AleghieriMedieval Italian (Tuscan, Rare, Archaic) It has a hard to trace meaning, but the research shows that the meaning might be "clurgyman's family" or "son of professers." People know this last name for the poet Dante Aligheri who wrote the Dievine Comedy.
BetschlaRomansh (Archaic) Derived from the Germanic name element beraht "bright". The name was replaced by the Italianized form Bezzola in the 18th century.
BilderbackGerman (Modern, Archaic) German: habitational name from any of the three places in northern Germany named Billderbeck, formerly Bilderbeck.... [more]
BoujettifNorthern African (Archaic) Meaning, "The family of the son of the Clever Head" or "One Whom Possess a Clever Head." Bou (normally used in the North African Regions of the Maghrib Countries) has 2 possible derivative meanings both originating from the Arabic language, "Son of..." or an Arabic word Tho meaning, "One Who Possess A Quality." Jettif is a variance of Jettef, Jeif or Ji'f which is derived from the ancient Tamazight or Imazighen (popularly known as Berber) and is pronounced "j-ixf" which means Clever, head, or brain."
CahanaJewish (Rare, Archaic) Jewish surname, originally of Eastern European Ashkenazi origin, found in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Moldova. Currently a relatively common surname in Israel. Aramaic equivalent of Cohen.
CalliariItalian (Latinized, Archaic) This is an Italian surname, in the north of Italy. Calliari is the result of the deformation of the graphically Calligari, where you can clearly see excision of the letter or character D, which is located in the middle of the surname... [more]
CañusaFilipino (Hispanicized, Modern, Archaic) Cañusa is the only variant of the family name of Cañusa. Used by the descendants of Ortillo Cañosa and Eulalia Cañosa in Agusan del Sur, Philippines.
CaslariJewish (Archaic), Judeo-Provençal, Judeo-Catalan, Judeo-French Abraham ben David Caslari was a Catalan-Jewish physician. Abraham Caslari (presumably a different man) is also listed in the index of known Jews in France in the late middle ages in the book Judaia Gallica by Heinrich Gross.
CelsiusSwedish (Archaic), History Latinized form of Högen "the mound" (Latin: celsus), the name of a vicarage in Ovanåker parish, Sweden. Celsius is a unit of measurement for temperature named for Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744).
CeludrusPersian Mythology (Rare, Archaic, ?) It is a mystical name of a fiction book by an author named Giselle Viatcheslav, meaning "DRAGON DIAMOND GUARDIAN OF EVIL". It emerged shortly after a millennium dragon gives birth to a child with vampire blood on the sacred celestial moon... [more]
CharmingEnglish (Archaic) An extinct surname. From English meaning "pleasing, attractive". In an alternative representation, it could be derived from the given name Charles.
CorderFrench (Anglicized, Archaic), English (American) Linked to both English, French and Spanish origin. Cordier, Cordero, Corder- one who makes cord. Can refer to both the act of making cords (rope), cores of fire wood, or actual location names.... [more]
D'aurevalleFrench (Archaic) This medieval surname literally means "from Aurevalle". Aurevalle can refer to any of the three French communes that are nowadays known by the more modern spelling Orival. All of them ultimately derive their name from Latin aurea vallis meaning "golden vale" or "golden valley".
DeabreumPortuguese (Portuguese-style, Archaic) (de Abreu uma aldeia de são Pedro de mansões em Minho, ou Abruzzo da Itália, ou do visigótico corajoso ou valente ou capaz, ou Sefarad filho de Abraão ou céltico pinus)
DesmoinesFrench (Archaic), French (American) An archaic French surname that begins in the US. It denotes a person who lived in places named Des Moines. From French meaning "from the monks" or "of the monks".
DingfelderMedieval German (Rare, Archaic) When surnames were finally adopted, family heads who originated from Thungfeld in the Steigerwald area of Mittelfranken, took the name of their traditional home area.
