan, of which Genghis Khan was part of. A suggested origin is a Turkic-language term borčïqïn meaning "man with dark blue eyes", though this is somewhat dubious... [more]
Borkowska f Polish
Feminine form of Borkowski.
Borkowski Polish
Habitational name for someone from any of various locations called Borki, Borkowice or Borek, all derived from Polish bór meaning "conifer forest, pine forest".
Borlaug Norwegian
From a farm Borlaug in Sogn.... [more]
Borman Dutch, Low German, English
Dutch and North German: variant of Bormann. ... [more]
Bormann German
This surname is presumed to be a variant of Bornemann, which is made up of Middle Low German born meaning "spring" and man meaning "man," denoting someone who lived by a spring or a well.
Born German, English
A topographical name indicating someone who lived near a stream, from the Old English "burna, burne". Alternatively, it could be contemporarily derived from the modern English word "born". Possible variants include Bourne, Burns 1 and Boren.
Born Maltese
Not to be confused with the German surname Born.
Borne English
Variant spelling of Bourne.
Borne Dutch
Shortened form of the Dutch surname van den Borne, derived from Middle Dutch borne "well, spring, source". A habitational name for someone from Born in the province of Limburg (Netherlands) or from a place associated with the watercourse of the Borre river in French Flanders.
Borne French
From Old French borgne "one-eyed, blind", a nickname for someone with only one eye, or who had other problems with their vision, such as a squint or cross-eyes.
Borneman Dutch
Variant of Borne "well, spring, source", with the addition of man "man, person".
Bornemann Low German
Topographic name denoting someone who lived by a well or spring, from Middle Low German born "spring, well" and man "person, man".
Boro Indian, Bodo
From the name of the Boro (or Bodo) people, itself either meaning "great people" or derived from the name of the Hindu god Varaha.
Boroi Romanian
Meaning unknown.
Boronda American (Hispanic), Basque
Boronda is a Californio surname that is also of Basque origin. Boronda is the name of a place in Salinas California named after Jose Eusebio Boronda where he made his house out of Adobe. Today, It is a California national Historic landmark in Boronda road in Salinas.
Boroumand Persian
Means "exuberant, fertile, fruitful" in Persian.
Borowicz Polish
Patronymic from a pet form of Borowy, or from Borzyslaw, Bolebor, or some other personal name formed with the element bor ‘to fight’.
Borowski m Polish, Yiddish (Polonized)
Derived from Polish bor, meaning "pine forest".
Borquez Spanish
Likely shortened from Bohórquez.
Borrelli Italian
There are three possible origins of this surname. It could derive from some place names located in Catania and Campania -two Italian southern regions. Another hypothesis is that it derives from the Celtic word borro, meaning "proud" or maybe "ditch"... [more]
Borrero Spanish
Occupational name from borrero 'executioner'.
Borresen Danish
The Danish surname Borresen has two origins. Boerresen is composed of -sen 'son' + the given name Boerre, the modern equivalent of Old Norse Byrgir 'the helper' (from proto-Indo-European root BHER- 'to carry, bear')... [more]
Borromée Italian (Gallicized)
Gallicized form of Borromeo, used in reference to Saint Charles Borromeo, a 16th-century Italian cardinal.
Borromeo Spanish (Philippines)
Nickname derived from Italian buon romeo meaning "good pilgrim", from buono meaning "good" and Romeo meaning "pilgrim (to Rome)".
Borsheim Norwegian (Rare)
Habitational name from either of two farmsteads in Norway: Borsheim in Rogaland and Børsheim in Hordaland. Borsheim is a combination of an unknown first element and Norwegian heim "home", while Børsheim is a combination of Old Norse byrgi "fence, enclosure" and heim.
Borsok Russian, Jewish, German (Austrian)
Pronouced "Boar-sook"... [more]
Borstein German, Norwegian
Means "boron stone" in German and Norwegian.
Borsten Swedish, Danish
Swedish and Danish form of Borstein.
Borthwick English (British), Scottish
Denoted someone who came from the hamlet of Borthwick in Scotland.
Bortnik Russian
Means "beekeeper" in Russian, used as an occupational name.
Bortnyk Ukrainian
Ukrainian cognate of Bortnik.
Borukhov Jewish
From the given name Borukh, itself a Yiddish form of Baruch.
Borysyuk Ukrainian
Means "son of Borys".
Borzani Italian
Family of ancient and noble tradition, originally from Romagna. The commendator GB of Crollalanza reports the blazon of this family in the volumes of his historical blazon dictionary of the noble and notable Italian families... [more]
Borzykh Russian
Derived from Russian борзый (borzy) meaning "swift, brisk".
Bosak Croatian
Derived from bos, meaning "barefoot".
Bosch American
The surname Bosch originates from the Old Norse word "buski," meaning "bush," or "woods” thus it is classed at a toponymic surname and was most likely used by a man who lived near a prominent bush... [more]
Boschman Dutch
From Middle Dutch bosch "wood, forest" and man "person, man", a name for someone who lived or worked in a forest.
Boscolo Italian
Habitational name for someone who lived by a forest, derived from Italian bosco meaning "woods, forest".
Bose Indian, Bengali
Variant of Basu.
Boshnjaku Albanian
Meaning unknown.
Bosinney Cornish
Denotes the original bearer came from Bossiney, Cornwall. Bossiney comes from Cornish Bod and Cini, meaning "Cini's dwelling," with Cini being a Cornish name of unknown meaning.... [more]
Bosisio Italian
Probably from the municipality Bosisio in Lombardy.
Boškoska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Boškoski.
Boškoski m Macedonian
Means "son of Boško".
Bošković Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Boško".
Boškovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Boškovski.
Boškovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Boško".
Bosley English
English habitation surname derived from the Old English personal name Bosa and the Old English leah "clearing, field". It's also possibly a variant of the French surname Beausoleil meaning "beautiful sun" from the French beau 'beautiful, fair' and soleil 'sun'... [more]
Bosma West Frisian, Dutch
Means "man of the forest", from Dutch bos "forest, woods" and the Frisian suffix -ma.
Boşnak Turkish
Means "Bosniak" in Turkish. One of the only major ethnic groups that adopted Islam during the Ottoman Empire. A huge diaspora of Bosniaks live in Turkey and many Turks have Bosniak heritage.