EgilatzBasque (Rare, Archaic) From the name of a town in Álava, Basque Country, derived from (h)egi "border, edge; hill, slope, bank" and lats "brook, small stream", or possibly latz "rough, crude".
ErratzurizBasque (Rare, Archaic) From the name of a farmhouse in Baztan, Navarre, derived from Basque erratz "broom (plant), Spanish broom" and zuri "white" with the toponymic suffix -iz.
ErrotabarriaBasque (Archaic) An extinct surname. Derived from Basque errota meaning "mill, factory" with the Spanish suffix -barria which refers to a "neighborhood".
EstebEnglish (British, Rare, Archaic) Topographic name from Middle English est + hawe ‘east enclosure’ (Old English ēast + haga), denoting a dweller ‘at the east enclosure’, or from a lost minor place so named... [more]
FerreiriCeltic (Latinized, Archaic) Ferreiri or Ferreiro is a Galician surname in the north of Spain. It's a last name belonging to ancient Celtic tribes.
GiorgainafGreek (Archaic) Andronymic meaning "wife of Georgios". This was used in early modern Greece, at which time a married woman's surname was formed from her husband's given name and the suffix -αινα (-aina)... [more]
GonzagaSpanish, Portuguese, Italian (Archaic) Habitational name for someone from a location called Gonzaga in Mantua, Italy. This was the name of an Italian family that ruled Mantua from 1328 to 1708.
GoudeauGermanic (Rare, Archaic), French Possible variant of the surname Goethe. It also possibly derives from the diminutive Old French of "gode", meaning "happy-go-lucky, debauched".
GrattàLate Greek (Italianized, Modern, Archaic, Expatriate) Historical origins of Grattà are found in The Southern Region of Italy in The Province of Catanzaro, Calabria; predominately in the Comune of Girafalco and Palermiti. There is also at least one Coat of Arms that place the name being used in the The Commune of Lucca, Region of Tuscany in Central Italy.
HaagGermanic (Archaic) 'The German surname Haag, like many surnames, was taken from some geographical feature near the dwelling place of its first bearer. Coming from the Old Norse haga, or some local variation of the word, the name means "one who lives near a hedged or fenced enclosure."... [more]
HashiJapanese (Rare, Archaic) Alternative spelling of Old Japanese "波斯" (Hashi) meaning "Persia", ultimately from Middle Chinese "波斯" (Puɑ siᴇ), from Old Persian 𐎱𐎠𐎼𐎿 (Pārsa).... [more]
HashiJapanese (Rare, Archaic) From Old Japanese "破斯" (Hashi), an alternative spelling of Old Japanese "波斯" (Hashi) meaning "Persia", from Middle Chinese "波斯" (Puɑ siᴇ), ultimately from Old Persian "𐎱𐎠𐎼𐎿" (Pārsa).... [more]
HintonEnglish (Archaic) Comes from Old English heah meaning "high" and tun meaning "enclosure" or "settlement." A notable person with the surname is female author S.E Hinton.
HornæusSwedish (Archaic) Probably a latinization of Härnösand, a city in Västernorrland County, Sweden. A notable bearer was Swedish priest Laurentius (Lars) Christophori Hornæus (born as Lars Christoffersson in 1645 in Härnösand)... [more]
HorntonEnglish (Rare, Archaic) Derived from the surname Horton or perhaps used to describe a horn maker meaning “maker of horns.”
HosekinDutch (Archaic) Occupational name for a maker or seller of hose (garments for the legs), from Middle Dutch hose "stocking, boot".
IshanagyiOkinawan (Archaic) From Okinawan 石垣 (Ishanagyi) meaning "Ishigaki", an area in the city of Ishigaki in the prefecture of Okinawa in Japan.
JachimiOkinawan (Rare, Archaic) From Okinawan 座喜味 (Jachimi) meaning "Jachimi", a former area in the former district of Yuntanja in the former Ryūkyū kingdom of Chūzan in parts of present-day Okinawa, Japan, or it being the Okinawan form of Japanese 座喜味 (Zakimi) meaning "Zakimi", an area in the same place, in the village of Yomitan in the district of Nakagami in the prefecture of Okinawa in Japan.
LandetxoBasque (Rare, Archaic) From the name of a neighborhood in the municipality of Mungia, Spain, derived from Basque landa "field, prairie, plain" and etxe "house, home, building".
MacTorinManx (Archaic) Manx Gaelg "son of Þórfinnr" (from Þórr the name of the Scandinavian thunder god + the ethnic designation Finnr).
MalefeytDutch (Archaic) Archaic Dutch surname that is now no longer in use (not in this exact spelling, that is): the spelling reflects the surname's origin from older times (as -eyt is an exclusively archaic spelling that has not survived into modern times like its counterparts -eit and -ijt did)... [more]
MarlockGerman (Archaic) Derived from Middle High German and Middle Low German mar(e), denoting an evil elf, a creature that sits on one's chest at night, and Middle High German loc "a lock of hair; hair; mane"... [more]
MartaOld Celtic (Latinized, Archaic) It is a small animal from the variety of mammals living in Spain and is prized for its skin has great finesse. Also known like Beech Marten (Stone Marten or White Breasted Marten).
MauleonSpanish (Archaic) All I know is that there is a place in spain "Basque Country" that their town, apartments, holtes are named Mauleon. The language spoken is Basque a form of "Spanish and French"
MittelkauffGerman (Archaic) An extinct occupational name for a broker or middleman from Middle High German mittel meaning "middle" and kauf meaning "purchase".
MoriancumerMormon (Archaic) In the Book of Ether, Jared's brother's name remains untold. Joseph Smith revealed that his name was Mahonri Moriancumer.
NevilisVenetian (Archaic) An extinct surname. Likely derives from Italian "neve", meaning "snow". This surname was possibly given as a nickname to someone with light hair or fair skin. It could also be a cognate of the French surname Neuville.
NithercottEnglish (Archaic) An extinct surname. Derived from Old English "nefa," meaning "navel, center," and "cote," meaning "small cottage".
NordenskiöldSwedish, Finland Swedish (Archaic) Combination of Swedish nord "north" and sköld "shield". Norden is also the Swedish name for the Nordic countries, but it is not the element used in this surname. Nordenskiöld is a Swedish and Fennoswedish noble family, the first known members are brothers Anders Johan Nordenskiöld (1696-1763) and Carl Fredric Nordenskiöld the elder (1702-1779)... [more]
NusukuOkinawan (Rare, Archaic) From Okinawan 野底 (Nusuku) meaning "Nosoko", an area in the city of Ishigaki in the prefecture of Okinawa in Japan.
ObaldiaMedieval Basque (Latinized, Archaic) Obaldia comes from the Proto-Euskera or Proto-Basque (ancient Basque languaje) that is Dovaltia (also known as Dobaldia). Its meaning is pear tree or european wild pear.
Ó DonndubhartaighIrish (Archaic) Means "descendant of Donndubhartach", a personal name composed of donn "brown" and dub "black" combined with artach "nobleman".
PabalatTagalog (Filipinized, Archaic) A Filipino surname meaning "cover, saddle" or "saddle maker". This surname was probably created when a Spanish surveyor conducts a census sometime in the 19th century in Cavinti, Laguna, Philippines... [more]
PaciecoAncient Roman (Archaic) A Roman surname meaning "little one." One of the first persons recorded with this surname is a general named Vivio Pacieco, General Pacieco was sent by Julius Caesar to fight in the Iberian peninsula... [more]
PereireBreton (Latinized, Archaic) This surname is the Gallic (Gaulish) origin and it means wild pear tree. There are also similar spellig in the Iberian Peninsula such as Pereiro, Pereyro, Pereiros, Perero and Pereros. These surnames (last names) correspond to families of the Celtiberian culture.
PereiriCeltic (Latinized, Archaic) Pereiri or Pereiro is a Galician surname in the north of Spain. It's a last name belonging to ancient Celtic tribes.
PereiruMedieval Portuguese (Latinized, Rare, Archaic) This is a Military Order (Knights Templar or the Order of Solomon's Temple) and it was founded by the Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portucale (Henry, Count of Portugal) in the year 1090. It was then confirmed by Pope Alexandre III in the year 1177... [more]
RavelinoOld Celtic (Latinized, Archaic) It means manufacturing of fine and expensive fabrics. Also means the tailor or weaver. It comes from Asti and Piedmont (noth of Italy).
ReiszHungarian, German (Archaic), Jewish Variant form of Reis, or else a patronymic from a pet form of one of the Germanic compound names formed with raginą "counsel, advice" as the first element.
RudeenSwedish (Archaic) Variant or possibly an anglicized form of Rudén. Rudeen is currently not used in Sweden. One known bearer, bishop Torsten Rudeen (1661-1729), got his name from his father's surname Rudenius (also related to Rudén).
SanctiCeltic (Latinized, Archaic) Sancti or Santi is a Italian surname in the north of Italy, Cisalpine Gaul or Galia Citerior also known as Galia Togata. It's a last name belonging to ancient Celtic tribes.
SantiItalian (Latinized, Archaic) Santi is a surname of Christian inspiration and it means Son of Santo (Saint). It also has a second meaning in plural that is Santos (Saints). Santi is a last name that comes from Piedmont (northern Italy)... [more]
SantisMedieval Italian (Latinized, Archaic) It means holliness, hallowed, saintly, sainted, sanctity. It is a surname that corresponds with Italian Celts families (Italo-Celtic family groups), more precisely in Piemonte or Piedmont (north of Italy).
ShinmarAncient Hebrew (Hellenized, Archaic, ?) 'Shin'; literally translated as 'god', 'crown'. 'Mar'; Hebrew translation for 'master'. Used by Ancient Hebrew descendants/Jews still existing in Middle East & India. Also a city that exists in West Punjab with majority Hebrew/Jews & synagogues.... [more]
StentEnglish (Archaic) Derived from the Old Norse name Steinn meaning "stone". Recorded in several forms including Stein, Steen, Stone and Ston, this surname is english. It is perhaps not surprisingly one of the first recorded surnames anywhere in the world.... [more]
TuffinEnglish (Archaic), Anglo-Norman Tuffin is a surname that was brought to England in the Norman Conquest of 1066. It comes from the medieval female given name Tiffania, that comes from the Greek Theophania, composed of the elements theos, meaning God and phainein meaning to appear... [more]
TumbrellEnglish (Rare, Archaic) Etymology uncertain. Possibly derived from Old English tumbrel, a kind of small, two-wheeled cart designed to be easily tipped over, or from a variant form of timbrel, a percussion instrument similar to a tambourine.
UrtsuaBasque (Rare, Archaic) From the name of a mountain in the French department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, derived from Basque ur "water" and -tzu "plenty of".
Van Der VestDutch (Archaic) Means "from the city wall, of the fort", derived from Middle Dutch veste "fortification, stronghold, castle; reliability".
Van HeutszDutch (Archaic) A bearer of this name is J.B. van Heutsz, also known as the Pacificator of Aceh, former governor general of the Dutch East Indies.
Van WertDutch (Americanized, Archaic), Flemish Habitational name for someone from places in Belgium and the Netherlands called Weert, (De) Weerd, Weerde, or Waarde, all derived from Middle Dutch wert "holm, area surrounded by rivers".
VasaOld Swedish, Swedish (Archaic) Swedish noble and former royal family. Possibly from vase meaning "bundle" or "withy". The name is believed to be a reference to the family's coat of arms. The most notable member of the family was Gustav Eriksson Vasa (1496-1560), later known as Gustav I of Sweden (in modern times known exclusively as Gustav Vasa)... [more]
ZianiItalian (Rare, Archaic) Habitual surname denoting someone from Ziano, a locality in Italy. Unrelated to the Maghrebi surname of the same spelling.